Schedule of Book Reports


Rooms 8, 202, and 204

A book report is due each month. Below is a list of book reports for the year and a brief synopsis of each one. More detailed directions for book reports will be given at the beginning of each month.

September: Book Genre-your choice

-Very short oral report

-Presentations begin Tues., October 4

October: Book genre – fictional chapter book

-Written report on a flip book provided

-Due Tues., November 1

November: Book Genre – nonfiction book about a family or person from a culture other than your own.

- Create your own Culture Kit box. Directions will be given.

-Due Tues., Dec. 6

December –Take a holiday from book reports.

January: Book genre – historical biography

-One Person Puppet Show – Create a puppet of the subject of your biography. No sock puppets or pre-made puppets.

- Due Tues., Feb. 7

February: Book Genre- fictional chapter book

- Create a NEW book jacket for the book you choose to read. Include the title and author of the book and a detailed picture representative of the book.More details to come.

- Due Tues., March 7

March: Book genre – fantasy/sci-fi

- Create Board Game, instructions to follow

-Due Tues., April 11

April: **10 Hour Project!!!

- Instructions to follow

- Due Mon., May 9

Book reports are finished, but you should continue to read on your own!! Thanks for sharing!!

September Book Report

For our first month you can do ANY book you want! The expectation is that you can give a 2-5 minute oral report about the basic information in the book. No visual required. Things students should mention…


Illustrator (if any)



Brief Plot summary

Why you liked it.

Nothing elaborates just something to get students thinking about presentations. If you have comments questions or concerns email me at

Presentations begin October 4th 2016