2nd Semester Updates from Mrs. Jones

Congratulations! You survived the first semester of 7th grade! You may not see that as an extraordinary feat, but if you listen to what society (especially those of us who are older and can reflect back on these moments of our lives), you are basically…well…LIKE A SUPERHERO!!!

According to GreatSchools.org, “It’s a commonly held truth that no three years are as miserable in an American child’s life as middle school. But those three years, so awkwardly sandwiched between elementary and high school, are not created equal. The top contender as middle school’s worst year, in all of its cringe-worthy, hormone-infused, brain-addled confusion is seventh grade, a tween’sannushorribilus.”

Or maybe you identify with James Patterson’s characters in Middle School, the Worst Years of My Life, “Now, like all the other schools I’ve ever attended, the hallways of Long Beach Middle School are plastered with all sorts of NO BULLYING posters. There’s only one problem: Bullies, it turns out, don’t read too much. I guess reading really isn’t a job requirement in the high-paying fields of name-calling, nose-punching, and atomic-wedgie-yanking.”

Whether these quotes hold some relevance to you are not, pat yourself on the back, Dear One! You are midway through this year! There is so much left to be done, but no matter how you started the race, let’s FINISH STRONG! You’ve got this!

So What’s New??

This semester in my class is all about establishing INDEPENDENCE.

Think of it as going from to .

You will probably get tiredof hearing me say, “I don’t know. What do you think?” But I mean it! It is TIME TO THINK! You will be asked to make lots of decisions this semester, and you will be expected to make wise, responsible decisions that you can commit to.

Overview of the Remainder of the Year:




Supplies Necessary:

If you do not already have one stored with me, you will need a new COMPOSITION NOTEBOOK.

As a class, we also need more colored paper and colored writing utensils (e.g., flair pens – Kroger had them for buy one get one free recently). If you can help with that, it is much appreciated!

Contract Terms and Conditions:

  • Research – During the month of January, we will focus our study on informational writing and research. (There will also be an additional research assignment in the 4th nine weeks, stemming from inquiry on the Difference Makers literature circle readings.)

Mrs. Jones will provide students with mentor texts and guide students through mini-lessons on analyzing content and craft. Additionally, she will facilitate the research and drafting processes, conferring with individuals as necessary.

You will determine inquiry topics through questioning, narrow focus through research, study informational texts to help you draft your own, compose your own writing, and present your findings with others.

  • Literature Circles – During the month of January, we will also launch classroom literature circles. As a matter of fact, we will have no more whole class novels this year. Instead, we will have three rounds of literature circles.

Mrs. Jones will provide titles for choices to students based around a topic or theme. She will work with student choice to establish literature circle groups. She will conduct mini-lessons to provide guidance for weekly reading focus. She will facilitate and assess the reading and discussion processes, conferring with individuals as necessary.

You will choose books based on your interest from a selection provided to you. You will be expected to read daily (usually independently) and prepare for a weekly discussion with a group about the book. You will have a reading focus each week. Your notes should be taken and ready to present at each meeting.

  • The Reading Minute – Whole class book chats will be replaced by The Reading Minute. Every Friday, all students will be responsible for sharing something from their reading within teams or with a small group/partner.

Mrs. Jones will model the process the first week (January 12th). After that, she will facilitate and assess students’ weekly presentations.

You will lead The Reading Minute within your small groups beginning January 19th. You will come to class prepared to share something you are reading every Friday and be attentive to others as they share.

  • Collaboration – Much emphasis will be placed on your being able to collaborate and communicate with your classmates this semester. You will be expected to present information and ideas…OFTEN!

Mrs. Jones will provide mentors and model expectations for academic talk and productive discussions. She will work alongside students to establish protocol for effective discussion and confer with groups and individuals to enhance discussions.

You will observe what effective talk looks like and sounds like, establish norms for academic talk, determine areas in which you can focus to improve and better contribute to academic discussions. You will conduct and be held accountable for academic talk, especially for research findings and literature circle discussions. You will also assess others and provide feedback to classmates regarding communication and collaboration!

  • Independent Reading – You will continue to track your independent reading. However, at this point in the year, we should see our page goals increasing. We should also be considering how we can challenge ourselves by branching out to new authors, new genres, more complex texts, etc. (Literature circle books DO count in weekly page goals.)

Mrs. Jones will work alongside students to determine appropriate goals. Additionally, Mrs. Jones will confer with students about reading quantity and quality, text selection, etc.

You will set new goals. You will read, read, read! You will be open-minded to new reading possibilities and look for opportunities to expend your reading repertoire.

  • Bathroom/Leave the Classroom Passes – You need to be IN CLASS! Emergencies are few and far between. You have had time to figure out your schedule and daily needs. You are being given Tickets to Leave the Room. You have 2 for each nine weeks plus one bonus pass. Unused passes may be redeemed for extra points at the end of the nine weeks.

Mrs. Jones will provide you with passes and determine if time requested is appropriate.

You will value class time and not ask to leave at inappropriate times. You will only ask to leave when your pass is in your hand.

  • Homework – Homework will continue to be assigned using Edmodo. Homework will be assigned on Monday and due on Sunday as usual. You may notice more choice on what you are asked to do this semester.

Mrs. Jones will post weekly, sometimes as early as Sunday evenings. All expectations will be included on the assignment.

You will submit assignments on time and follow guidelines of the assignment.

  • Writing for Publication – This semester will call for you to do much more writing and writing more for publication. This means you will be doing more revising and editing to perfect pieces that you have started to take them to completion.

Mrs. Jones will provide mini-lessons for writing, including lessons on craft analysis, editing, and revising. Mrs. Jones will confer with students as necessary to push writers to the next level.

You will keep your mind open to writing possibilities and ideas! You will think beyond “one-and-done.” In other words, you may have to revisit a single piece of writing multiple times to make it better. You will realize that falling in love with your first draft will likely lead you to heartbreak.



If you don’t struggle, you can’t grow!

I owe that to you! I owe you the struggle because you deserve to BE YOUR BEST!

Second Semester – Jones (ELA)

Contract Terms and ConditionsAgreement

I, ______, hereby declare that I have reviewed the terms and conditions for Mrs. Jones’s class for the second semester.

I expect Mrs. Jones to uphold her end of the bargain to me, and I am in agreement to follow the student expectations. I will look to Mrs. Jones for guidance and support, but ultimately, I know that I am responsible for my learning.

I understand that I will be asked to be more responsible and make more decisions on my own. After all, I am in 7th grade, and I survived the first semester, so I am basically a superhero. I know I can do this. I know the struggle will be worth the outcome.

Student Signature: ______

Teacher Signature: ______

Parent Signature: ______

Date: ______

Student Reflection

I am excited about… / I am concerned about…
I have questions about… / I would really like for us to…