Additional file 1: Reviews and meta-analysis studies on socio-economic impacts of genetically modified crops

  1. Areal, F; Riesgo, L; and Rodriguez-Cerezo. (2013). Economic and agronomic impact of commercialized GM crops: a meta-analysis. Journal of Agricultural Science, 151, 7-33.
  1. Bennett, A; Chi-Ham, C; Barrows, G; Sexton, S; and Zilberman, D. (2013). Agricultural biotechnology: economics, environment, ethics and the future. Annual Review of Environment and Resources, 38, 249-279
  1. Brookes, G. and Barfoot, P. (2014). GM crops: global socio-economic and environmental impacts 1996-2012. PG Economics Ltd: UK.
  1. Carpenter, J. (2010). Peer-reviewed surveys indicate positive impact of commercialized crops. Nature Biotechnology 28 (4): 319-321.
  1. Chen, H; and Lin, Y. (2013). Promise and issues of genetically modified crops. Current Opinion in Plant Biology 16, 1-6.
  1. EU. (2011). Report from the Commission to the European Parliament and the Council on socio-economic implications of GMO cultivation on the basis of Member States contributions. Brussel. A review based on a questionnaire to member states and accompanying document. (Includes a list of the available scientific literature worldwide on the socioeconomic dimensions of cultivation of GMOs).
  1. Fagerstrom, T; Dixelius, C; Magnusson, U; and Sundstrom, J. (2012). Stop worrying; start growing. Risk research on GM crops is a dead parrot: it is time to start reaping the benefits of GM. Science & Society. EMBO Reports 13 (6).
  1. Finger, R; El Benni, N; Kaphengst, T; Evans, C; Herbert, S; Lechmann, B; Morse, S; and Stupak, N. (2011). A meta-analysis on farm-level costs and benefits of GM crops. Sustainability 3, 743-762.
  1. Frewer, L; van der Lans, I; Fischer, A; Reinders, M; Menozzi, D; Zhang, X; van den Berg, I; and Zimmermann, K. (2013). Public perceptions of agri-food applications of genetic modification – A systematic review and meta-analysis. Trends in Food Science & Technology 20 (2), 142-152.
  1. Hall, C; Knight, B; Ringrose, S; and Knox, O. (2013). What have been the farm-level economic impacts of the global cultivation of GM crops? Systematic Review. CEE review 11-002.
  1. Kaphengst, T; El Benni, N; Evans, C; Finger, R; Herbert, S; Morse, S; and Stupak, N. (2011). Assessment of the economic performance of GM crops worldwide. Final Report. University of Reading: UK.
  1. Lemaux, P. (2009). Genetically engineered plants and foods: a scientist’s analysis of the issues (Part II). Annual Review of Plant Biology 60, 511-559.
  1. Lusk, J; Jamal, M; Kurlander, L; Roucan, M; andTaulman, L. (2005). A meta-analysis of genetically modified food valuation studies. Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics 30 (1), 28-44.
  1. Lusser, M; Raney, T; Tillie, P; Dillen, K; and Rodriguez-Cerezo, E. (2012). International workshop on socio-economic impacts of genetically modified crops co-organised by JRC-IPTS and FAO. JSR Scientific and Policy Reports. European Commission: Spain.
  1. National Research Council. (2010). The impact of genetically engineered crops on farm sustainability in the United States. Committee on the Impact of Biotechnology on Farm-Level Economics and Sustainability. Board on Agriculture and Natural Resources. The National Academic Press: USA.
  1. Qaim, M. (2009). The economics of genetically modified crops. Annual Review of Resource Economics 1, 665-693.
  1. Scatasta, S; Wesseler, J; and Demont, M. (2006). A critical assessment of methods for analysis of social welfare impacts of genetically modified crops: A literature survey. Discussion Paper 27. Mansholt Graduate School. Wageningen: The Netherlands.
  1. Smale, M; Zambrano, P; Falck-Zepeda, J; and Gruere, G. (2006). Parables: Applied economic literature about the impact of genetically engineered crop varieties in developing countries. EPT Discussion Paper 158. IFPRI. Washington: USA.
  1. Smale, M; Zambrano, P; Gruere, G; Falck-Zepeda, J; Matuschke, I; Horna, D; Nagarajan, L; Yerramareddy, I; and Jones, H. (2009). Measuring the economic impacts of transgenic crops in developing agriculture during the first decade. Approaches, findings and future directions. Food Policy Review 10. IFPRI. Washington: USA.
  1. Spoek, A. (2010). Assessing socio-economic impacts of GMOs. Issues to consider for policy development. IFZ: Austria.