Community Paramedic Advisory Committee

April 25, 2017 2-3pm 866-365-4406, pass code 2512302


Attending: Jana Beren-Sletten, Buck McAlpin, Cory Kissling, Pete Tanghe, MD, Susan Long, Peter Carlson, Mike Wilcox

Approve Agenda

Approve minutes: motion to approve– Jana Beren-Sletten, second – Dr. Pete Tanghe

I.  Work Groups

1.  Physician – no updates

2.  Update on SOP project– SOPs can be found in the MDH Toolkit – project complete!

Data Collection & Analysis – Cory Kissling reported that National measures have been determined, Cory will look for link and share. Will add to the CP website resources. Link:

3.  Training & Education –Kai, Deb, Susan – CP Conference

·  CP Operation group interested in having a topic on safety for CPs. Susan shared that we are hoping for a possible panel on this topic. Dr. Tanghe will bring back to group for suggestions on presenters.

4.  Information Resource, Promotion & Definition of CP – Additional resources have been added to the website. Will add the National Measures link once Cory sends to Susan

5.  Funding & Reimbursement – Buck McAlpin – Legislation around integrated health care – now 22 health care systems that participate in Care coordination projects. Mandates a mandatory monthly care coordination (for the Medicaid Integrated Health Partnership (IHP) fee based on the number of chronic conditions a patient has. This could help provide revenue to pay for Community Paramedic services.

II.  2017 Objectives

a.  Second CP conference focused on CEUs for CPs (Debbie/Kai/Susan)

b.  Work with 3rd party payers and secure reimbursement for CP Services (Team – Brian Edwards/Pete Tanghe, MD) – Operations Committee is working on this as a main priority. Suggest that we delegate this task to them. North is finishing a pilot with Blue Cross, offered to provide an update at our July meeting.

c.  Data Collection (Team – Julie Jensen/Amber Brown/Ann Majerus/Mike Wilcox, MD) – National measures have been established and have been posted on NAEMT website

d.  Increasing participation on CP Advisory Meetings (need interested members) – discussion on finding additional participants. Operational CP group is working on operational issues. Dr. Tanghe suggested maybe we could look into connecting with CP students to help build interest in our committee. Dr. Wilcox offered to help connect with students

III.  Updates

·  Program Updates –

North – continues to shift focus into IHP (Risk based MA patients). Biological age of patients in decreasing but complexities are not changing. Integration of CPs into 911. Working to load more EPIC data/Care Plans into EMS ePCRs. BCBS – pilot wrapping up, will discuss further in July.

Allina – getting more interest from the system in CPs so trying to control growth of the program. Allina just received a grant to help connect patients with care resources. Project in development stages. IT is working on CP Home Base in EPIC for CPs – will allow Allina to bill for services

Dr. Wilcox – In Skilled Care Units, incorporating CPs into the Care Team. Integrating CPs into Scott County Jails – began 2-1-17. Working at adding CPs into Health Care Collaborative.

Jana – Granite Falls – developing processes and working with Primary Care to develop program. Have seen 34 patients so far. Working with Cardiac Rehab patients – 2 weeks after rehab discharge do home visits to ensure patients are following their care plan. Meeting with BCBS on a project for CPs to see patients and work on decreasing their HEDIS scores. New nursing home built in town – EMS transports have dramatically increased for transports that are non-emergency for these patients. Working with Medical Director to explore options.

·  Legislative - See above

·  Upcoming CP Events – Canadian CP Conference in August –Paramedic across Canada Expo August 18 & 19, 2017.

IV.  Other

  1. Next Meeting July 25, 2017 2-3 pm, location TBD or phone