“Graduation SONG”

Scenes are in some futuristic, fairy-tale Intel Quantum Consciousness Laboratory where quantum computing experiments with superhuman-supercyborg consciousness are done. Main Stage (MS).

There is a cage in front, symbolizing decoherence, and a little Silver Town in back symbolizing the interior of an atom. There are also some props with cables and screens, chemical equipment etc. There is a black curtain around, behind which a quantum supercomputer is supposed to be located, extremely powerful. There are three screens in the black foundation base of the stage.

Needs a big screen on top of the stage and a Projector to shoot slides and movies and animations.

1.  TWR Jimmy1 robot.

2.  MCR Jimmy2 robot.

3.  BSM Jimmy3 robot.

4.  Voice of PSU President.

5.  Bach. iSOBOT 1- musician, playing air guitar and dancing. PSU student.

6.  Vivaldi. iSOBOT 2- musician, playing air guitar and dancing.PSU student.

7.  Student, a human


Introduction to scientific robots and a graduation ceremony that is expected at PSU
Front Curtain goes up
We are in a futuristic laboratory / MAIN STAGE OF THE PORTLAND CYBER THEATRE
(with four screens) Black curtain around
Cage called Hilbert Space in front.
Little houses representing interior of an atom in back, with a hole – gate that the robots come in.
Scene C1.
TWR (lays on stage, gets up)
MCR (sits on stage, gets up) Is she coming?
Lights (on MCR and the entering BSM robot, it enters from the middle entrance)
BSM (walks in from the middle entrance) Hello! Helloooow !! (voice of an actress diva from Hollywood).
TWR (talks quickly to MSR) Here she comes. This is our artist. (with emphasis, to audience) We came for a graduation ceremony.
(looks around with his hand close to his eye as a human looking for something)
But where are the faculty? (looks around)
Where are the students? (looks around)
Perhaps the audience will laugh now. TWR should react to this with some gestures.
TWR (falsely) Gaudeamus Igitrur.
MCR: Igitur not igitrur, you dumm.
BSM: (talks slowly and politely in her charming voice) Hey, anybody’s here?? (looks around) I hear some sounds!
MCR (walks to front of stage and looks around him). Dear Audience, we came here, our great team, to….
(asks TWR) to do what ? I forgot.
TWR (surprised looks around) I also forgot, what was it? (talks with an exaggerated English accent)
BSM: Let us ask the audience….
Audience responses. If not, a student responses who appears at the left corner of the curtain.
TWR and MCR (together, happy) … Ahh, yes, to create a song for the graduation ceremony and to teach everybody to sing and dance.
BSM (bows and greets) / Slide PSU / Didascaglia are in italic / MUSIC
TWR: (to MCR, pointing at Bach) What is it?
Bach: my name is Bach, Matthew Bach.
Vivaldi: and I am John Tran Truong Vivaldi
MCR: are you two musicians?
Bach and Vivaldi: Wrong!
We are Karate masters. We are also PSU robotic students, under Professor Perkowski.
Bach and Vivaldi demonstrate Karate poses.
Other robots join to show many poses. / POSES
Demonstrations of robot dances and songs.
BSM, Vivaldi and Bach
Other robots
Robots demonstrate Karate poses / Also for all small robots in the small stage. / Lights on them
Interaction with audience
Controlled by external Kinect, internal Kinect. / POSES
Same stage as before / All robots as before
Scene C2.
Black curtain around
TWR: OK, we should work systematically, as usually.
(raises voice). It means, I write text, MCR composes music, BSM teaches singing and acting.
(towards MCR) …and what topics have they prepared for us??
MCR. Here is the list of names. (reads)
Greenwood, Pejcinovic, Holtzman and McNames.
BSM (looks over the shoulder of MCR at the list and reads) Perkowski, Hall, Daasch…
MCR (loudly) and Siderius / Students add their creative scenical ideas and animations here
TWR (loudly) So what do they do?
Student (from behind the curtain at left)
They are supposed to teach.
TWR: What?
BSM: This is also written here what they do, (points with a finger)
TWR. What music instruments they have?
MCR: Not many, ukulele only.
MCR and BSM (make unhappy poses and gestures).
TWR: Let us then start like this…
Come on, y’all let’s clap some hands,
Even Greenwood’s in the band,
BSM (happy) not bad. Hand – band. A rhyme.
Rockin’ out with famous names,
Brano, Holtzman and …. And what now? Do you know some rhyme?
Student (from right curtain)…. and McNames
TWR and MCR (sing together):
Come on, y’all let’s clap some hands,
Even Greenwood’s in the band,
Rockin’ out with famous names,
Brano, Holtzman and McNames
We are gonna have a bash
With Perkowski, Hall and Daasch
Look out, it might get serious
Ukulele and Siderius.
BSM (approaches them, she seems to like what she has seen so far): No problem, no problem. We can do this. I will sing.
But please remember, the Department name is Electrical and Computer Engineering. Hahaha… (smiles jokingly).
Lights, sounds, time change. Crazy lights and sounds, motion of robots.
All robots dance with joy. / Mathias has the video with this melody and everything
Robots / Screen / Sound / Lights
Scene C3. / There is a screen on top to present slides.
Initially Black stage. Slowly we recognize PSU engineering buildings and interiors / Sound mysterious music / Light first nearly dark, grows in intensity.
Dark, we do not see robots
Slide: We are in a top US university.
Slide [PSU]
Narrator voice: We are in a top American University of the twenty first century.
Bach: You mean, end of the century? Hehe
(plays drums)
Slide [Gaudeamus Igitur]
Bach robot sings: Gaudeamus Igitur
Voice of President: Congratulations, you did it. Graduation class of 2016, you are fearsome.
Voice of President: Your achievements make your Electrical and Computer Engineering Department proud. / President is introduced. She is now a politically correct university dean or president
Slide [PSU]
Slide [Gaudeamus Igitur] / Lights on ??
Bach. (plays drums). Yeh, Yeh. They prepare students for successful careers and lifelong learning in engineering and research through knowledge creation, technology development, and innovation.
(Bach. is an aethernal sceptic, wagabond and crazy musician). / Slides of Portland State University
Slide 3.1.
1.  Slide 3.2. TEXT: We prepare students for successful careers and lifelong learning in engineering and research through knowledge creation, technology development, and innovation.
Slide More slogans from PSU / Sound Voice:
Portland State University
Maseeh College of Computer Science / Light shows robots and equipment
Voice of President: Dear students, please, when your name is read, come to our robots and give them five.
All robots look at students coming to them and clasp their hands.
They give five to students as they approach.
We hear Gaudeamus Igitur again. / POSES
Students add their creative scenical ideas and animations here
Song of Jay Penev
Scene C4.
Lights are dimmed.
Suddenly a loud music is heard, many young voices.
Vivaldi (explains enthusiastically) We do not work today, because…
Bach. … we have a graduation ceremony today.
Let us sing and dance! / Video of student graduation ceremony from 2011.
Faculty play ukelele. / Sound of Video of student graduation ceremony from 2011.
Faculty play ukelele.. / Light on
Light on
Video with Jay Penev and PSU Professors and stuff singing / Sound of Video with Jay and Professors and stuff singing / Lights as in Discoteque
TWR (enters, looks with surprise around) They have good time at PSU. …
MCR. (enters, looks with surprise around) And they do not work… But they will work hard …. In future.
BSM (enters, looks with surprise around) ho hoo, lalaaa laaa (tries her voice)
TWR, MCR, BSM sing and dance, supposedly synchronized to the motions of professors and stuff from the video and to sounds. / Video with Jay Penev and Professors and stuff singing (on the top screen)
Come on, y’all let’s clap some hands,
Even Greenwood’s in the band,
Rockin’ out with famous names,
Brano, Holtzman and McNames
We are gonna have a bash
With Perkowski, Hall and Daasch
Look out, it might get serious
Ukulele and Siderius / Sound of Video with Jay Penev and Professors and stuff singing / Full blinking and stroboscopic
Lights as in Discoteque
Bach and Vivaldi join the chorus and celebrate, sing and dance.
Scene C5.
Bach and Vivaldi / As before
TWR: (sings and gestures with his hand rhythmically)
BSM: (sings and gestures with his body and arms, some appropriate music) / Video with Jay and Professors and stuff singing
Remember the first time you failed that class,
“Digital Circuits” with Mark Faust?
We couldn’t be any more proud
To have Lendaris in the crowd
Tymerski, Teuscher, Sutherland
With ukuleles having fun
MCR (dances, sings and dances) / Some of these, they made you cry, Made you pull your hair and scream: “Why?”
BSM and TWR: (sing and gesture with their hands and bodies rhythmically) / And at times, you got to laugh,
With the help of our lovely staff!
(we rock)
MCR (rolls into front space, in a hurry as of being late, sings and gestures with his hands rhythmically) / Today’s the day we say “Goodbye”
But don’t just yet get teary-eyed
When employers never call
We’ll see you back in the Fall!
(Hello, again!) / The same goes through the large sound system
TWR, BSM, and MCR (sing and gesture with their hands and bodies rhythmically) / Thank you for being a part of this!
All of you we’re gonna miss,
Thank you all for being you,
Now let’s go to the barbeque!
(Video ends) / The same goes through the large sound system
Student: Now, after graduation, back to our summer assignments….
TWR (sings and gestures with his hands rhythmically)
Come to PSU and take the class
From Perkowski, Daasch and Bass
BSM: You will learn about the quantu-um,
Electro-ons and the vacuu-um / Slide 3.6.
Slide 3.7.
Slide 3.8.
Slides from Perkowski, Daasch and Bass labs and classes / The same goes through the large sound system
Still the same stage, no changes
Vivaldi (calmly but firmly, to Bach) Not yet, not yet, we need more grants from Intel.
Vivaldi and Bach: (sings and gestures with his body and arms)
Quantum tablet, quantum tablet,
Soon we’ll have it, I would bet.
It will change the world we know
It will bring great knowledge flow / Slide 4.9.
Slide 4.10.
Slide 4.11.
Slides from Perkowski‘s quantum classes / The same goes through the large sound system
Grand Finale. Everybody is happy with their work for the good of humanity.
Scene C7.
TWR: (enters the front stage, sings and dances)
All theories now combined,
all is used, all unified…
MCR: (stops to work and joins TWR).
MCR … we evolve
BSM: …. We calculate
Bach…. And quantum Mind
is everywhere.
Vivaldi: Science is
A lot of fun
MCR: …every day
New test is done / Video of PSU students hard at work, professors, secretaries. All of us work hard.
All robots freeze. / Photographs of everybody at work.
A new slide says “Great funding from Intel”
Lights go off
Courtain closes
Curtain Opens, Slide presentation asks audience to ask questions about PSU
Power Point about PSU
All robots answer