Title:Famous Texans

Developed bySouth Bosque Fourth Grade Teachers


Objective:Students will be able to locate information and pictures about famous Texans on the Internet to produce a written report.

Timeline:One hour

Content Area:Social Studies,Language Arts / Grade Level: 4
Materials/Resources:Internet Access, Microsoft Word / Technology Focus:
Word Processing
Subject Area–Social Studies--§ (B, D); § (E)
Language Arts--§,D,F);§ ( C ); § (F)
Technology Applications - §126.3.4 (A); §126.3.7 (B)


  1. Access the Internet and search for websites about famous Texans.
  2. Take notes about the famous Texan you have chosen.
  3. Locate a picture to use in your written report.
  4. Right-click on the picture.
  5. Go to Save Picture As… and save the picture to the desktop.
  6. Copy down the web address of the site.
  7. Open a word processing document.
  8. Type your heading and a title at the top center of the page.
  9. Press Enter.
  10. Go to File.
  11. Scroll down to Insert.
  12. Navigate to the desktop to insert your picture in the word processing document.
  13. Set the alignment to left and type a story about your famous Texan from your notes.
  14. At the bottom of the page, type in the name and web address of the site where you found your picture and information.
  15. Save and Print your document.


Internet use / Applied information to class project / Was able to use web technology / Unable to use web technology
Spreadsheet / Applied spreadsheet skills to class project / Able to use spreadsheet technology / Unable to use spreadsheet technology
Word Processing / Applied word processing skills to class project / Able to use word processing technology / Unable to use spreadsheet technology
Organization / Ideas are organized logically / Organization jumps around somewhat / No real organization
Introduction / Introduction grabbed the reader’s attention and gave useful information about the topic / Introduction informs the reader about the topic / Introduction missing or unclear
Conclusion / Conclusion summarized all information and restated arguments for your choices / Conclusion informs the reader of your choices / Conclusion absent or unclear
Modifications:Specify web sites students are to use.
Extensions:Students may add more than one picture to their report.
Students may use and cite information from more than one webpage.
Additional Resources:Lone Star Junction


Word Processing
Manage Documents / skills utilized in the project
Save a document to the file server / R / X
Use Print Preview / R
Format Documents
Set line spacing / R
Set alignment / R / X
Choose page orientation / R
Use headers/footers / I
Edit Text
Cut, copy, and paste / R
Spell check / R
Undo/Redo / R
Import Graphics
Insert and resize graphics / R / X
Use the drawing tools / R
Change fill color / R
Use rotate/flip / R
Use AutoShapes / R
Change line color and width / R
Use WordArt / R
Set the Text Wrap on graphics / R
Add page borders / R


Accessing Information / skills utilized in the project
Use automated card catalog (lesson done by librarian) / R
Enter a web address in the browser / R
Use a search engine/on-line database to locate valid information / R / X
Copy a web address from the Internet and paste in another program to cite the source URL / I
Copy a graphic from the Internet and paste in another program / R / X
Use interactive technology for problem solving / R
Use electronic communication to share information / R
Create a product collaboratively / R
Write any additional skills taught in the project