held on THURSDAY 3rd JULY 2014 at 7.30pm in the Hallingbury Room,

Stansted Hilton Hotel, Round Coppice Road, Stansted, CM24 1SF


  1. Apologies for absence: Bill Felton, Bob Gotobed, Jim Morris, Mick Pullin, Rob Oakley, Sophie Southgate, Peter Wright, Jackie Gibbs, Loraine Bant, Martin Williams.

[It should be noted that the M11 motorway access was completely closed between junction 7 and 8 due to an overturned tanker spilling contents into both north and south carriageways. Many attendees at this AGM were hugely delayed and others could not reach the venue. In the absence of the delayed President and Hon. Secretary, the chair was taken by John Hendy and notes taken by Rosemary Prince]

  1. Agree items to be covered under A O B. None received.
  2. Appointment of Tellers – Not necessary.
  3. Minutes of the 14thAnnual General Meeting 4th July 2013

Agreed to be a correct record. No matters arising. Proposed Richard West, seconded Russell Nutter.

  1. President’s Report

The President made her report later in the meeting. As attached.

  1. Adoption of audited accounts for 2011/12 and 2012/13.

Adoption of accounts proposed by John Helliwell, seconded by Barry Smith, passed and accepted by all.

  1. Presentation and adoption of audited accounts for the year 2013/14 (May 31)

Trevor Williams presented the accounts with a covering report [attached] and outlined the salient points where saving had been made. Trevor answered questions from the floor, after which he was thanked for the commitment and hard work in the past two years to turn the accounts around. Adoption of accounts proposed by John Helliwell and seconded by Barry Smith, passed and accepted by all.

  1. Approve affiliation fees for the season 2014/15. Management proposes that the ERHA Club affiliation fees for 2014/15 remain at £15 a team (schools do not pay an affiliation fee).

Approved to remain the same for the 2014-15 season. Proposed: Trevor Williams, seconded by Richard West. All in favour.

  1. Constitution. Proposal by Management Committee for adoption of complete revision of East Constitution. This matter was dealt with later in the agenda as there were unavoidable late arrivals due to the road closures. Thanks were extended to John Hendy for the work involved in drawing up this document but, even though the necessary notices had been given, after a lengthy discussion it was felt that for such an important document that the AGM was not quorate with the existing Constitution and that a Special General Meeting is appropriate. Meanwhile to amend the proposed Constitution to state that the quorum shall be 12. Proposed by Barry Smith and seconded by Trevor Williams. All in favour
  2. Reports:
  3. Finance

TW presented report [attached, as mentioned under item 7].

Richard West, Hertfordshire, reported that Hertfordshire will cut back JDC/JAC for first time due to increasing costs of facilities, staff, insurance, player costs and so are doubling up on pitch space and looking for cheaper pitches. All this will result in children being cut from system next year for the first time. Jim Jarrett, Hertfordshire, requested support from East for all counties in difficulty. ACTION: All counties to prepare and discuss at the next East Management Meeting and to look at different models.

Andy Dale, East Office outlined other savings methods but advised Herts to make contact with Sarah Walker at England Hockey to seek help. It would appear that pitch hire costs are the main strain on resources.

  1. Performance

Report presented in absence of MW who was one affected by road closures this night.

  1. Development

JH reported that the main part of his work hadbeen concerned with the revision of the East Constitution. Once the revised Constitution is adopted, JH outlined his vision for future work in relation to a Regional 5 year plan which includes research for, terms of reference, recruitment for, and creation of Regional Commercial, Regional Coaching functions, other development needs which are identified as the plan takes shape and an annual review of the Constitution.

  1. League

Report presented by RP and accepted.

  1. Competitions

Report presented in the absence of LB, also prevented from attending due to road closures this night.

  1. Appeals/Discipline

JH presented report and accepted. Also attached to the minutes is a summary of red cards, mmo’s and disrepute complaints 2013-2014.

  1. Umpiring

BS presented report and accepted.

  1. Indoor

No report received. DM had attended the last meeting and emphasised the importance of informing clubs of the indoor dates and posting on the East website.

  1. Masters

Report presented and accepted with comment that Masters is a growing and successful area.

  1. Technical Officiating

JS presented report and accepted.

  1. Relationship Manager

AD presented report. World Cup television coverage by Sky - most people thought was excellent and had a high standard of commentary. The point was made that wider coverage could be obtained by being on terrestrial TV but accept hard to get picked up due to size of fan base and lack of advertising. Overwhelmingly people were full of praise for the coverage.

  1. Regional Consultative Committee

DM presented report and accepted.

  1. Election of Officers for 2014/15:

PresidentDaphne Menear

Deputy PresidentPeter Leaton

Hon TreasurerTrevor Williams

Hon SecretarySheila George

All the above proposed by the Management Committee. Seconded by Sally Tippen.

Voted en bloc – carried unanimously.

  1. Election of Vice Presidents of the East Region Hockey Association

The President proposed with the agreement of the Management Committee the nomination of, Janet Goody, John Hendy and Russell Nutter as Vice Presidents of the Association. All agreed.

  1. Appointment of Auditor

Dan Baker proposed as Auditor. All in agreement.

  1. Date of next Annual General Meeting - Thursday 9thJuly 2015
  2. Any other business

No other business matters received by the Hon. Secretary within the required time.

Presidents Report AGM 3rd July 2014

When reflecting on the past year, it has amazed me just how much hockey has been played and how many players, coaches, officials, teachers, parents, spectators and facilities have been involved.

The East has seen a growth in participation in many areas. The league has extended, masters hockey has marched forward, with large numbers of players enjoying competition with their peer groups, 'Back to Hockey 'has given confidence, that many new players needed, to join their local clubs and the Single System is thriving with nominations from the counties to performance, being the highest yet.

The success seen in the areas mentioned above is reliant on many volunteers especially the East Region subcommittees. It is pleasing that their hard work and expertise has been rewarded. May I take this opportunity to thank you all.

There have been changes, all absorbed and implemented smoothly. The umpiring associations have seen a new qualification format, schools have embraced a new style of competition, rule changes to the indoor game were swiftly accepted. Clubs have had to become flexible with membership and selection, as players commitment to regular hockey has changed

I have had the pleasure of attending the opening of refurbished and new all weather pitches with in the region. England Hockey and Sport England have supported the projects financially, recognising the importance of these facilities in the East.

We also have the fine Lee Valley Hockey and Tennis Centre with in our region and although only opened on the 17th June there are already projects for the community in place and an exciting international programme. We will certainly be involved with many events.

The East Management have met regularly .We were pleased to have Sara Walker, Single System and Rich Beer, Development Director, attend our meetings and up date us on their new roles with in England Hockey.

I would like to thank all the county reps who have played an important role in discussions and the Chairpersons of the sub committees who report to us fully. A special thank you to John and his team for the long hours they have spent re writing the constitution

Without Trevor, Sheila and Peter, I would have struggled in my first year. Thank you Sheila for all the advice and support and for the work with youth competitions and presentations and to Peter who has attended meetings and presented trophies at many events. A big thank you Trevor for all your hard work with all financial matters and encouraging us all to look carefully at expenditure. Sadly 2014 will be Trevor's last handbook production. I would like, on behalf of all who use this vital booklet, to say a special thank you for your hard work and patience when preparing so many editions

I wish you an enjoyable summer, refreshed for September.

Daphne Menear.


Hon Treasurer’s Report for AGM 3July 2014

Accounts 2011-12 and 2012-13

These were presented to the 2013 AGM in draft form. They have since been certified by the Association Auditor, and therefore require formal acceptance by the 2014 AGM.

Statement of Account and Balance Sheet 2013-14

The Profit & Loss account shows a net surplus of some £4000 - a marked improvement on recent seasons, due mainly to a cost savings programme running throughout the year.

Senior Indoor
The competition achieved a surplus as costs were lower than budget.

East Leagues

Half of the costs of the East Handbook are carried by the Leagues, and savings from the reduction in size of the Handbook this year reduced League cost by around £1500 (see East Management for details). Fines income was reduced but was still sufficient to adequately subsidise In2Hockey Clubs youth umpiring costs.


Not significantly changed from last year – costs are entirely from tournament entry.


Umpire support costs are £1800 lower mainly due to the reintroduction of a cap on the coaching and assessment subsidy, and to a lesser extent from some admin savings.

East Management

Savings of just over £3000 were achieved on the East Handbook by reducing the number of pages and by moving the printing and distribution contracts to a single supplier – savings shared between East Management and the Leagues. Admin costs were lower due to correction of previous overpayments. Insurance costs were significantly increased, reflecting increases in JRPC match activity.

Youth Competitions

The overall cost is lower mainly because of a reduced subsidy for indoor hockey, and from some reductions in admin costs.

Performance (JRPC)

JRPC activities were on budget, and the surplus was £1500 better than last season in which there were unexpected equipment costs.

Next season

Not all of the savings achieved this year will occur in future years. However, the sustainable savings achieved are sufficient to keep the net P & L close to balance, and further cost savings will be identified next year, albeit on a smaller scale .

Thanks are due to all the people who have helped me manage the accounts, particularly Fiona Wheeler in Competitions, Andy Barlow in the East Leagues, Brian Perks in Indoor, and Tim Martin in East Umpires.

Trevor Williams

Hon. Treasurer ERHA


ERHA ACCOUNTs 2013-14 Certified by Hon Auditor 30.6.14
INDOOR / 2012-13
Fees / £9,730.00
Expenditure / £9,730.00
Hall hire / -£4,401.30
Umpiring and TD / -£3,246.55
Admin / -£40.00
£2,042.15 / -£280
League fees / £7,489.00
League fines / £530.00
AGM/Presentation Day / -£1,357.00
Young umpire support / -£530.00
Half cost of East Handbook / -£1,109.43
Half cost of East website / -£641.98
Admin / -£1,715.34
£2,665.25 / £438
Tournament fees & admin / -£1,400.00
-£1,400.00 / -£1,539
Umpire assessment & coaching / -£4,510.72
Admin / -£1,371.68
-£5,882.40 / -£7,500
Bank and stock interest / £514.57
Club affiliation fees / £11,040.00
Misc income / £2,114.62
Insurance / -£1,896.90
Half cost of East Handbook / -£1,109.44
Half cost of East website / -£641.99
Admin / -£3,664.94
£6,355.92 / £2,248
SUBTOTAL SENIOR COMPS & MAIN ADMIN / £3,780.92 / -£6,633
JAC Competitions
Entry fees / £14,658.00
Costs / -£14,650.01
£7.99 / £89
Schools Competitions
Entry fees / £7,089.00
Costs / -£6,669.79
£419.21 / £26
In2Hockey Competitions
Entry fees / £5,647.00
EHB subvention / £800.00
East League subsidy / £530.00
Costs / -£6,985.33
-£8.33 / -£1
Indoor Competitions
Entry fees / £3,881.00
Costs / -£5,433.50
-£1,552.50 / -£1,977
Competitions Committee
Income / £382.00
Expenditure / -£948.30
-£566.30 / -£995
SUBTOTAL YOUTH COMPETITIONS / -£1,699.93 / -£2,858
St Albans fees / £32,432.50
Bury fees / £31,873.50
Othrer income / £788.60
Training & Cluster costs St A / -£26,482.29
Training & cluster costs Bury / -£31,155.09
JRPC and Tier 1 / -£4,737.19
SUBTOTAL PERFORMANCE / £2,720.03 / £1,281
NET PROFIT/LOSS / £4,801.02 / -£8,211
Carried from 2012-2013 / £47,614.42
P & L 2013-14 / £4,801.02
Represented By
Current Account / £9,500.64
Main reserve account / £34,754.18
Camps Account / £10,673.61
JRPC account / £1,343.21
Creditors / -£11,272.53
Cheques in process / -£449.83
Debtors / £7,866.16

East Region Performance Director’s Report for the 15th AGM of the East Region Hockey association held on 3rd July 2014.

Numbers invited/attended JRPC 2014 with those attending 2013 in brackets:

Boys / Northwood / Bury / Girls / Northwood / Bury
U15 / 35/34 (37) / 39/38 (36) / U15 / 34/33 (34) / 35/34 (35)
U16 / 41/40 (38) / 37/36 (37) / U16 / 39/39 (31) / 40/35 (36)
U17 / 39/36 (33) / 41/41 (35) / U17 / 34/31 (25) / 34/31 (34)
U18 / 32/26 (30) / 33/31 (19) / U18 / 36/30 (31) / 36/30 (23)
TOTAL / 147/136 (138) / 150/146 (127) / TOTAL / 143/130 (121) / 145/130 (128)

Average number of players attending per squad – 33.9 (up from last year – 32.1)

Progressing to National Age Group Squads from JRPC 2013:

U18 Boys: William Calnan (Surbiton and Surrey); Conor Caplan (Old Loughtonians and Essex); Bertie Mortimer (Old Loughtonians and Essex); Nicholas Page (Southgate and Herts).

U18 Girls: Megan Crowson (St.Albans and Herts); Abi Ashford (Old Loughtonians and Essex); Georgia Harrison (Leicester Ladies and Cambs); Clare Poole (Suffolk); Sophie Sunderland (Suffolk); Alice Wills (Old Loughtonians and Herts).

U16 Boys: Tom Crowson (Cambridge City and Herts); Charlie Field (Cambs); Euan Gilmour (Cambridge City and Cambs); Oscar Sadikot (Cambs).

U16 Girls: Charlotte Calnan (Surbiton and Surrey)); Lucy Holder (Suffolk); Chloe Joarder (Old Loughtonians and Essex); Holly Munro (Surrey); Gabby Stilgoe (Norfolk)

2014 Update:

  • Merchant Taylors School (Northwood) and Culford School (Bury St Edmunds)/Harleston Magpies (Bury St Edmunds) retained as JRPC Centres for 2014. Venues coming up for tender (format to be finalised) after this year’s JRPC round.
  • Merchant Taylors School (Northwood) and Old Loughtonians H.C. to be Tier 1 Competition venues for 2014
  • Full team of coaches in place for each squad with contingency team in place to cover any absences.
  • Change of emphasis within coaching moving away from pure technical skills and drills to more game play.
  • Continued involvement of England Hockey Centrally Contracted Coaches brings the air of professionalism to JRPC. Change of emphasis in that CCCs now have more of a mentoring role than a hands on role.
  • Introduction of Apprenticeship for Advanced Sports Excellence (AASE) for U17s (and some U18s) who reach HiPAC - based on School Year. Introduction of NAGS Academy running alongside to ensure Continuing Professional Development for all those accepting invitation who have reached Tier 2.
  • Single System Review: After 6 years implementation the opportunity to review the Single System is being undertaken. 47 key points have come out of the review which are being worked upon over the next 18 months. Player Pathway Working Group created dealing with Governance of the Single System put in place. Martin Williams represented East Region. Paper being put to SSSC this month. Deals with Governance of JDC, JAC and JRPC. Outcomes to be published in due course.

Martin Williams

East Region Performance Director

30th June 2014

League Report (Paraphrased from report given at League AGM on Sunday 9th June 2014)

Chairman Rosemary Prince welcomed everyone to the AGM and thanked Letchworth HC for hosting the event once again and for the wonderful buffet that had been provided. She reminded any club that fancies hosting the event to let any committee member know.

She reflected that it felt such a short time since the last AGM. In 2012/13 we were reflecting on the awful weather that had affected the season. In contrast this season, surprisingly we lost very few games due to the weather. It seemed to make the season easier for everyone involved from the League Committee through to the Club Fixture secretary’s and administrators, through to the players themselves.

Rosemary thanked the East League Committee members and League Managers, who manage 40 individual League Divisions so well and seamlessly.

This season had seen the new Division 3 and 4’s introduced, this introduction to clubs mainly from Lincs and Cambs had gone well. We know this because we carried out a survey of the clubs and they told us so. Every club was in agreement the biggest improvement we could make was more games. We have listed to this and are implementing a new League structure for the 2014-15 season, which will see 1 x Div 3 with 12 teams, and 2 x Division 4’s with more teams too.

We have also held two similar consultations in the Men’s Divisions. The first was League wide to clubs with teams in lowest divisions looking at their preferred season structure in Divisions with 9 or 10 teams. The second was specific to the NE quadrant where to cut down on travelling make a Div 6NEN and 6NES. The results from clubs were very even, however the League Committee have decided to maintain the status quo at present because of clubs concern about the quality of hockey that would prevail and the imbalance between the divisions.

Rosemary gave her thanks to Neil Liversedge, in his role of East League Secretary, who in addition to the role he carries out led the consultation and ensured that the clubs views were heard.

Rosemary reported that the draft League Divisions had been collated by Richard Munns and were on display both at the meeting and on the League website. Rosemary thanked Richard for this and all the other tasks he completes in his role as Fixtures and Results Co-ordinator.