Citrix/Terminal Server & Vizual Products

Citrix/Terminal Server Background.

Citrix/Terminal Server offers tools that allow you to: manage a global server farm in your native language; centrally install, uninstall or make updates applications and push those changes to 100,000's of users within minutes; quickly provide web-based access to Windows, UNIX, or Java-based apps without rewriting application code; provide applications and content to users regardless of device.

Essentially a user logs on to a Citrix/Terminal Server and sees all of their programs on their screen. However the actual programs are only installed on the Citrix/Terminal Server and nothing, except a Citrix/Terminal Server Client, is installed on the local client PC. Because nothing is installed on the Client PC it means that when a client actually starts an application the only information which is sent across the network are keystrokes and screen shots this means that near to no Network traffic is created.

Vizual Products on Citrix

Personnel Director

Personnel Director does work on Citrix/Terminal Server but must be configured in a special way. In a standard install on a Citrix/Terminal Server environment the software should only need to be installed once and then the program is shared out to all users who require access. Clients who wish to use PD must install the software as per normal in this environment but the Vizual Program files must then be copied into each user folder so that multiple copies of the software are present on the server.

CapturIT (WTT)

CapturIT works on Citrix/Terminal Server but only the Client Server version and the Server side of the database engine MUST be on a separate machine to the Citrix/Terminal Server machine. The client programs, such as the Administrator, can then be configured on the Citrix/Terminal Server machine as required.

Payroll Director

Payroll Director can be set-up on a Citrix/Terminal Server using the standard install routine. Payroll systems are not often required to be accessed in this way.

Recruitment Director

Recruitment Director does work on Citrix/Terminal Server using the standard install routine.

Recruitment Manager & Training Administrator

RM & TA both work on Citrix/Terminal Server using the standard install routine.

Personnel Manager & Other Manager level products

These products all work on Citrix/Terminal Server but must be set-up under the same

conditions as Personnel Director.


All of the above products are still supported even when in a Citrix/Terminal Server Environment but we will NOT support any Citrix/Terminal Server issue only the actual Vizual Application.