Please answer each question clearly and completely. Type or print in ink.
Read carefully and follow all directions / PERSONAL HISTORY / Do not write in this space
Please attach a colored photo
  1. Surname
  1. Other names
  1. Maiden Name

  1. Date of birth Day Month Year
  1. Place of birth
  1. Nationality at Birth
  1. Present Nationality
  1. Sex

  1. Marital Status: Married Separated Widow(er) Divorced Single In a relationship

Permanent Address
Telephone No. / Present Address
Telephone No. / Emergency Contact;

10 Education: N.B Please give the exact name of the institution and the award obtained from there;

A)University/ other tertiary institution:

Name / Years Attended / Award or academic qualification / CGPA or Score

B)Schools or other training/ education (e.g high school)

Name / Years Attended / Award or academic qualification / CGPA or Score
  1. Please list any professional society you are a member of or any professional certificate that you posses;
  1. Please name the research topic/ publication that you have undertaken;

  1. Do you have any health issues or allergies? If yes, please mention the details below.

  1. Do you have any relative employed by a public or international organization?

If yes, please give the following information:

Name / Relationship / Name of organization / Contacts
  1. Do you have any relative who is currently working or has ever worked with Mukwano Group?

If yes, please give the following information:

Name / Position he/she held / Relationship / Contacts
  1. What is your preferred field of work? Or what is your area of specialization? Or which department do you prefer to work in?

  1. Knowledge of Languages: What is your mother tongue?

Other languages

Read / Write / Speak / Understand
Easily / Not Easily / Easily / Not easily / Easily / Not Easily / Easily / Not Easily
  1. Computer Skills; Indicate speed in words per minute when typing

English / Other languages / List below office machines or equipments you can operate
  1. Work history: Please start with your present post, list in reverse order.

From / To / Salaries/ Allowances per annum
Month/ Year / Month/ Year / Starting / Final / Exact Title of your post:
Name of Employer: / Type of business
Address of Employer; / Name of Supervisor:
Reason for leaving:
Description of your duties
From / To / Salaries/ Allowances per annum
Month/ Year / Month/ Year / Starting / Final / Exact Title of your post:
Name of Employer: / Type of business
Address of Employer: / Name of Supervisor:
Reason for leaving:
Description of your duties:
  1. References: List three persons not related to you who are familiar with your character qualifications and work history. Do not repeat supervisors listed above

  1. Full Name
/ Full Address / Business Occupation

20. State any other relevant facts;

21. Have you ever been arrested, indicated or summoned into court as a defendant in criminal proceedings or convicted or imprisoned for violation of any law (including minor traffic violations)?

Yes No

22. If yes please give full details of the case;
23. I certify that the statements made by myself above are complete and correct to the best of my knowledge. I understand that any misrepresentation or material omission on this form requested by Mukwano Industries (U) Limited renders a staff member liable to termination or dismissal.

Doc. No: MUUHR - 53 Revision Date: 29/10/2014 Doc Version: 01