Regular Monthly Meeting

May 11, 2010

The Washington Township Board of Supervisors held their regular monthly meeting on Tuesday, May 11, 2010. Supervisors present: Chairman, Ronald Sunderland, Vice-Chairman Robert Hrin Steven McClelland, Mike McClintick and Harold Wilson. Also present: Greg Kruk, Solicitor, Colleen Pifer, Secretary/Treasurer and Daniel Whaling, Roadmaster. Visitors: Roger & Lisa Geist, Julie & Theron Whaling, Betty Davis, Richard Vandervort, Paul Boboige, Paul Anderson, Township Auditors, Mary Kay Steele, Mary Ann McClelland, and Tara Lindemuth and Cathy Moore, Courier Reporter.

Chairman Ronald Sunderland opened the meeting at 4:00 PM with a salute to the flag.


Betty Davis, 329 Beechtree Road again came before the board requesting their support concerning the water/sewer tap litigation she is involved in with the Falls Creek Borough Municipal Authority. The F.C.B.M.A. has a mandatory water/sewer tap ordinance. Mrs. Davis feels she is over 300’ from the line therefore making her exempt from hooking on. The Solicitor said we had reviewed this information before. They have a hearing schedule on May 20, 2010 before an arbitrator. Mr. Kruk said you have an opportunity to present your case at this time.


On a MOTION by Harold Wilson, a SECOND by Steve McClelland all the board voting in favor, the minutes of the April 13, 2010, regular monthly meeting were approved as presented.


On a MOTION by Steve McClelland, a SECOND by Robert Hrin, all the board voting in favor, the vouchers due for payment and the payroll for the employees and Supervisors pay from April 14, 2010 thru May 11, 2010 were approved.


On a MOTION by Harold Wilson, a SECOND by Mike McClintick, all the board voting in favor, the monthly Treasurer’s report was approved as presented


The secretary presented a notification letter from Engineer Michael Baker, Jr., concerning the Kyle Lake Dam Renovations. Any areas of conflict should be submitted to DEP within 30 days. An email was received from JP Mascaro concerning the Township cutting brush on their property near the railroad. They have no objection as long as it is done professionally. Another email was received from PSATS addressed to Tara Lindemuth concerning auditors being permitted to review minute books and phone bills. They are permitted while auditing.


Regular Monthly Meeting

May 11, 2010



Supervisors updated the board on various meetings they attended during the month.

TCC - Steve McClelland reported that the TCC met on April 2th. A tax appeal committee was appointed. Three regular members were appointed; Larry Bowers, Laurie Wayne and May Lynn Lemmon. Two alternates members were appointed; Jennifer Bowers and Deb Wilson. A right-to-know policy was adopted. The TCC will receive a $5,000 match grant from DCED. The finance committee will present the budget for approval at the next meeting on May 27th. The start up committee will solicit bids for a tax collector.

Rails to Trails – Paul Boboige said it was brought to his attention that there were two errors on the hand painted signs at the WCT. Neon Signs needs to be notified. The next step is to apply for the GP-11 permits and submit to DEP for their approval.

Carrie Munro called prior to the meeting to inform the board they could not attend, but they were stilling pursuing the wetland review.


Paul Boboige, Director of TriCounty Rails to Trails Board requested the board to adopt a Resolution to approve a traffic study for the connector of the following trails; Falls Creek to McMinns Summit, Brockway to Ridgway and Brockway to Allen Mills. He is requesting Brockway Borough, Snyder Township, Falls Creek Borough, Brookville Borough and Warsaw Township to adopt the same resolution.

Resolution 2010-03…

On a MOTION by Robert Hrin a SECOND by Harold Wilson, all the board voting in favor, Resolution 2010-03, Traffic Study to Facilitate the Completion of Jefferson Bike and Hike Connector was passed.

Fuel Bids…

Only one bid was received from Glassmere Fuel Services. The OPIS Average as of 4/29/10 was $2.3691; Margin .1349; and unit price delivered as directed (building) was $2.504.

The Supervisors voted stay with W.G. Satterlee’s because of their good service despite they did not submit a bid.

On a MOTION by Steve McClelland, a SECOND by Harold Wilson, all the board voting in favor, the bid from Glassmere Fuel Service was rejected and the board voted to continue purchasing fuel from W. G. Satterlee’s on a month to month basis.


Regular Monthly Meeting

May 11, 2010

Health Insurance…

Scott Foradora briefed the board on the different companies that are providing health insurance. The Township’s current (UPMC) coverage is increasing by 14.6%. This is an increase of $380.26 per month. Mr. Foradora said our rate is high because of the average age (57) of the Township’s employees on the plan. His recommendation was to stay with UPMC.

On a MOTION by Robert Hrin, a SECOND by Harold Wilson, all the board voting in favor, the board will stay with UPMC for health insurance coverage for their fulltime employees. The new rates start June 01, 2010.

Carol Vanek property…

Carol Vanek offered to donate .410 of an acre to the Township. It is located at 915 Washington Highway. Mrs. Vanek would like a memorial of some kind for her deceased husband to be located on the .410 acre parcel. Before the new highway there was more property. The Vanek Family use to vacation here in the summer. They are from Cleveland, Ohio.

The Supervisors were very appreciative of the kind offer, but they declined the offer due to liability reasons.

Cable update…

The secretary said she had been researching the cable contracts. The cable contract with Comcast formerly Adelphia is for 15 years due to expire in 2025. The contract with Zito formerly Ducom expired in February 2010. They will forward the Township a new contract. Brockway TV has not responded back to us yet.


Living fences…

Mike McClintick, Supervisor over the Roads, reported that he was meeting with residents throughout the Township, mainly Patton Road, Reitz Crossing, and Mottern Road to talk to them about creating a “living fence” to help prevent snow drifts. He also mentioned the Road Crew is still mowing. He is planning on informing the residents prior to the mowing. It was suggested having the secretary type up a notice and the Roadmaster will put the notice on their door the week before the mowing is done. Tara Lindemuth suggested placing a sign/flag at the end of the road when doing the brush cutting.

McVitty Road has suffered a lot of damage due to the heavy farm equipment running across it. They discussed options on repairing it. They said fix it right using shale.

Dan Whaling, Roadmaster, reported they would be mowing on Kyle Run Road, Lundberg Road, Courson Road, and Harvey Run Road.

He also reported that Theron Whaling received his CDL our part-time worker.


Regular Monthly Meeting

May 11, 2010

Bond releases….

On a MOTION by Steve McClelland and, a SECOND by Harold Wilson, all the board voting in favor, bond releases for B.W.P. on Sensor and Horm Run Roads and Smith Logging on Moore Road were approved for release as recommended by the Roadmaster.


Mary Ann McClelland, Township Auditor for 38 years, wanted the board to know she was unhappy about what was reported in the newspaper about Robert Hrin’s comments at last month’s meeting. She assured the Mr. Hrin that Ron Sunderland was never present while they were conducting their audit unlike a former Supervisor who made regular visits while they were auditing. She also noted it was their duty as auditors to review the minutes and paid bills. Mary Kay Steele said they dug deeper into the cell phone bill when they noticed it escalating.

Harold Wilson asked if the Township had and ordinances to keep “homes” out of the Township. The Solicitor said you cannot target individual groups.

Truck for sell – 85 Ford…

Mike McClintick said the Road Crew was borrowing one of WinslowTownship’s bermer’s. A new would cost between $6,000 and $5,000. Mike suggested selling the 85 Ford Dump Truck “as is” with snow plow to help off set the cost of the bermer.

On a MOTION by Mike McClintick, a SECOND by Steve McClelland, all the board voting in favor, the 85 Ford w/plow will be advertised for sell. Bids will begin at $3,000.

Lisa Geist asked when the Fremer camp was going to finish cleaning up? The secretary will send another letter requesting Mr. Fremer to finish cleaning up.


On a MOTION by Steve McClelland, a SECOND by Harold Wilson as there was no other business or discussion, the meeting adjourned at 5:40 PM.

Respectfully submitted,

Colleen Pifer,
