Community Connections Assignment Sheet 2014-2015 SPANISH

Indiana World Languages Academic Standard #8:
Communities-Become an active global citizen by experiencing languages and cultures in multiple settings.

Learners use their knowledge of the target language and cultures both within and beyond the school setting both for personal enrichment and civic engagement.

National World Language Academic Standards- Communities:

5.1-  Students use the language both within and beyond the school setting.

5.2-  Students show evidence of becoming life-long learners by using the language for personal enjoyment and enrichment

This is an ongoing homework assignment for the 2014-2015 school year. With these tasks you will meet the requirements of the Indiana World languages Academic standard #8 (stated above) as well as National World Languages standards 5.1 and 5.2 (also stated above).Clearly label your assignment with the name of the activity choice, category and points that it is worth. You SHOULD complete these assignments BEFORE the due date. The class late work policy applies.
Guidelines: For each grading period, you will need to earn 40 Community Connections points. You must choose any combination of tasks adding up to your 40 points. You may choose to do additional activities (per quarter) for up to 10 extra credit points. (absolutely no more) The final grade is based on 40 points possible per quarter. Each activity may only be done once for the year so cross them off the grid upon completion of each activity. Assignments chosen will be graded, so do your best work! You are NOT guaranteed the full amount of points possible just for turning it in. Notice that the assignment deadline is close to the end of each grading period. I do not accept late work. You have pretty much the entire grading period each quarter to get these done and turned in. You will receive a zero if the deadline is not met. To receive full credit, you must follow all instructions. Assignments must be legible.

Due dates/ deadlines are:

1st quarter= October 9, 2014 (Thursday)

2nd quarter= December 11, 2014 (Thursday)

3rd quarter= February 26, 2015 (Wednesday)

4th quarter= May 21, 2014 (Thursday) NOTE TO SENIORS: NONE due this grading period

Acknowledge / Report – 10 Point choices

Bring in an article about the Spanish speaking world and explain it to the class. Explain in terms of: who, what, where, why, &what significance it has to your life or life in the US. / Leave me a voice mail message in
Spanish Don’t forget to include your name!(ext 429 ) Only on specified dates! Listen for details. / Travel to a Spanish speaking area and send me a postcard written in Spanish! (must still reach me by the due date) / Have a parent/guardian introduce themselves to me in Spanish and sign in during Meet The Teacher. (August 21rd)
Form and lead a study group for
your Spanish final Exam. Prepare a report of the event including: who participated, date, time, place, what you covered and obtain an adult signature as a witness. / Find and describe 10 good websites related to Spanish. State the site address, rate it and give a brief synopsis of the contents of the site (in your own words) / Write an explanation of how knowing Spanish enabled you to help someone else or to understand something others did not. Provide evidence of this experience and elaborate on the reflection. Must be a quality essay(CHS standards / Find a want ad in the news-paper or internet which requires the ability to
speak Spanish and explain what the other job requirements include and why use of the other language is important.
Send me an e-mail in
Spanish... Put CC and class period in the subject line and it should be at least 7 sentences long.
/ Attend a Spanish club meeting. Be sure to sign in and/ or include proof of your participation as well as write a small summary of your experience. .

Speak / Teach – 15 Point choices

Visit an authentic Mexican restaurant (not Taco Bell!). Order in Spanish and write a summary of your experience(and get the owner’s signature to prove you were there) / Speak Spanish with a family member or advanced level student for at least 15 minutes. Write a l-page summary of your conversation. Have the family/ student member sign your paper. / Read a Spanish children’s book to an audience of children (at library, church, school, home) and teach children some of the vocabulary. Write a summary of your experience and include pictures/ photos of the event. / Create an awesome set of thematic picture flashcards to use when teaching others. You must choose a theme and find a group of at least 2 people (who do not know Spanish) to teach. Include photos of your teaching session, the flashcards and comments signed and dated by your “students” about how it went
Present to the class with slides or photographs about your visit to a Spanish -speaking location. Let me know when you would like to do this so I can schedule the time / Tutor someone else in Spanish several times and write a 1-page reflection. Give the dates and times that the sessions were held. / Write a letter to a real Spanish pen pal or e-pal twice and get an answer. (All in Spanish). Bring me copies.

Perform / Demonstrate – 20 Point choices

Prepare a demonstration with a Hispanic/Latino cultural theme to present to the class. You may present in English but include some pertinent vocabulary in Spanish to teach to the class. Include visuals as well as an assessment component. You will be teaching the class something they don’t already know. See me for topic approval. Make it look professional- not thrown together. / Sing or play for the class an authentic holiday song from a Spanish speaking culture during month of that holiday. Explain its’ history and significance to the class and/or teach the class the lyrics. Turn in a written copy of your report. Not “ Feliz Navidad” / Sing a song in Spanish or play a Spanish song (on an instrument) for the class.
Explain the song and its’ history and significance to the class. Turn in a written copy of your report.
This cannot be a song I have already taught you. Song choice must be approved of by me.

Create / Research – 25 Point choices

Read a book written in Spanish (without English translation) or read a book in English based upon cultural/ political theme of a country where the language is spoken. Write an original reaction paper about it using details from the literature to illustrate/support your thoughts. NO PLAIGERISM / Investigate a local and/or global need associated with the Spanish language /culture and report your findings to the class. EXPLAIN all aspects of the issue: need/problem, reasons, solutions etc. In a formal paper and orally to the class. Sources and support must be evident and given. / Create a board game for review of a Spanish concept(s) or a Spanish trivia game. Must include rules /instructions for playing, all parts needed to play and be neatly packaged for storage. Last minute /shabby work will not be accepted. / Make an informational PowerPoint about a cultural custom or tradition in country where Spanish is spoken. Must be very well researched, visually outstanding and All sources must be cited. Do NOT plagiarize! I WILL FIND OUT! Must be at least 15 slides of information and visuals.
Watch an Hispanic film (ask me to approve the film first)
And write a review (YOUR OWN WORDS AND THOUGHTS) that you will report to the class along with visuals. / Bring in at least 10 items with Spanish on their Packaging and create a small scrap book with the items in it and the Spanish highlighted. Include the English translations. Reflect on the significance of the bilingual packaging to American society. IMPRESS me with this scrapbook!!! / Use an authentic popular Spanish song to create an appropriate music video/PowerPoint... Be prepared to present it to class. Must include an explanatory introduction to clarify new vocabulary/ideas for the class. Include written lyrics and background of artist in video. Cite sources. / Create a song (Spanish or English) to a popular tune about Spanish vocabulary or grammar & teach it to the class. PUT SOME THOUGHT INTO THIS!!

Experience! – 40 Point choices

Volunteer your service to the local Hispanic community in Indianapolis or elsewhere. Show proof of your participation and write a reflective summary of your experience and include photos as well as the signature of an adult witness. / Feed your family Spanish or Mexican cuisine!( Must be made from scratch…not a kit) Take pictures of you actually preparing the food as well as your family enjoying it. Include the recipe(s) and a written summary of your experience. / Make a food or drink item for the rest of the class. (NO SALSA PLEASE)Just a small taste for everyone is fine. Research the food and the Spanish speaking country it is from. Write a small report to tell us why this dish is important there and include the recipe. You will make a brief oral presentation to the class before serving the food. All food presentations must be given on the same day. I will let you know the dates. (It must be authentic and non-alcoholic) / Attend a Spanish club event ( not just a general meeting) or participate in a Spanish competition. Be sure to sign in and/ or include proof of your participation as well as write a small summary of your experience. .
Attend a performance (concert, theater production, ballet, etc.) or museum exhibition that is related to Spanish . I will highlight as many of these as I can throughout the year. Include a program or ticket stub from the event along with your summary and reaction. / Use your Spanish within our Cathedral community for service in a meaningful way. Write a reflective summary and include photos. Have an adult witness sign your summary to verify your participation. / Interview a native speaker in SPANISH and make a recording of it. Write a summary and include pictures if the recording was audio only. / Listen to an Hispanic radio station for a total of 5 hours broken down in intervals of 15, 20 or 30 minutes at a time (NO MORE, NO LESS). Keep a log sheet of your listening sessions including: Name of station, time started, time ended, some (not all) topic(s) of conversations, products advertised or name of songs etc. 3-10 new words learned


Task / Spanish Level Two
Written summaries / Sem. I – Half page in Spanish or Full page in English
Sem II- All in Spanish- ¾ to full page in length
Written papers/reports / Sem. I – One page in Spanish or two pages in English (Bibliography in English)
Sem II- All in Spanish- ¾ to full page in length
Oral summaries/explanations / Sem. I & Sem II- In Spanish with some clarifications for class in English.
Oral presentations (songs, slide shows PowerPoint narrations etc. / Sem. I & Sem II- In Spanish with some clarifications for class in English.
Other / See explanation of task on grid or see me.