Unit of Study / 8th Grade US History / ApproximateTime Frame: 2 Weeks
Domain: Exploration and Colonialization
market economy
Cluster: Age of Exploration
Standard(s):SS.8.2.1, SS.8.2.2, SS.8.4.1,SS.8.4.2, SS.8.4.3, SS 8.5.1, SS 8.5.2, SS 8.5.3
ContentObjectives / Vocabulary / Teacher’sResources and Notes
  • TLW Trace the spread of early human societies and the rise of diverse cultures in the United States.
  • TLW Identify significant countries and their roles and motives in the European exploration of the Americas.
  • TLW Analyze and describe the interactions between native peoples and the European explorers.
  1. Crusade
  2. Classical
  3. Renaissance
  4. Technology
  5. Cape
  6. Circumnavigate
  7. Conquistador
  8. Immunity
  9. Mission
  10. Plantation
  11. Reformation
  12. Armada
  • Teacher Power Points
  • Actively Learn
  • Discovering Our Past: A History of the United States
  • Websites
  • Crash Course

Assessment / UnitofStudy2Formative Assessment.
PossibleDaily/Weekly Formative Assessments: Exit Slips,Observation,DailyWork, Homework, Basal
Unit of Study / 8thGrade US History / ApproximateTime Frame: 4 Weeks / WSH #2 – 2016-2017
Domain: Exploration and Colonialization
market economy
Cluster: The Colonies
Standard(s): SS.8.2.1, SS.8.2.2, SS.8.4.1,SS.8.4.2, SS.8.4.3, SS 8.5.1, SS 8.5.2, SS 8.5.3
ContentObjectives / Vocabulary / Teacher’sResources and Notes
  • TLW Compare the reasons for settlement in the New England, Middle, and Southern colonies.
  • TLW Explain the contributions of key individuals in the settling of the English colonies; e.g., John Smith, Lord Baltimore, William Bradford.
  • TLW Identify key groups involved in the settlement of the English colonies; e.g., Virginia Company, Pilgrims, Puritans, Quakers.
  • TLW Determine the reasons for conflict between the European powers in North America.
  • TLW Compare the reasons for settlement in the New England, Middle, and Southern colonies.
  • TLW Explain the contributions of key individuals in the settling of the English colonies; e.g., John Smith, Lord Baltimore, William Bradford.
  • TLW Identify key groups involved in the settlement of the English colonies; e.g., Virginia Company, Pilgrims, Puritans, Quakers.
  • TLW Determine the reasons for conflict between the European powers in North America.
  • TLW Examine the causes and outcomes of the French and Indian War.
  1. Charter
  2. Joint Stock Company
  3. Headright
  4. Burgess
  5. Dissent
  6. Persecute
  7. Tolerance
  8. Patroon
  9. Pacifist
  10. Indentured Servant
  11. Constitution
  12. Cash Crop
  13. Diversity
  14. Triangular Trade
  15. Slave Code
  16. Mercantilism
  17. Export
  18. Import
  19. Representative Government
  20. Epidemic
  21. Apprentice
  22. Immigration
  23. Militia
  24. Alliance
  • Teacher Power Points
  • Actively Learn
  • Discovering Our Past: A History of the United States
  • Websites
  • Crash Course
  • Boundless Text

Assessment / UnitofStudy2Formative Assessment.
PossibleDaily/Weekly Formative Assessments: Exit Slips,Observation,DailyWork, Homework, Basal
Unit of Study / 8thGrade US History / ApproximateTime Frame: 2 Weeks / WSH #2 – 2016-2017
Domain: Revolution
market economy
Cluster: Beginnings of the Revolution
Standard(s): SS.8.2.1, SS.8.2.2, SS.8.4.1,SS.8.4.2, SS.8.4.3, SS 8.5.1, SS 8.5.2, SS 8.5.3
ContentObjectives / Vocabulary / Teacher’sResources and Notes
  • TLW Explore the events leading to the outbreak of armed conflict between the American colonies and Great Britain.
  • TLW Analyze the origin of the ideas behind the revolutionary movement and the movement toward independence; e.g., social contract, natural rights, English traditions.
  • TLW Explain the major ideas expressed in the Declaration of Independence.
  1. Revenue
  2. Resolution
  3. Effigy
  4. Boycott
  5. Repeal
  6. Propaganda
  7. Rebellion
  8. Minutemen
  9. Loyalist
  10. Patriot
  • Teacher Power Points
  • Actively Learn
  • Discovering Our Past: A History of the United States
  • Websites
  • Crash Course
  • Boundless Text

Assessment / UnitofStudy2Formative Assessment.
PossibleDaily/Weekly Formative Assessments: Exit Slips,Observation,DailyWork, Homework, Basal
Unit of Study / 8thGrade US History / ApproximateTime Frame: 3 Weeks / WSH #2 – 2016-2017
Domain: Revolution
market economy
Cluster: Revolution
Standard(s): SS.8.2.1, SS.8.2.2, SS.8.4.1,SS.8.4.2, SS.8.4.3, SS 8.5.1, SS 8.5.2, SS 8.5.3
ContentObjectives / Vocabulary / Teacher’sResources and Notes
  • TLW Examine how the Revolutionary War affected the colonists.
  • TLW Explain the events that brought European aid to the American cause.
  • TLW Examine the advantages and disadvantages of the Continental Army against British resources.
  • TLW Identify the contributions of colonial leaders; e.g., George Washington, Thomas Paine, Alexander Hamilton, Sam Adams, John Adams
  • TLW Analyze the role various political groups played in the Revolutionary movement; e.g., Sons and Daughters of Liberty, Committees of Correspondence, 1st and 2nd Continental Congress.
  • TLW Examine the contributions of various social groups to the Revolutionary movement; e.g., women, free and enslaved blacks, American Indians.
  1. Petition
  2. Preamble
  3. Mercenary
  4. Recruit
  5. Inflation
  6. Blockade
  7. Privateer
  8. Siege
  9. Ratify
  10. Ambush
  • Teacher Power Points
  • Actively Learn
  • Discovering Our Past: A History of the United States
  • Websites
  • Crash Course
  • Boundless Text

Assessment / UnitofStudy2Formative Assessment.
PossibleDaily/Weekly Formative Assessments: Exit Slips,Observation,DailyWork, Homework, Basal