August 29, 2014
Next weekMr. Fritschewill lead chapel. Hymn of the month for the school is “Let Me Learn of Jesus” and hymn of the month for the ECC is “This is the Day”. Offerings will go to the Lutheran World Relief. The Bell Choir will play, the 4th grade will recite scripture, and Mrs. Hightower’s PK4 class will sing. Parents are invited to join us throughout the year, but we ask that you sit at the end of your child’s row or in the last four rows. Your child may sit with you. Chapel begins at 8:15. If you have any prayer requests, please let your child’s teacher know and they will inform our worship leader and we will include those requests in our prayers.
School and ECC will be closed Monday, September 1stfor Labor Day.
Spirit Night-Is Thursday September 4th at Chick-Fil-A in the Sunset Mall from 5:00 to 8:00 pm. A form to indicate teacher name and amount spent can be picked up in the school office and will be sent home with your child next week on Wednesday, as a reminder. The Chick-Fil-A cow will be here Thursday after school as well.
Yearbook party- Please join us next Friday from 3:30- 4:00 in the school gym as we distribute the 2013-2014 school year book. Student and Teacher can sign each other’s yearbooks and enjoy a snow cone for $0.50 each.
Volleyball- There are no games scheduled for next week but there is practice scheduled for Tuesday and Thursday from 3:30-5:00.
ME Posters – All students (Pk18 mo. – 8th grade) on”ME” posters in class after Labor Day. These posters are created by the children at school and depicting things about the student and/or things the student likes. These will be displayed at the PTL meeting on Monday, September 22nd. Please send any photos, personal items, or decorative items that you would like to be a part of your child’s ME poster, Please be aware that these Items will be glued to the ME posters and we would like to have the items here by Thursday September 4th.
PTL Information- The PTL will hold its first meeting September 22ndin the gym. We will gather for a meal at 5:30 and begin the meeting at 6:00. All of the ME posters that the children created will be on display. Come join us and meet the PTL officers and find out what the PTL has planned for the coming school year.
Scholastic Book Fair-This year’s book fair will be held September 22nd – 26th. Look for more information on the book fair in the upcoming Tidbits.
The Thrivent 27thannual Trinity Kids Golf Tournament- is being held at Quicksand Golf Course on September 20, 2014. The proceeds from this tournament are for the Marvin Schultz Endowment Fund, which is the primary source of income for the Trinity Lutheran School Scholarship Fund. Hole sponsor forms and player entry forms are available in the school office. This is a great way to advertise your business while supporting our school!
Parents Night Out – We will again be offering a Parent’s Night Out this year for parents who wish to participate. We hope to have several nights planned between now and the Christmas break. The first one will be held on Friday September 26th from 6:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. The cost is $25 per child and $40 per family. A sign-up sheet will be posted in the ECC.
E-mail addresses: Tidbits are created every Friday (normally) and a paper copy is sent home with your child. It is also e-mailed to you, if you have provided us with and e-mail address. If you are not receiving the Tidbits via e-mail, please contact the school office to make sure we have the correct address.
ALS- Many of you have heard about and maybe ever participated in the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge. This effort has done a good job in bringing awareness to ALS, and has raised a lot of money for this great cause. Although we won’t be participating in the Ice bucket aspect of this effort, we encourage your contribution to this cause and to assist in this effort a donation jar for your coins will be placed in the school lobby during the month of September. Other charities will be designated during other month throughout the year. All this fits in with our theme this year. “By love- serve one another.”