Standard Special Provision Update

February 16, 2007

2006 SSPs used with 2006 Standard Plans:

S1-020, Amendments to the Standard Specifications, approved 02-16-07. This revision includes changes to Sections 7 and 26. Section 7 is revised to clarify the insurance specifications requirements for certified small business. Section 26 is revised to allow 100 percent reclaimed material.

SN-935, Special Notice, approved 02-19-07. This Special Notice is to alert contractors that BATA projects will not get funding until after bid opening.

12-100, Miscellaneous Clauses for Maintaining Traffic, approved 02-16-07. This revision changes the message on construction area sign C43(CA) to say (FRESH CONCRETE).

12-310, Temporary Pavement Delineation, approved 02-16-07. This revision corrects an unit error in paragraph 14.

19-040, Miscellaneous earthwork clauses, approved 02-16-07. This revision includes a change to paragraph 2.

25-010, Aggregate Subbase, approved 02-16-07. This revision includes changes to:

1. Achieve consistency with the Standard Specifications amendments allowing up to 100% reclaimed materials in aggregate subbase and aggregate base.

2. Allow reclaimed glass as an aggregate substitute.

3. Disallow storing reclaimed asphalt concrete near water.

4. Eliminate cross-references to Standard Specifications.

25-020, Aggregate Subbase, approved 02-16-07. This revision includes changes to:

1. Achieve consistency with the Standard Specifications amendments allowing up to 100% reclaimed materials in aggregate subbase and aggregate base.

2. Allow reclaimed glass as an aggregate substitute.

3. Disallow storing reclaimed asphalt concrete near water.

4. Eliminate cross-references to Standard Specifications.

26-010, Aggregate Base, approved 02-16-07. This revision includes changes to:

1. Achieve consistency with the Standard Specifications amendments allowing up to 100% reclaimed materials in aggregate subbase and aggregate base.

2. Allow reclaimed glass as an aggregate substitute.

3. Disallow storing reclaimed asphalt concrete near water.

4. Eliminate cross-references to Standard Specifications.

26-030, Aggregate Base, approved 02-16-07. This revision includes changes to:

1. Achieve consistency with the Standard Specifications amendments allowing up to 100% reclaimed materials in aggregate subbase and aggregate base.

2. Allow reclaimed glass as an aggregate substitute.

3. Disallow storing reclaimed asphalt concrete near water.

4. Eliminate cross-references to Standard Specifications.

26-080, Aggregate Base, approved 02-16-07. This revision includes changes to:

1. Achieve consistency with the Standard Specifications amendments allowing up to 100% reclaimed materials in aggregate subbase and aggregate base.

2. Allow reclaimed glass as an aggregate substitute.

3. Disallow storing reclaimed asphalt concrete near water.

4. Eliminate cross-references to Standard Specifications.

26-100, Aggregate Base, approved 02-16-07. This revision includes changes to:

1. Achieve consistency with the Standard Specifications amendments allowing up to 100% reclaimed materials in aggregate subbase and aggregate base.

2. Allow reclaimed glass as an aggregate substitute.

3. Disallow storing reclaimed asphalt concrete near water.

4. Eliminate cross-references to Standard Specifications.

86-130, Conduit, approved 02-16-07. This revision includes the deletion of conduit size designation table for the U.S. customary version. Conduit sizes do not vary between the metallic and non-metallic type conduit. Trade sizes will suffice.