Exchange of emails between Clerk and Stuart Kidd of RCC, September 2017

-----Original Message-----
From: "Stuart Kidd" <>
Sent: Thursday, 28 September, 2017 10:29am
To: "'Barrowden'" <>
Subject: RE: Tree Planting - Barrowden

Hi Richard,
Thank you for your email with the comments from your Parish in reference to the trees. I am now in a position to decide on what trees to plant and how many. This has been done with consideration of the comments from the Parish, our strategy, and the comments from residents.
The tree planting scheme will be:
1. A hornbeam planted at Back Lane Barrowden,
2. A serviceberry planted at 12 Tippings Lane,
3. Three Himilayan birches planted between Back Lane and Wakerley Road, beside 23 Wakerley Road, and
4. No tree planted on the verge near 38 Main Street.
The tree planting for Back Lane brought a lot of disagreement with mixed comments from members of the Parish. Earlier in the year, I asked the Parish if they would like one or three trees in the area and a decision was taken to plant just one.
The serviceberry outside 12 Tippings Lane will be paid for and planted by us. The reason is that there is yet a scheme in place to allow residents to plant trees in the open spaces for a fee. Considering the contention that the few tree planting proposals in Barrowden has created it seems unwise to put forward this scheme at this time.
The three trees by Wakerley Road have been decided as the best option as the resident himself requested this. These trees will be planted to ensure that driver safety is not compromised.
Forestry Officer
Rutland County Council

From: [mailto:
Sent: 27 September 2017 21:57
To: Stuart Kidd <>
Subject: Tree Planting - Barrowden
Hi Stuart,
On your visit to Barrowden last year you actually met two of the councillors, Mike Griffiths and Bill Lockwood, not me. Bill has subsequently resigned from the PC, but Mike still has ‘cabinet’ responsibility for trees. I have discussed your proposals with him and with the Chairman of the Council, Sheila Saunders, and have also had comments by email from several other councillors. The consensus seems to be as follows:
1. Hornbeam at junction of Main Street/Seaton Road/Back Road. Good. This is in line with the preference expressed in a village poll. But councillors feel that one tree may not be enough. It’s a large space. We would prefer three trees. Presumably the extensive roots of the old tree will be thoroughly grubbed out first?
2. Berry by 12 Tippings Lane. The PC has no problem with this, given that Mr/Mrs Conway have apparently requested it and are paying for it. One councillor expressed surprise that the berry specified is apparently a North American species, since RCC declined to plant an American Oak elsewhere in the village.
3. Himalayan birches on triangle between Back Lane and Wakerley Road, beside 23 Wakerley Road. No problem, since the PC itself wanted trees on this area to prevent vehicles driving over it. However, councillors feel that two trees here would be enough. Three trees might overshadow the garden of 23 or reduce visibility on this narrow section of Wakerley Road.
4. Hawthorn on verge near 38 Main Street. The PC now sees no need to plant at this location.
We look forward to these plantings
All the best

-----Original Message-----
From: "Stuart Kidd" <<mailto:>
Sent: Tuesday, 26 September, 2017 3:42pm
To: "'Barrowden'" <<mailto:>
Subject: FW: Tree Planting - Barrowden
Hi Richard,
Further to our previous email, have Barrowden Parish Council decided on the tree planting proposal?
I am now in contact with nursery suppliers to order the trees for this autumn’s tree planting scheme. I need to have answer to the query by Friday to include the following sites:
· Main Street,
· Wakerley Road,
· Tippings Lane

If you cannot answer by Friday then the trees will be added to next year’s list, unless requested otherwise.
Kind regards,
Forestry Officer
Rutland County Council

From: Stuart Kidd
Sent: 19 September 2017 08:51
To: '' <<mailto:>
Subject: RE: Tree Planting - Barrowden
Hi Richard,
Thank you for your email relating to the tree planting proposals. You asked a few different questions so I will address each one individually. Please take note that this tree planting proposal was a response of my meeting with residents of Barrowden. If the tree planting proposal is not desired from the Parish then I will not plant the trees. The only exception to this is where trees are required to replace ones that were previously present (e.g. the hornbeam on Back Lane).
Where on Main Street is the hawthorn to be planted?
This was intended to be planted on a strip to the side of number 38. Please see the attached plan that shows a black dot where the intended tree is proposed.
At which property would the service berry be sited?
Please see Plan 12 and the area highlighted in black.
Which species of trees would be planted near 23 Wakerley Road?
Himilayan birch (Betula utilis) ‘Jacquemontii
Is it the case that trees will be planted by RCC as and when a resident requests them?
No. As my previous email shows, a request form a resident to have a tree outside their property may still require the consultation of others, (which in this case was the Parish Council).
At Rutland County Council, we want to be confident that new trees are planted in areas that they are welcome. The public and Parish/Town Councils are therefore allowed to make requests for new trees but this does not necessarily mean that they will occur.
Re the Wheel Lane triangle, where Grasscrete has recently ben laid (Dave Brown dealt with this), the PC would like to prevent parking on the remaining grassed area by planting shrubs. Can you help please with this, possibly by diverting some funds from the plantings discussed above?
Unfortunately my budget is only for the provision and management of trees. Shrubs, due to their maintenance requirements, (which is more frequent and costly), is covered by a different department. If you would like shrubs then you would need to make this request to Environmental Services.
I hope I have answered all your questions, but please contact me back if I can be any further help.
Kind regards,
Forestry Officer
Rutland County Council

From: <mailto:<mailto:%3cmailto:> [mailto:
Sent: 18 September 2017 16:43
To: Stuart Kidd <<mailto:<mailto:%3cmailto:>
Subject: RE: Tree Planting - Barrowden
Dear Stuart,
Barrowden Parish Council met last week and considered several matters related to trees, and I was asked to contact you.
First, your message of 29 August (below). The PC felt unable to give you the go-ahead without a little more information. 1. Where on Main Street is the hawthorn to be planted? 2. At which property would the service berry be sited? 3. Which species of trees would be planted near 23 Wakerley Road? 4. Is it the case that trees will be planted by RCC as and when a resident requests them?
Re the Wheel Lane triangle, where Grasscrete has recently ben laid (Dave Brown dealt with this), the PC would like to prevent parking on the remaining grassed area by planting shrubs. Can you help please with this, possibly by diverting some funds from the plantings discussed above? The triangle is RCC land.
Finally, the PC would like to enter into a tree maintenance contract with RCC on the basis outlined in your email to me of 17 August - but not until next year. Barrowden had a comprehensvie tree inspection carried out in 2016 by Rutland Tree Care, after which a lot of tree work was done, and councillors felt that further expenditure on trees could not be justified this year (except in emergencies).
I hope that all the above makes sense and look forward to hearing your response to our questions.
All the best