Contrary to Popular Belief, I didn’t get to Smith and Harvard on My Good Looks Alone or

Ways to Demonstrate Initiative and Intellectual Curiosity

·  Ask me for related readings

·  During class, look up unfamiliar words in the dict. or on the comp immediately

·  Don’t ask me to repeat directions, things written on the weekly calendar or on the white board--Try 3 Then Ask Me—check before asking out loud

·  Wait until I finish speaking and THINK before asking clarifying questions

·  Ask me for book recommendations

·  Read for pleasure no matter how busy you are—even just 15 minutes

·  Take your drafts more seriously

·  Take advantage of my email or

·  Make an appt. to work with me during block 1 or after school

·  Come into class and open your nb to the homework

·  Stop talking during announcements

·  Approach me at a good time to find out what you missed when absent instead of mobbing me at the beginning of class when I have to take attendance, organize, and complain about the computer not working again

·  Start thinking symbolically and look for patterns

·  Sit next to someone new or unfamiliar

·  Keep a tally of how many times you contribute during class on a scrap paper—you will be surprised at the results

·  Dazzle with your sense of humor, not just verbally but in papers

·  Stop being modest and show off how smart you are in discussion, in papers and on tests

·  Use more sophisticated vocabulary in conversation and in drafts

·  Multitask when you can but recognize when it is better to focus on one thing and then do it

·  Be kind even when you really don’t want to—see other points of view

·  Maintain perspective—it’s hardly ever about YOU

·  Pay attention to everything around you—observe, read, listen to people, TV, radio, movies, magazines, newspapers, internet, nature; watch jeopardy, play Trivial Pursuit, will yourself to remember

·  Be interested

©2008 Schmidty U