(UMH #202)
June 13, 2017
PO Box 2464
MUNCIE, IN 47307
(765) 282-2322
Early response training July 15
East District Fall Lay Academy—save the date—October 21 & 28
attention Pastors—continuing education reports are due june 30
2017 sermon contest open to laity
New Pastor Orientation August 12
Bishop’s 2018 Israel trip
irs lowers mileage rates for 2017
2017 Dates and information for church treasurers
employment opportunities
certified lay minister program
east district umw news and events
vital congregations goals
youth ministries
important dates for your calendar
important links
2015-2016 educational opportunities

early response training july 15

Early Response Training (ERT) Yorktown, Saturday, July 15, 2017
Early Response Teams (ERT's) fill a specific need in the early days after a disaster to clean out flood-damaged homes, remove debris, place tarps on homes, and otherwise help to prevent further damage, while providing a caring Christian presence. ERT's are not a first-response group of emergency workers, nor are they recovery, rebuild, or repair teams. Under very specific guidelines, ERT's assist survivors, without causing further harm or being a burden to the affected community.
If you are able to give 3 to 7 days of your time to serve as a caring Christian presence following a disaster or know of someone who is, please prayerfully consider attending this training or share this opportunity with others. You can register for $35.00 by clicking here. Registration Deadline: July 12, 2017 at 11:59 pm. For more information contact John A. Young, or 765-278-8733. If your ERT badge has expired this training will recertify you.

east district fall lay academy—save the date—october 21 & 28

New Castle First UMC
1324 Church Street
New Castle, IN 47362
9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
Lunch included
Class information TBA

attention pastors—continuing education reports due June 30

The Book of Discipline of the United Methodist Church requires all pastors serving under appointment to complete continuing education (CE). In the Indiana Conference, the Professional Development Committee, a sub-group of the Conference Board of Ordained Ministry, has been established to provide continuing educational guidelines for pastors (BOD ¶634.2n). Minimum continuing education units required per “continuing education year” (July 1 through June 30) have been established for all persons serving under appointment in the Indiana Conference and are listed below. One contact hour of Continuing Education is equal to .1 Continuing Education Unit (CEU).
  • Clergy appointed to full-time active service = 2.5 CEU’S
  • Clergy appointed to less than full-time active service = 2.0 CEU’S
  • Participants in RIM and/or COS are exempt from additional continuing education requirements and should check the appropriate box on the CE Report Form.
Click here to DOWNLOAD PDFFormthen follow the instructions below (also noted at the top of the form).
  1. Click SAVE onthe PDFform to saveonyour computer.
    2. Click CLOSE BROWSERto close your web browser. Please note that you need to complete the form you saved on your computer and not the online PDF.
    3. OPENthe PDF formyoujustsaved on your computer and complete with your information accordingly.
    4. SAVE AGAIN when done filling out so that you have a copy of your completed form.
    5. To submit your completed form, click appropriate District box at the bottom of the formand your completed form will ATTACH TO AN EMAILfor sending.

new pastor orientation august 12

This year, we will again be offering a New Pastor Orientation for all pastors, CLM's, and Lay Serving in Supply who are in their first year of appointment in the Indiana Conference. It is a time for them to be introduced to the inter-workings of our Conference and to begin to build relationships with others. Provisional Members (those Commissioned at Annual Conference do not have to attend). The Orientation will be August 12th from 10:00 AM to 3:30 PM. The session will be held at Indianapolis Union Chapel UMC (2720 East 86th Street). As you are meeting with the people in your district, would you let them know of this opportunity.

bishop’s 2018 israel trip

Pastors, join Bishop Julius Trimble and First Lady Racelder Grandberry-Trimble in Israel. The dates are January 29 through February 7, 2018. You would be out of the pulpit for one Sunday unless you choose an extension to Egypt or Jordan.
Pastors can earn a trip for every 5 full-paying passengers that accompany them. This does not add to the cost for those traveling with you. There are savings for those passengers who register in the next 5 months. Brochures are now available by registering for the cruise with Educational Opportunities Tours. If you are not yet a tour host it is easy to do so.
Feel free to contact Norm Nellis if you have interest or questions. He is the Trip Coordinator for the Bishop and is currently serving Pine Village UMC. He would be glad to talk with you or help you promote the trip. Contact Info: Norm Nellis, 765-491-5011 or

irs lowers mileage rates for 2017

The mileage rate has been lowered to 53.5 cents per mile for business miles driven. Details here.

2017 dates and information for church treasurers

The 2017 East District Tithe Form is available on the website at
The Church asking for 2017 is 1.15% of your tithable income.
January 15 Last day for prior year tithe payments
January 31 4th quarter 941, W2s to employees, W3, W2s to SSA (Earlier deadline!!), 1099s to
Independent contractors
February 15 Year end reporting closes, 1096, 1099s to IRS
February 28 WH3s to IN Dept of Revenue
April 1 Property tax exemptions to local assessor’s office (if changes)
April 30 1st Quarter 941
May 15 Form NP20 to IN Dept of Revenue, Personal property tax forms to local assessor’s office
May 31 Local church audit form to Conference Center
July 31 2nd Quarter 941
October 31 3rd Quarter 941
Useful websites
Financial forms on Indiana Conference website
General Council on Finance & Administration
Indiana Conference
UM giving
Indiana Department of Revenue
IRS forms
General Board of Pensions and Benefits

employment opportunities

The Compass UMC – The Compass Church Seeks Contemporary Worship Director for Selma Campus (full-time)
The Compass Church is a contemporary, multi-site United Methodist ministry with three campuses in east central Indiana with a vision of “reaching, teaching, and releasing disciplers and leaders for Jesus Christ.” We are seeking a full-time Worship Director for our Selma Campus. Are you a creative, inspiring, team-building person who loves to worship Jesus? Would you like to join a growing, multi-campus ministry that focuses on developing leaders who develop leaders and making disciples who make disciples? Does leading worship and overseeing a network of worship leaders across three campuses intrigue you? If so, we would love to have you join our team! If full-time, this position will be coupled with another area of ministry that matches your gifts and talents with the church's needs. Part-time inquiries for the worship position alone will be considered. Please go to for more information.
The Compass Church Seeks Youth Ministry Director for Selma Campus (full-time)
The Compass Church is a contemporary, multi-site United Methodist ministry with three campuses in east central Indiana with a vision of “reaching, teaching, and releasing disciplers and leaders for Jesus Christ.” We are seeking a full-time Youth Ministry Director for our Selma Campus. Does leading youth ministry at a large church and overseeing a network of youth ministry leaders across three campuses interest you? Are you a motivated, Christ-honoring, leader-inspiring, teacher of Scripture who loves middle school and high school teens? Would you like to join a growing, multi-campus ministry that focuses on developing leaders who develop leaders and making disciples who make disciples? If so, we would love to have you join our team! If full-time, this position will be coupled with another area of ministry that matches your gifts and talents with the church's needs. Part-time inquiries for the youth ministry position alone will be considered. Please go to for more information.
Portland Asbury UMC – Asbury United Methodist Church (Portland, IN) seeks an innovative self-starter for the full-time position of Family Ministries Director. This team-oriented individual will oversee and facilitate ministries pertaining to children and youth, with an emphasis on intergenerational connectedness and discipleship. For a job description, more information, and to apply, email .
Eaton UMC in Eaton, Indiana (about 20 minutes from Muncie) is looking for a pianist and/or organist to play during Sunday morning worship service from 9:30 to 11:00 AM. Pay is negotiable. If interested please contact Jesse Bivens @ 765-768-6848 (leave a message and will get back to you).
Richmond Central UMC Job Opportunity: Director of Children's Christian Education
Central United Methodist Church in Richmond, Indiana is currently seeking an energetic, committed Christian to assume a full-time (35‐40 hours per week, as needed) position as Director of Children’s Christian Education. The position is salaried (up to $35,000) commensurate with skills and experience. This role requires exceptional people skills and a passion for helping connect children and families to Jesus. The Director of Children’s Christian Education will be responsible for administering the preschool, childcare program, as well as Sunday morning and all other children’s programming at Central. This individual will work in cooperation with the pastors, other church staff, and volunteers to coordinate all children’s ministries at Central with an emphasis of providing all children an opportunity to Connect, Grow and Serve.
Complete job description available upon request.
Resumes should be submitted to Pastor Tom Ream at by April 17th.
The Compass Church Seeks Children’s Ministry Director for Yorktown Campus (part-time)
The Compass Church is a contemporary, multi-site United Methodist ministry with three campuses in east central Indiana with a vision of “reaching, teaching, and releasing disciplers and leaders for Jesus Christ.” Does leading children’s ministry at a medium-sized church and working with a network of children’s ministry leaders across three campuses in a large church interest you? Are you an organized, fun-loving, leader-inspiring, teacher of Scripture who loves children from birth to fifth grade? Would you like to join a growing, multi-campus ministry that focuses on developing leaders who develop leaders and making disciples who make disciples? If so, we would love to have you join our team! This is a part-time position (10-12 hours / week), beginning as soon as the candidate is available. Please go to for more information.
HARTFORD CITY TRINITY UMC is seeking to hire a worship leader. The worship leader works with the lead pastor to plan, organize, and lead worship. Trinity Church has a blended style of worship that uses traditional elements of worship in a modern way. We are looking for someone who will help us build up the music portion of worship.If interested or you know someone who would be interested please contact Pastor Dustin Jones at 765-618-5344.
A good candidate will:
- be able to play guitar and/or piano as well as vocally lead
- be willing to try new things
- be willing to play hymns as well as contemporary music
- have a teachable attitude that is open to learning from others
- be able to work with and lead others
NEW HORIZONS UMC – New Horizons United Methodist Church in Anderson has the following positions open.
Praise and Worship band leader.
The position will be 10-15 hours a week including practice and Sunday Worship
Contact Pastor Brad Hensley at
Piano player
This position will be part time including practice with the choir and praise team as well as Sunday Worship.
Contact Pastor Brad Hensley at
Learning Tree Childcare @ New Horizons UMC in Anderson
Looking for full and part time teachers.
Contact Learning Tree Childcare at

East district umw news and events

March 2017 Newsletter
December 2016 Newsletter
September 2016 Newsletter
June 2016 Newsletter
March 2016 Newsletter

pastors—have you activated your INUMC email account

Vital Congregations/GCFA will be using inumc.org email addresses for pastors exclusively. So now your inumc.org email is a necessity. Once activated you can have it forwarded to your personal email address. Eventually this will be the only email address used by the District as well. Carla (877-781-6706) at the Conference Center will be happy to help you if you experience problems.

vital congregation goals

Based on the email address you submitted when you enrolled you will receive a weekly email reminder to submit your information. You may submit it weekly, bi-monthly, or monthly.
REPORTS - Once you enter and save your weekly information, you can click on the “Reports” tab at the top of your screen to see your local church’s dashboard of information.
QUESTIONS - Email if you have further questions or call 317/564-3254.


Click here for policy resources. There is also “Safe Sanctuaries” material available through Cokesbury at .


Covenant Partners Ministries – Community Day at Covenant Partners provides groceries, cleaning supplies, and personal care items, along with breakfast, legal advice, hair cuts, and blood pressure checksto people in need of those services, on the fourth Wednesday of each month except December which is the third Wednesday.
A meal is provided after the 4:00 Sunday worship service. If you are interested in making/serving a meal, please contact 284-2545 at set up a Sunday evening.
Clothing and household items are made available to the community the 1st Friday of each month May through October 11 a.m. –2:0 p.m. You are welcome to bring clothing and household goods to Covenant Partners the week of the give-away. Any questions, just call 284-2545 M-F 1:00-4:00 p.m.
Food List for Community Day
2 small cans of tuna
1 18-oz jar of peanut butter
1 jar of jelly
2 cans of vegetables (any kind)
1 box cereal (any kind)
1 can applesauce or other fruit
2 cans of soup
1 box spaghetti
1 jar spaghetti sauce
1 box of corn bread mix
Cleaning/Personal Care Supplies
1 bar or bottle of unscented hand soap
Laundry detergent (small bottle or box)
Dish detergent (16 oz)
Facial tissue (1 box)
Toilet paper (4 rolls)
Place in brown bags with handles, if possible.
Covenant Partners Ministries has been given a UMC church sign by the Yorktown UMC. However, it will need refurbished and will cost approximately $500 to do so. If you would like to contribute money to them to assist with this please mail your donations to CPM, 911 W Jackson Street, Muncie, IN 47305 or contact Pastor Linda McBride at (765) 284-2545.
Modoc UMC – Saturday, August 5, Modoc UMC will be hosting an acclaimed gospel group, The Minister's Quartet. Starting at 3:00 pm, at Union Athletic League Park on Wine St. in Modoc. Please bring your lawn chairs. There will be snacks available. A Love Offering will be taken. If you have any questions, please contact Pastor Dan Vore at 765-744-5958.
Muncie High Street UMC – High Street Travelers 2017 Trips: June 21, Indianapolis: Take Me Out to the Ball Game; July 19, Mystery Trip #3; August 15-23, Canadian Rockies By Train; August 23, Beef & Boards: West Side Story; September 14, Lacomedia: Mega Broadway Hit; October 18, Mystery Trip #4; November 15, Lacomedia: Timeless Christmas Memories. For pricing and information contact Deb Heeter by email
Muncie High Street UMC – has a full set of choir robes they would gladly give to another congregation if they have use for them. The 45 robes are beige in color, washable, in fair condition with a full complement of sizes. They would also include stoles in all the liturgical colors. They just replaced these robes with an updated version.
Anyone interested may contact Andrew Crow by June 13 at:

Muncie Riverside UMC – Wood Carvers & Crafters at Riverside
Wood Carvers & Crafters come together at Riverside UM Church on the 1st, 3rd and 5thThursdays each month at 10:00am to work on their projects and share ideas with one another. Beginners always welcome. Bring your projects and necessary project materials. Riverside is located at 1201 N. Wheeling Ave., Muncie, IN. Call 288-4257 for information.
Muncie St. Paul’s UMC – Come to Muncie St. Paul’s UMC for Lunch, Good Food, Fellowship & Fun. Open to public 4th Friday of each month at noon. RSVP by Wednesday prior to lunch at 765/288-6454. Cost $3.50.


For resources
To order brochures

important links

Sign up for e-HUM, calendar, etc. –
Camping –
Interpreter Magazine –
Church Leadership Job Descriptions from GBOD -
Secretary of State-Business Entity
UM Foundation of Indiana -
Vital Congregations -

2015-2016 educational opportunities