FCAT Writing+ Training Meeting
February 1, 2006
What’s New?
The test will be administered all in one day: Essay (45 minutes), Multiple-Choice Session-1 (40 minutes), and Multiple Choice Session-2 (40 minutes). Total testing time = Approximately 125 minutes
Grade-8: Two documents, both are secure (both have security numbers-six digits preceded by 2 letters.)
1)Writing+ Sunshine State Standards Test Book
2)Writing+ Sunshine State Standards Answer Book
If the student’s last name, student ID number, district number AND school number are correct, even if the rest of the information is incorrect, the student label will be used.
You will be required to maintain an accurate Test Administration Security Log (appendix C). This is a new form where any person entering your room to assist with proctoring or providing coverage will need to sign-in and sign-out indicating the exact times he/she was in that particular testing room.
Accommodations: If you bubble: “Student given additional time,” you must also bubble “flexible scheduling.”
ELECTRONICS DEVICES: No electronic devices are permitted during testing. Possession of such devices may be cause for invalidation. Remember to post this sign in a visible place.
Students may not write on their own paper even if they have completed the test.
There are now two DNS and Undo bubbles:
-One for the essay portion
-One for the multiple-choice portion (The student must take both multiple choice sections for one score.)
New language in the test manual (at the teacher’s discretion) suggests the students may be instructed to read a book after they have completed each multiple-choice session of the test but NOT the Writing+ Essay portion.
Students will not be allowed to read; they must simply sit quietly until everyone is finished testing.
Important Information for Test Administrators
I. Test Invalidation Policies and Procedures(pages14-16)
II.Test Security Procedures(pages 17-20)
III.Test Administrator’s Responsibilities
A. Before(pages 22-24)
B. During(pages 25-26)
C. After(pages 67-68)
IV.Appendix A
A. Accommodations for ESE Students Pages 109-112
B. Accommodations for LEP Students Page 115
V.Script Pages
A. Session 1 Writing+ Essay Script-45 minutes(pages 39-42)
B. Session 2 Multiple Choice-40 minutes(pages 43-46)
C. Session 3 Multiple Choice-40 minutes(pages 47-50)
V.Appendix C
A. Do Not Disturb Sign(page 133)
B. Record of Exemption,(page 127)
Absences, and Invalidations
C. “Absent Students” Cover Sheet(page 139)
D. “To Be Scored” Cover Sheet(page 141)
E. “Not to be Scored” Cover Sheet(page 151)
F. Electronic Devices Sign(page 129)
G. Test Administration Security Log (page 125)
(new form)
H. FCAT Security Agreement(page 123)
(must be turned in at the conclusion of training session)
- Always Count (before, during, and after)
- Make sure students bubble in test form number (this is in the script).
- Security Lists (numbers have been recorded/test books have been assigned)
- Adhere to Testing Schedule
- “DNS” Bubble vs. “Undo” Bubble
- Planning sheets must be collected and returned
- Test Administrator’s Comment sheets must be filled out and returned
- All classroom materials that might provide clues to students (e.g., maps, math formulas, word walls, multiplication charts) must be covered or removed.
- The test administrator will take roll on each day of testing by writing the date tested next to each student’s name. (New)
- LEP students must have access to a heritage language to English dictionary (no definitions).
- Students are not to use any notes, electronic devices, or any other materials during the assessment.
- Each ESE student must be provided with the appropriate and allowable accommodation (additional time)
- The test administrator and/or proctors are required to walk around the room and maintain their attention on the students to prevent cheating and ensure students are working in the correct section.
- If a student needs to leave the room during the test, his/her test/answer booklets must be collected until the student returns.
- Report invalidations immediately to Ms. Valdes.
VI.Questions and Concerns
Test Administrator’s Checklist
___Before your students report to prime time, make sure all signs are posted.
___As students enter the room, remind them to sit in their assigned seats.
___Take attendance for your prime time. Place your attendance envelope outside of the room to be collected.
___Release those students who are testing at another location.
___Ask students to clear their desks, remind them that electronic devices, scratch paper or notes are not allowed, and begin distributing testing materials (test booklet/answer booklet/pencils/calculators) to each student.
___Check off on your testing list each student receiving a test/answer booklet (use last column on your class list). Check security numbers for accuracy.
___Once the materials have been distributed, begin to read the script verbatim. Please note on the board time students began testing and time students are expected to end testing.
___If a student was absent and did not test, fill out the form in Appendix C (Record of Exemptions, Absences, and Invalidations) completely—include all information. Follow these same procedures if invalidating a student and have the student escorted from class and taken to Mr. Lucas.
___At the conclusion of testing, all test materials are to be collected from each student individually. Please make sure the student’s name appears on the test booklet and answer booklet and the correct form number has been recorded for that student. If you provided your students with accommodations, please make sure to bubble the appropriate spaces. At this time, the test administrator should verify that the student has completed student name, school name, and district box as specified in the test script, and that the accommodation, demographic, or “DNS” bubbles have not been filled out incorrectly.
___Separate the answer booklets to be scored by placing cover sheet on top. Separate answer booklets not to be scored due to invalidation by placing cover sheet on top. Answer booklets for students who were absent should be separated and also labeled with the appropriate cover sheet.
___Once all materials have been collected and checked, please place all materials (including the list of students tested and security numbers and new Test Administration Security Log) inside your bin and ask a teacher or paraprofessional in the hallway to supervise your students while you return everything to the conference room.