Soccer bylaws SCAC Conference 2010
Note: Changes as directed by the MHSAA in 2008 bolded italicized and underlined
A. Length of Season
- Playing Dates:
- Boys Monday, Wednesday and Friday
- Girls Tuesday and Thursday and Friday
- During raindates games can be on any day.
If a game is forfeited, the forfeiting team shall pay the referee fees.
B. Team Responsibilities
- The Home Team must provide the necessary field markings, 2 (two) goal nets, and corner flags.
- The Home Team must provide the game ball.
- The Home Team is responsible for providing the Zone Convenor with the original copy of the game sheet. The Visiting Team and the Referee will each receive a copy of the game sheet.
- Both the Home and Away Team are required to provide a Club Assistant Referee to assist with out of touch calls only. The duty of the AR is to assist the Referee, however the Referee has the ultimate authority.
- Both teams must have a coach and staff supervisor on the bench.
- Spectators must sit on the side of the field opposite the benches. If permanent spectator seating exists on both sides of the field, no spectators may enter the bench technical area.
- A match will not commence if the above responsibilities are not met.
C. The Number of Players
- Teams may dress a maximum of twenty (21) players. A match may not start if either team consists of fewer than seven (7) players. Teams will be given a fifteen (15) minute grace period to provide the necessary players.
- Players may substitute in an unlimited fashion, maximum three (3) substitutions at one time.
D. Game Times
- League games shall begin at 4:45 p.m.
- Re scheduled games: Games will only be rescheduled because they have been canceled by the referee or league convener due to hazardous playing conditions. Player conflicts due to work, other school activities, injury or illness will not be considered as grounds to reschedule a game.
E. Game Length
- Games will consist of 2 35min halves. During the playoffs games that end in a tie will be considered complete after two 7 ½ min overtime periods or a golden goal (sudden death first team to score wins).
F. League Format
- Shall be determined at the April meeting when teams submit intent to participate. Preferably around robin format if possible or at the discretion of the convenor with input from schools participating. League standings will be based on 3 points for a win and 1 point for a tie. If a Power Pool schedule is used all games well be played till a winner is declared. (overtime and penalty shoots)
G. Tie Breaking ProcedureIn the event that two or more teams have an equal number of points at the completion of the season, the following criteria shall be used to determine the final standings:
- Total Wins
- Previous head to head series points (not applicable if more than 2 teams tied)
- Previous head to head series goal differential (not applicable if more than 2 teams tied)
- Higher Total Goal Differential(with a 5-goal differential max.).
- Higher Total Goals For
- Higher Total Goals Ratio (GF – GA / GF)
- Total Ties
- Fewer Default Losses
- If a tie still exists a coin will be flipped to see who gets the top position. The other two teams will follow the above outlined formula.
Defaulted games will be recorded as a 5 – 0 win.
H. Playoff Structure
- Semifinals: single game with the top teams having home field advantage
- Finals: single game with the top team having home field advantage.
- If in the event that a playoff game ends in a tie, two (2) halves consisting of 7.5 minutes will be played, with the first team to score winning the game (golden goal). If still tied after the overtime, kicks from the penalty mark as per FIFA rules will be used to determine the winner.
I. Post Game Duties
- Game Sheets - Referees are required to leave a copy of the game sheet with the home and away team. The original game sheet is given to the Home Team.
- Discipline Reports – Any caution or dismissal reports must be attached to the original game sheet and given to the Home Team.
- The Home Team is responsible for providing the original game sheet and discipline reports to the Zone Convenor.
- Winning team: Before 7:00PM. on game day winning teams must phone or email score onto the convenor.
J. Eligibility
- Eligibility shall be determined by MHSAA guidelines. Eligibility sheets are to be forwarded to the convenor 48 hours prior to the first league game.
K. Uniforms
- Teams must wear school colors. The goal tender must be in a different color from the rest of the team and opponents.
L. Entries
- Schools should indicate their intention to participate to the convenor by the April SCAC Zone Meeting.
M. Game Rules
- Players may wear soccer boots (no metal cleats) or running shoes.
- Players must wear shin guards
- Unlimited substitutions are allowed during game.
N. Discipline
- Theleague disciplinarian (Zone Soccer Convenor) is required to follow the MSA Disciplinary Mandatory minimums and submit the list of suspended players to the MSA when requested.
- Coaches are responsible for controlling the spectators
- Any player sent off the field will receive an automatic minimum suspension of one game. Players will serve the suspension during the next scheduled league or playoff game.Any player sent off the field for violent conduct, attempt to injure, or fighting, will receive an automatic minimum suspension of three games. Violations against players or referees in SCAC games will be considered for further suspensions in outside leagues (e.g. Winnipeg Youth Soccer Association, Senior Men's leagues etc.)
- Violations for which a player will receive a minimum Three Game Suspension
Threatening anyone .
Conduct or serious foul play .
Attempting to kick or strike any opponent in a deliberate manner
Deliberate spitting, striking, and/or kicking an opponent.
O. Supervision
- Supervision shall be determined by Divisional policy.
- Every injury has to be treated by a person of the same sex.