FROM:Bill Lawrence, Town Manager
DATE: February 16, 2018
TO:Board of Selectmen
SUBJECT:Manager’s Report
Safety Meetingwas held Monday afternoon. Ann Schneider, Loss Control Supervisor for Maine Municipal Association gave a presentation on Best Practices for a Safety Committee Meeting. There were no incidents or accidents to report. There were Building Inspections at the Town Office and Library. The Library has some issues with the water heater, a receptacle and batteries in the exit lights. These issues have been rectified.
Sand Pile: For many years there has been a sand pile left outside of Public Works for Warren residents only for personnel use. Warren residents were allowed to fill two pales only. Unfortunately there has been sever abuse to this honor system. There was one day last week that 9 yards of sand was used during the day. 9 yards is one dump truck load that would spread sand on one plow route. The sand purchase from the budget line items is for the Public Roads and not personnel driveways. This practice was done as a curtesy but now has been abused. Our sand pile is running low for the season and it’s unfortunate that a few ruin it for everyone.
Warren Closed Municipal Landfill Reportwas just received from Emery & Garrett Ground Water Investigations, LLC. Ground water contamination is still present and they recommend continuation of the ground water monitoring program.
Knox County Sheriff reports for the last quarter of 2017 calls for services in Warren. The total call volume was 667. There was 33 adult arrest there was 43 crashes, 4 assaults, 8 Domestics, 2 sex offenses, 6 thefts/burglaries and 155 property checks.
Public Workshas finish cutting the trees down and taken out the stumps at Mt Pleasant Cemetery. We will finish the ground work late in the spring/summer. The crew will be checking the road for potholes in the next few days and coming week.
The Budget will be completed next week and letters sent to the Budget Committee. The Budget Workshops will be March 13 and March 20th at 7:00 p.m. This will be combined Selectmen and Budget Committee Members workshop. The Budget Books will be completed by March 1st for pickup by the Budget Committee and Selectmen.