AGM – Summary of Achievements over 2015 – Musters Medical Practice PPG


-  Official opening ceremony for Embankment Primary Care Centre by Prof David Colin-Thome attended by several PPG members


-  PPG meeting covered feedback from the above, proposed Mental Health survey cancelled, no practice representatives were able to attend

-  Dr Nicola Turner joined the practice


-  New PPG Terms of Reference drafted; All doctors and senior practice staff asked for input and to re-affirm commitment to PPG; Christine Jones agreed to join PPG


-  New member, Sabah Nadeem, came along to PPG meeting; Terms of Reference approved; Meeting conduct agreed; “Check in” and “Check out” introduced; Recruitment policy and tenures confirmed; Comms subgroup set up, website revamp mooted; Castle PPG minutes became a standing paper on the agenda; Refreshments introduced; Meeting moved to main meeting room (more professional); ‘My Local Chemist’ issues highlighted as common and need to be addressed

-  Signature Coffee shop opened

-  Response Physio opened

-  Reflexology service started


-  Paul started attending Castle PPG meetings as standing guest


-  Jenny Newman announced that she would be stepping down from the PPG; first feedback from Comms Subgroup re: website; Quarterly Practice Development Meeting feedback by PPG attendees (PPG members attend all QPDMs); Sabah Nadeem fed back that she would not be attending future meetings (to HJ)

-  Practice newsletter PPG section focused on recruitment to PPG


-  Christine Jones (Practice Manager) joined the group; Hazel Erwin announced that she would be stepping down from the PPG; Mike produced slides to promote PPG on the waiting room TV; PPG badges distributed; NAPP website became accessible to PPG members; Linda became Friends & Family Test champion (Tammie also helped hand out FFT forms); Roller banner advert for PPG agreed in principle; Practice performance measures provided for first time (quarterly agreed); Care Quality Commission (CQC) assessment visit announced and PPG input sought; Patient Education raised as important; Virtual Group activation agreed; Actively seeking to expand PPG demographic agreed

-  CQC planning pre-meeting with practice leadership


-  CQC visit day included Anne, Linda, Mike and Paul’s input, noted by CQC

-  Comms subgroup agreed spec for new website and provided delivery options


-  PPG meeting reviewed CQC visit and joint working between PPG & practice; Agreed to launch PPG presence at Self Care Week in November; Castle PPG reps attended; Ruddington PPG Chair led session on virtual groups; New website launched (without PPG input)


-  Self Care Week held 16-20th with 19 volunteers over the week (see separate summary report); 10 new PPG members signed up (8 virtual)


PPG meeting reviewed