Performance Planning and Review

School of Public Health

University of Minnesota

Purpose: The School of Public Health is committed to helping employees succeed in their jobs. An important component to employee success is a clear understanding of job duties and performance expectations. Therefore, the SPH requires that at least annually supervisors and employees review job duties and performance expectations; set goals and objectives for the future; and review past performance and results. In addition to this annual review, supervisors and employees should maintain continual communication regarding job expectations.

Instructions: Supervisors and employees should review and complete the job duty and planning portion (columns 1 and 2 on pages 1 and 2) of this form shortly after the employee is hired and, at least annually, thereafter. This planning stage should occur before the review takes place. Employees should be evaluated against criteria that are known to them. Supervisors and employees should set goals and objectives together. Supervisors will complete the review portion (page 3) of this form. Employees may add information or responses in the Employee Comment portion (page 4). Both the supervisor and employee will sign the form, indicating that a review discussion took place. The original will be filed in the employee’s personnel file in Central Human Resources. A copy will be maintained in the employing unit and a copy given to the employee.

Employee Name (last, first, middle) / Employee ID Number
Title / Probationary Appraisal Annual Appraisal
Unit / Dates Covered:

Job Duties:Planning: Results:

List the major job responsibilities or functional areas of the job (refer to the job description and update if necessary). / List performance expectations, standards and the major accountabilities associated with each job function/responsibility. Identify and list objectives and goals. / Describe the results. Were expectations met or not, if not, why not. Comment on how well the employee performed each function.

Job Duties: Planning: Results:

List the major job responsibilities or functional areas of the job (refer to the job description and update if necessary). / List performance expectations, standards and the major accountabilities associated with each job function/responsibility. Identify and list objectives and goals. / Describe the results. Were expectations met or not, if not, why not. Comment on how well the employee performed each function.

Performance Review

All employees of the School of Public Health are expected to meet the following core performance expectations and standards. Certain jobs may require additional performance factors which can be added to this list. Please review the list of expected standards for each factor and mark an X in the meets standards column if the employee demonstrates the expected standards. If an employee frequently does not meet or exceeds the standard, place an X in either the “Needs Improvement” or the “Exceeds Standards” columns. If “Needs Improvement” or “Exceeds Standards” is chosen, the supervisor must write specific work-related examples that demonstrate the need for improvement or how the employee exceeded standards.

Performance Factors and

Expected Standards

/ Needs Improvement / Meets Standards / Exceeds Standards
Cooperation / Teamwork Examples of expected standards are:
Promotes an atmosphere of mutual respect and cooperation. Encourages and supports others. Provides information, assistance and guidance to others to help them perform their responsibilities. Volunteers and offers suggestions. Shows courtesy and respect. Creates a climate for comfortable expression of ideas.

Communications / Interactions Examples of expected standards are:

Develops and maintains smooth and effective working relationships with co-workers, supervisors, subordinates and others within and outside the work unit and the School of Public Health. Uses positive methods of interactions with others. Discusses and explains information with others effectively. Produces accurate, well-presented and thorough written documents, records and reports.

Dependability and Commitment Examples of expected standards are:

Can be counted upon to complete duties and responsibilities accurately and on-time. Utilizes time well and sets appropriate priorities. Follows through with plans. Knows when to ask for help when work loads or critical work assignments demand it. Accepts responsibility and new job assignments. Work absences are infrequent and only when necessary. Accepts and supports unit, AHC and University goals.

Job-Related Professional/Technical Knowledge & Skill Examples of expected standards are:

Knows and applies principles, techniques, technology and practices that demonstrate competency in the particular job function. Achieves, maintains and demonstrates necessary knowledge and skill level to perform currently assigned work responsibilities. Keeps informed of current developments. Understands work procedures, University policies and procedures and how currently assigned position relates to others and to the unit, AHC and University goals.

Initiative and Independence of Action Examples of expected standards are:

Volunteers for special assignments. Willingly helps and assists others. Anticipates needs and takes appropriate steps to meet those needs. Accepts responsibility and performs responsibilities with limited supervision. Willingly accepts direction and is open to new ideas. Demonstrates willingness to learn and grow professionally. Demonstrates independent thinking and a desire to seek additional challenges.

Planning, Problem Solving and Decision-Making Examples of expected standards are:

Plans and organizes work effectively. Utilizes time well to perform quality work effectively and efficiently. Understands and utilizes available resources and job/professional knowledge to develop and evaluate alternatives, resolve work-related problems, make appropriate decisions and judgements. Foresees problem areas and seeks solutions to problems.

Supervision (if applicable) Examples of expected standards are:

Directs work activities to fully utilize employees’ skills and available resources to meet unit, AHC and University goals. Assesses employees’ skills, assigns work accordingly, trains as necessary, and provides opportunities to learn new skills. Provides honest and timely performance feedback. Gives credit where credit is due. Establishes an atmosphere for open discussions by showing respect for others’ ideas. Knows and applies HR policies and procedures consistently.

Give examples of work behaviors or actual situations that demonstrate areas needing improvement.

Give examples of work behaviors or actual situations that demonstrate how the employee exceeded standards and showed significant strength.


Based on employee’s performance and skills, identify specific actions that would improve the employee’s performance in the current position or prepare the employee for expanded responsibilities in the future. Consider the following possibilities: cross-training, leadership opportunities, new duties, project assignments, courses, seminars, training, conferences, etc.


Please respond to this performance review by indicating agreement or disagreement with any of the statements on this document and why. Also, provide any information you feel important to understanding your current performance. In addition, indicate other responsibilities you would be interested in learning about. Indicate training or other assistance that would help you fulfill current or future responsibilities.

Employee signature: / Date:
Supervisor signature: / Date:
Supervisor name (print): Title:
Department Head signature: / Date:

When complete, make copies for the division file and the employee and send the original and one copy to the Dean’s Office. The original document will be sent to Employee Records, University Human Resources, and a copy will be placed in the personnel file in the Dean’s Office.

Revised: April 19, 2000