Canadian History Project

Now that you know about Canada’s path to Confederation, its time to put that knowledge to the test! For this Canadian history project, you will create a unique presentation that demonstrates your understanding of an important event in Canadian history.

The project can be in any form…………. EXCEPT POWERPOINT!!!

·  Suggestions include, but not limited to:

o  Prezi

o  Movie

o  Skit

o  Children’s Story

o  Poster

o  Song

o  Class Activity

Remember, the main idea is to represent your knowledge of Canadian history in a creative way! You may work individually or with a partner. You may have a group of three only if you are making a movie. Choose your partner/topic wisely!

The project content is up to you! You can do a brief synopsis of their path to nationhood, or focus on a specific event within the time period. (1791-1867)

·  Suggestions include, but not limited to:

o  Rebellions of 1837

o  French-British Canadian relations

o  Format of the government and responsible government

o  Durham Report

o  Life of a Canadian leader (MacKenzie, Papineau, Macdonald, Cartier)

o  Relationship with the U.S.

o  Conferences pre-Confederation (Charlottetown, Quebec, London)

As you can tell, you have quite a bit of creative freedom. What you focus on, and how you present it, is up to you! The class will have four days in the computer lab (Oct. 26-30) to do more in-depth research and create their project. These are due next Monday, November 2nd. I want you to take this opportunity to represent a historical event in a fun, creative, and unique way! The project is worth 40 points and will be assessed using the following rubric:

Criterion A: Knowledge and Understanding of the Content

How much knowledge and understanding does the student show of the work(s) used in the presentation? In order to reach the highest marks you need to show outstanding knowledge and understanding not only of the content, but also the implications of the work studied. This means that beyond factual knowledge and the ability to sum up the information, you must demonstrate the ability to sum up the main points, themes, and concepts.

Marks / Level Descriptor
0 / The work does not reach a standard described by the descriptors above.
1-2 / There is little knowledge or understanding of the content presented.
3-4 / There is some knowledge and superficial understanding of the content presented
5-6 / There is adequate knowledge and understanding of the content on some of the information presented
7-8 / There is a very good knowledge and understanding of the content & information presented
9-10 / There is excellent knowledge and understanding of the content & information presented

Criterion B: Presentation

How much attention has been given to making the delivery effective, creative, and appropriate to the presentation? To what extent are strategies used to interest the audience? (audibility, eye contact, gestures, explanations, etc.) Make sure you are using visual material, it clarifies your points. Criterion B is looking for structure, strategy, and creativity!

Marks / Level Descriptor
0 / The work does not reach a standard described by the descriptors above.
1-2 / Delivery of the presentation is seldom appropriate, with little attempt to interest the audience.
3-4 / Delivery of the presentation is sometimes appropriate, with some attempt to interest the audience.
5-6 / Delivery of the presentation is appropriate, with a clear intention to interest the audience.
7-8 / Delivery of the presentation is effective, with suitable strategies used to interest the audience.
9-10 / Delivery of the presentation is highly effective, with purposeful strategies used to interest the audience.