Independent Study Project Ideas

Society Issues/Topics

1. Abortion Law

2. Homelessness

3. Civil Rights

4. Censorship

5. Affordable Housing

6. Protecting Your Privacy

7. Social Security

8. Human Trafficking

9. Off shoring

10. Gun Control

Political Topics

11. Cell Phones and Highway Safety

12. DNA Evidence in the Criminal Justice System

13. Drunk Driving

14. Term Limits

15. Immigration Policy

16. Is the CIA working?


18. Parkinson’s and Stem Cell Funding and Research

19. Government secrets (Area 51, Yucca Mtn, President’s book of secrets, any more?)

20. Government oppression of it’s people (around the world)

21. Current military conflicts around the world.

Political/societal debate questions

22. Does alcohol marketing impact underage alcohol use?

23. Should marijuana be legalized, taxed and managed similar to alcohol/cigarettes or not?

24. Trade and the use of Sea point/Airports

25. Globalization (Is outsourcing jobs good for America?)

26. Is climate change and global warming real?

27. Why can't the U.S. grow all it's own energy, such as growing enough corn to make ethanol?

28. Who should have ownership rights in internet publishing?

29. Under God? Constitutionality of the Pledge of Allegiance

30. Are genetically modified foods safe?

31. Should we have the Death Penalty?

32. Should the governmentwire-tap/monitor (watch you) without permission? (i.e. big brother)

33. Is stem cell research ethical?

34. Should same-sex marriage be legal?

35. Should religion be in the public schools?

36. Do electronic voting machines improve the voting process?

37. What are the solutions to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict?

38. How practical is nuclear power now and for the future?

39. Felon Voting Rights (Should former felons be allowed to vote?)

40. Affirmative Action (Should race be a factor in university admissions?)

41. Should schools segregate classes by gender? Do boys perform better in the classroom with boys and girls better

without boys?

42. What are the pros and cons of using wind power? Solar power? Water power?

43. Should prisoners pay back the state after their release?

44. Should electronic tracking devices be placed in driver's licenses and school identification cards?

45. Should the U.S. require mandatory national service?

46. Should DDT be allowed back into the environment?

47. Should there be such a thing as military use of dolphins?Other animals? (i.e. seals, pigeons, etc)

48. Does the media work for or against the best interests of the American people?

49. Are welfare benefits a fair use of taxpayer dollars?

50. Is Wal Mart destroying small business in rural surrounding small towns?

51. Electoral College (Should the Electoral College be abolished in favor of direct voting?)

52. National Security (Is the United State more secure after 9/11?)

53. Government’s role in fighting terrorism (drone strikes, spying, freezing assets, etc)

54. How have immigrants shaped American life (find things that we may not have if it had not been for immigrants)

55. 9/11 Heroes (personal stories of heroism, survival, and sacrifice)

56. Middle East Peace…why is it so difficult?