DRAFT Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting
Wednesday 10th September 2014
Main Hall, MS Centre, Church Lane, West Parley.
Present: Councillors: John Cullen (Chair); Pat Couper (Vice Chair); Gillian Collingbourne; Stuart Couper;
Geoff Dark; Chrissie Davies; Sheila Gooden; Simon Jordan; Kieran Ryan
In attendance: District & County Councillor John Wilson; District Councillor Barbara Manuel; Linda Leeding (Clerk) & Mrs Butter
1. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE. County Councillor Ian Smith
The minutes had been circulated prior to the meeting and were accepted as an accurate record. (Pages 11122 to 11124)
The meeting was adjourned at 19.34 Hrs for County & District Councillor briefings and reconvened at 20.06 Hrs.
The report had been circulated prior to the meeting. Standing Order 1D was formally suspended as a result of the Openness of Local Government Bodies Regulations 2014, which came into effect on 5th August. The Regulations allows any member of the public attending a public meeting of the Town Council to: (a) film, photograph or make an audio recording of proceedings at a meeting, (b) use any other means for enabling persons not present to see or hear proceedings at a meeting as it takes place or later, or (c) report or provide commentary on proceedings at a meeting, orally or in writing, so that the report or commentary is available as the meeting takes place or later to persons not present. The amended Standing Order to be adopted in the October meeting.
The Clerk updated Councillors about the External Audit undertaken by BDO, and confirmed that no anomalies were identified. One issue was incorrectly raised regarding the precept amount, which the Clerk has written to inform them and request an amended report to show no issues arising. At the same time, a formal request was made to remove the ring-fenced monies back to general reserves. Cllrs agreed with the findings of the External Auditors and the motion to approve the External Audit was proposed by Cllr Mrs Couper, seconded by Cllr Gooden and passed with a unanimous vote.
Following the community donation from Eco Sustainable Solutions, the Council advertised for grant applications from local community groups. The Clerk confirmed that two have been received. The West Parley Memorial Hall applied for £2000 towards the cost of replacement gutters, soffits and fascias. The last donation was £1000 in 2009. Cllrs discussed the grant application and a motion to approve the application was proposed by Cllr Mrs Couper, seconded by Cllr Davies and passed with a unanimous vote. Parley First School applied for £2000 for structural improvements to the outside learning environment to aid all year learning. The last donation was £200 in January 2014 for road safety. Councillors discussed the grant application and a motion to approve the application was proposed by Cllr Davies, seconded by Cllr Ryan and passed with a unanimous vote. To roll this out further, Cllr Collingbourne is meeting local groups over the third quarter of 2014, and will inform them of the Community Grant Process.
The Chairman explained that there are a number of road issues being raised, so he has collated a list to show the key suggestions to put forward to Dorset County Council (DCC). By writing with a ‘wish list’ some economies of scale should be possible, so may increase the likelihood of things being progressed. Items on the list are the speed on main roads, parking in Elm Tree Close, suggested ‘keep clear’ road markings at various junctions around the Parish and siting of 4 SID speed detectors on the 4 main roads to and from Parley Cross. Cllrs discussed the items and made additional suggestions to address all the road issues was proposed by Cllr Couper, seconded by Cllr Jordan and passed with a unanimous vote. The amended list will be circulated to Councillors for comment to enable this to be discussed & agreed at the next PACT meeting on 25/9/14 before presenting to County Councillor Wilson to progress at County.
The responsibility of dealing with floods has moved from the Environment Agency to DCC. The Clerk confirmed receipt of a request for Flood Wardens and advertising is on the noticeboard, website & facebook. In the meantime, it was suggested that the Clerk be nominated Flood Warden, as is the case in West Moors, while others come forward. Clerk to complete the online questionnaire.
Suggested previously, for placing in Parley Country Club, to honour parishioners annually at the Volunteers’ Reception, who make an exceptional contribution to the village. Inaugural winner is Richard Heaslip. Cllrs discussed the sizing and cost of the board, larger board £350 deemed too large, so smaller board agreed at a reduced cost. Names to be engraved or adhered annually and has board has a 4 week delivery. Cllrs were unanimous in agreement to the smaller board with header of West Parley Community Award. Cllr Ryan to progress.
Cllrs discussed opinions on having Decorations within West Parley. A central tree was unanimously agreed upon but siting with electrics would need to be arranged. Cllr Cullen thought this suggestion originated from Parley Rotary. Cllr Jordan will speak with Rotary and Apple Conservatories to establish if feasible and if being progressed.
The Clerk presented the schedule, which had been circulated to Cllrs prior to the meeting, requiring authorisation signature after the meeting. Approval of the schedule was unanimous.
The Chairman passed the meeting to Cllr Dark, the Planning Committee Chairman, who asked for acceptance of the minutes 3rd September Meeting as an accurate record. Proposed by Cllr Dark, seconded by Cllr Mrs Couper, and passed with a unanimous vote. Cllr Dark also listed the permissions received, which hopefully indicates the Planning Department’s backlog reduction.
Ref.: 3/14/0728/HOU 2 Fitzpain Close, West Parley
PROPOSAL: Erect a two storey side extension and demolish existing detached garage
West Parley Parish Council consider the application to be in keeping with others in the area, and offer no objection to the application.
Ref.: 3/14/0712/PRIOR New Road, West Parley
PROPOSAL: Vodaphone – Telecommunications Mast. Removal of the existing 12m High Monopole & Replace with a
15m High Monopole. At ground level - 2 additional equipment cabinets measuring 1.3m(w) x .7m (d) x 1.45m (h)
West Parley Parish Council considered the application and offer no objection to the proposed plan.
Christchurch Borough Council
Ref: 8/14/0412/FUL Chapel Lane, Parley
PROPOSAL: Extension of solar energy farm to cover an area of 7.2 hectares of land between existing Phase 1 and Phase 2 solar farms and connection to the local distribution network.
Cllrs discussed the application and offer no objection to the current application as it is infill within the existing Phase 1 and 2 developments. However concern is raised as Phase 3 is close to houses and that the solar farm is once again described as being silent. Officers are aware that of the constant noise from the Phase 1 installation that can be heard outside the perimeter fence despite the assurances given in the Phase 1 application that there was no noise from a PV installation. Installers have been looking at this problem for many monthsbut the problem continues. It is noted however that the
technical specification of Phase 3 is different from Phase 1 and the current noise problem may be unique to the Phase 1 installation. Recent planning applications for PV sites in Dorset and elsewhere have obtained a developers contribution to benefit local communities and this may be considered in this case.'
15. MEDIA ISSUES: News for September
The key topics for next month are: the West Parley Gardening Club starting, Cricket success, Macmillan Coffee morning at Parley Country Club on Saturday 27th, 80s Charity event to raise funds for DebRA and Down Right Perfect, Sting in the Tale, Kids Halloween Party. Cllr Davies to check with Lizzie Bryant about a Halloween Story Walk to coincide with the party
Cllr Cullen reminded Cllrs that the Parish Council has 2 vacancies and if it was the right time to advertise and if Cllrs had any suggestions of interested parties. Cllrs agreed that it’s been a few months since advertising previously and the time was right. Clerk to write to Julia Duncan to start the formal process and post advertisements on the noticeboards. They can also be advertised on facebook site, website, via the school, e-newsletter and word of mouth.
Cllr Cullen talked briefly through the updated activity plan, which benefit from more items, including community activities. Document to be circulated for Cllrs to comment.
Cllr Collingbourne has meeting scheduled with West Parley WI & Townswomen’s Guild; with next meetings with Lions and Rotary.
Cllr Davies updated Cllrs that Facebook page now has 92 members. Asked Clerk for Parley First School email address as made contact twice but no reply. Cllr Davies added that the directory looks good with pictures of the Car Park improvements.
Cllr Gooden reported that the Volunteer Driver Scheme held its first AGM; detailing the scheme has covered 2358 miles, making nearly 500 trips. A great first year and it’s hoped it can be expanded further. Cllr Davies will add numbers and a thank you to the volunteers in articles and that any additional volunteers are welcome. It was also reported that the Country Club have now taking on running the Coffee Mornings; Many new events at the Barrington Theatre in Ferndown due to new manager. Suggested Cllr Jordan make contact to see how PCC could hold similar in West Parley.
Cllr Jordan informed Councillors that the Country Club is entering its 65th year of Sport and Cricket in West Parley. The Youth tournament was a great success, with 10 pitches used and made the site a contender for future events. It was reported that the Club Committee are conscience that the flat will not be used for residential, so is undergoing improvements to make into youth changing rooms. The Ability Counts Team is doing well and support is always welcomed from the locals. Upcoming events include a charity event for DebRA and Down Right Perfect and the annual Halloween Party.
Cllr Ryan confirmed 25-30 children attended the Nuts About Nature event, however broken glass was found near the bridge. It was suggested that a sweep be undertaken before future events. Discussions led to whether Lizzie Bryant would do a Halloween story walk, which could be incorporated into the Halloween Party at the Club.
Cllr Couper confirmed that over the last 8 months the West Parley Volunteers had worked a total of 930 hours; equalling 116 per month. Cllrs suggested a thank you goes out on the website/facebook. Cllr Jordan confirmed that volunteers so to have Health and safety guidance. Cllr Cullen confirmed that they will be painting the benches around the parish, at a saving of £45 per bench.
Cllr Mrs Couper said how good the roadside boxes were all looking and volunteers are always sought to dead head the plants through the season. After the success of the boxes and issues of trees dying or being vandalised, it was suggested that more boxes be sited in preference to trees. Cllrs were in agreement and it was suggested that residents could ‘adopt a box’ to aid with tending the plants. The watering contract this year has meant all plants have been regularly fed and watered. Front Garden competition judges suggested expanding the competition to include back gardens, and interestingly West Parley’s 3rd place was the winner of the Ferndown Front Garden Competition. All keen gardeners are called to the West Parley Gardening Club on Tuesday 30th September 7pm at Parley Country Club.
Cllr Couper asked the Clerk about the Webmaster. Further investigations need to be undertaken re costs and quotes to continue existing contract or have new webmaster.
Cllr Cullen concluded that All Saints Church have given a selection of dates for Cllrs to visit, which will be emailed around to all Cllrs to establish the most popular date. Also, Christmas Meal booked for 4th December and summer meal on 25th June 2015.
The date of the next meeting was set as Wednesday 15th October, however has been moved back 1 week to 22nd October at 19:30 hrs (7.30pm) at the Main Hall, MS Centre, Church Lane, West Parley.
There being no further business the meeting closed at 21.30hrs.