James Monroe School

45 Wilus Way

Iselin, NJ 08830

(732) 452-2970

Mrs. Lynda Zapoticzny


Edison Board of Education

312 Pierson Ave., Edison, NJ 08837 (732) 452-4900

Mission Statement

The mission of the Public Schools of Edison Township is to ensure that all students achieve at the highest level of academic success. The district, in partnership with the community, will provide a safe, supportive learning environment, which promotes self-worth and encourages productive contributions to a diverse and constantly evolving global society.

Frank Heelan– President

Beth Moroney – Vice President

Deborah A. AnesLori A. Bonderowitz

Ralph ErricoVeena Iyer

Shivi Prasad-Madhukar Jerry Shi

Theresa E. Ward

Central Administration

Dr. Richard O’Malley / Superintendent / 732-452-4963
Daniel P. Michaud / Business Administrator
Board Secretary / 732-452-4965
Margaret DeLuca / Chief Academic Officer C&I, Grades 6-12 / 732-452-4951
Tara Beams / Assistant Superintendent of C&I, Pre-K-5 / 732-452-4951
Dena Feldman / Elementary Supervisor / 732-452-4932
Christopher Conklin / Assistant Superintendent, Special Services / 732-452-4948
Erin Madara / Supervisor of Special Education / 732-452-4924
Ralph Barca / Director of Technology / 732-452-4949
Ken Stromsland / Supervisor of Facilities / 732-452-4550

Tableof Contents

Principal’s Message / 3
School Closing/1:30 Dismissals / 4
Tentative Calendar of Events / 5
School Schedule / 7
Marking Period Schedule / 7
Parent Teacher Conferences / 7
State Testing Dates / 7
School Procedures / 8
Arrival/Line Up/ Delayed Opening Procedures / 9
Lunch/Recess Supervision / 10
Bus Dismissal Supervision / 11
Attendance Policy/Homework Requests / 11
1:30 Dismissal Days / 11
Black Board/Parent Portal / 12
Parent Custody Issues / 12
A.B.C. After-Before School Child Care/Visitors/Parking / 13
School Rules/Indoor Rules / 14
Harassment, Intimidation, and Bullying / 16
Dress Code / 16
Phone System/Lunch / 17
Lunch / 17
Newsletter/Conferences/Lost & Found/Electronic Devices / 18
Annual Assessments / 19
Grading / 19
Staff List / 21
Map / 23
Message From The School Nurse / 26
Physical Education Regulations / 26
Library / 27
Curriculum & Instruction / 27
Special Programs / 27
Reading Specialist / 27
Counseling / 27
Intervention & Referral Service Committee (I&RS) / 28
Response to Intervention / 28
The Child Study Team / 29
What is an IEP / 29
Gifted and Talented / 30
School Activities / 30
Field Trips/Chaperones / 34
Parent Teacher Organization (PTO) / 36
PTO Special Programs & Activities / 37
BOE Policies / 38

Principal’s Message

Welcome to the start of the 2016-17 school year at James Monroe. Whether you are returning or brand new to this school community, you will be part of quite an exciting journey. This will be our third and final start at 45 Wilus Way. As we get ready to transition back to 7 Sharp Rd., our theme for the year is appropriately, “There is no place like home.”

Last year we welcomed the Self-Contained Autistic K-2 classrooms to the building. After a very successful year, we are pleased to announce the opening of a 3-5 section, and with it introduce teacher Ms. Kerri Colletto, and paraprofessional Ms. Jackie Morrell. Two other additions to this specialized program that happened last year were Mrs. Dawn Chessere, and Mrs. Uzma Athir.

Other staffing changes include the addition of Mr. Kyle Barry to our 1st grade team, Mrs. Therese Blair as Math Specialist, Ms. Elissa Both in the LDTC role, and Mrs. Mary Walworth in Speech. Having met with all of these professionals, I am excited about the energy they will bring to our programs.

Our school motto of a “Whole New World” was really tested last year as we welcomed 9 babies to our extended family. The last of these, both girls, were born on the same weekend, with Mrs. Reif giving birth to Alexandra Nicole on August 13th, and our Supervisor, Mrs. Feldman delivered Weiland Sunshine on the 14th. This year, so far, we are not that fertile, but congratulate Mrs. Rokosz (now Tortorello) and Miss Mateicka (now Steinhart) on their June weddings.

Our Back-to-School Night will take place on Tuesday, September 20th. At that time, you will be presented with a much more comprehensive picture of what a day in the life of a James Monroe student looks like, and how that may or may not change once we transition back to the new building at 7 Sharp Road after the Christmas break. Since the play was unveiled last Halloween (The Wizard of Oz), the only surprise to share is that we will perform it on Friday, April 7th, right before the Easter/Passover break.

The first traditional community event will be our 20th Harvest Eve Celebration, which will take place on Friday, October 14th from 5-8PM at Edison High School. Since many volunteers are needed to make this evening a success, please be on the lookout for flyers from our PTO, led by its coordinator, Sandie Takach. Speaking of the PTO, we are in desperate need of volunteers to reorganize this worthwhile service organization. At the present time, we have no President, and funds are so low that we may not be able to support class trips. Last year, the revenue from the play helped subsidize many events, but with that being put off until the Spring, the school account is empty.

All of the district forms are available online through the Parent Portal. Make sure to read through and sign off on this information. A copy of our school handbook will be available on our homepage on the district website. This contains all of the procedures/program descriptions, as well as our calendar for the year. You can access it at as well as watch the live camera feed of the daily progress at 7 Sharp Rd.

I hope to see all of you on the 20th!


Lynda Zapoticzny

2016-2017 School Calendar

1:30 Dismissals/school closings

Tuesday / September / 6 / First Day of School
Monday / October / 3 / Schools Closed - Rosh Hashanah
Tuesday / October / 4 / Schools Closed - Rosh Hashanah
Wednesday / October / 12 / Schools Closed – Yom Kippur
Tuesday / November / 1 / 1:30 Dismissal – Parent/Teacher Conferences *
Thursday / November / 3 / 1:30 Dismissal – Parent/Teacher Conferences **
Tuesday / November / 8 / Schools Closed – Professional Development Day
Thursday / November / 10 / Schools Closed
Friday / November / 11 / Schools Closed
Tuesday / November / 15 / 1:30 Dismissal – Parent/Teacher Conferences*
Wednesday / November / 23 / 1:30 Dismissal
Thursday / November / 24 / Schools Closed - Thanksgiving Recess
Friday / November / 25 / Schools Closed – Thanksgiving Recess
Friday / December / 23 / 1:30 Dismissal
Monday / December / 26 / Schools Closed through January 2
Tuesday / January / 3 / School Reopens
Monday / January / 16 / Schools Closed – Martin Luther King’s Birthday
Monday / February / 20 / Schools Closed – President’s Day
Thursday / March / 2 / 1:30 Dismissal – Parent/Teacher Conferences*
Tuesday / March / 7 / 1:30 Dismissal – Parent/Teacher Conferences**
Tuesday / March / 14 / 1:30 Dismissal – Parent/Teacher Conferences*
Monday / April / 10 / Schools Closed – Easter Recess
Tuesday / April / 18 / Schools Reopen
Monday / May / 29 / Schools Closed – Memorial Day
Tuesday / June / 20 / 1:30 Dismissal
Wednesday / June / 21 / 1:30 Dismissal – Last Day of School

* Parent Teacher Night Conferences

** Parent Teacher Day Conferences

Tentative Calendar of Events

September / 1 / Kindergarten Meet & Greet 1:00 PM
6 / First Day of School
20 / Back to School Night 7 PM
27 / PTO Informational Mtg. 7 PM
October / 3-4 / Schools Closed – Rosh Hashanah
7 / 4th Gr. Field Trip – Sandy Hook
10 / Fire Fighter Phil Gr. 1-3 9:30 AM
12 / Schools Closed – Yom Kippur
14 / Harvest Eve at EHS 5:00-8:00 PM
KDG. Pumpkin Patch TBD
26 / Class Pictures
31 / Halloween Parade 9:15AM
Halloween Parties 2:15-3:15 PM
November / 1 / 1:30 Dismissal – 6:00-8:00 Parent/Teacher Conferences
3 / 1:30 Dismissal – 2:00-4:00 Parent/Teacher Conferences
10-11 / No School Fall Recess
15 / 1:30 Dismissal –6:00-8:00Parent/Teacher Conferences
18 / End of MP 1
23 / 1:30 Dismissal
Gr. 3 Thanksgiving Feast
24-25 / Thanksgiving Break – No School
29-30 / Camp Bernie Trip 1
30-Dec 1 / Camp Bernie Trip 2
December / 5-9 / Holiday Boutique
6 / Report Cards available on line Grades 2-5
Winter Concert 7:00 PM at James Monroe TBD
23 / Class Parties K-2:12-1; 3-5: 12:30-1:15
1:30 Dismissal
26- Jan. 2 / Winter Recess – No School
January / 16 / Schools Closed - MLK Birthday
February / 3 / End of MP 2
17 / Report Cards available on line K-5
20 / School Closed – President’s Day
March / 2 / 1:30 Dismissal – 2:00-4:00 Parent /Teacher Conferences
3 / Read Across America
7 / 1:30 Dismissal – 6:00-8:00 Parent/Teacher Conferences
14 / 1:30 Dismissal – 6:00-8:00 Parent/Teacher Conferences
April / 5 / Play Practice - full cast at EHS 5-7
7 / School Play - EHS 6:30/8:00
End of MP 3
10-17 / Schools Closed – Easter/Passover Recess
28 / Report Cards available on line; Grades 1-5
May / 1-5 / Teacher Appreciation Week
5 / Gr. 1 Dinosaurs Rock
8-19 / PARCC Testing: Grades 3-5
Fifth Grade Dance
Spring Concert 7 PM at James Monroe School
Grade 5 Philadelphia Trip
3rd Grade Trip to Planetarium
Gr. 2 Field Trip – Edison Tower
Field Day
Field Day (Rain Date)
29 / Schools Closed – Memorial Day
31 / NJASK Testing: Grade 4 Science
June / 5th Grade Sports Day
16 / Awards Assembly – AM
16 / End of Year Parties – 2:15-3:15 PM
20 / 1:30 Dismissal
Gr. 5 Celebration – 10 AM at James Monroe
21 / Last Day of School 1:30 Dismissal, Report Cards available on line K-5
Slide Show 12:30 PM

BOE Mtgs. 7:00PM – 9/26WWMS, 10/24Lind, 11/21Wash, 12/19JMI

PTO School Store – 9/28, 10/26, 11/30, 12/21, 1/25, 2/22, 3/29, 4/26, 5/24

PTO Silly Days –9/14, 10/6, 11/2, 12/7, 1/11, 2/1, 3/1, 4/5, 5/3, 6/7
School Schedule

Bus pick-up is approximately 30 minutes before school begins. Specific time varies with the particular stop on each route.

Regular Hours Gr. 1-59:00 AM -3:30 PM

Regular Hours Gr. K9:00 AM-11:30 AMAM Session

1:00 PM-3:30 PMPM Session

Delayed Openings Gr. 1-510:30 AM-3:30 PM

Delayed Openings Gr. K10:30 AM-12:30 PM AM Session

1:30 PM-3:30 PMPM Session

1:30 Dismissal Gr. 1-59:00 AM-1:30 PM

1:30 Dismissal Gr. K9:00 AM-11:00 AMAM Session

11:30 AM-1:30 PMPM Session

Marking Period – Report Card Schedule

Marking Periods

No. 1 – September 6, 2016 – November 18, 2016

No. 2 – November21, 2016– February 3, 2017

No. 3 – February 6, 2017– April 7, 2017

No. 4 – April18, 2017– June 21, 2017

Report Cards Available On-Line

Grades 2-5December 6, 2016

Grades K-5February 17, 2017

Grades 1-5April 28, 2017

Grades K-5June 21, 2017Be sure to print out the final report card before June 30th. As of July 1st the Parent Portal closes down for the summer.

Parent Teacher Conferences

Tuesday, November 1, 2016 – Night Conferences

Thursday, November 3, 2016 – Day Conferences

Tuesday, November 15, 2016 – Night Conferences

Thursday, March 2, 2017– Day Conferences

Tuesday, March 7, 2017 – Night Conferences

Tuesday, March 14, 2017 – Night Conferences



School Procedures and supervision plan


Pages 9 through 12 contain vital informAtion about arrival and dismissal procedures, as well as how your child is supervised throughout the day.


By April, the Township of Edison Board of Education adopts the school calendar for the next school year and distributes it to each student to bring home. This calendar clearly states scheduled school closings and early dismissals for the next school year.

The Township of Edison Public Schools will post the school year calendar on the district’s Website: In addition, each residential household receives a district/township calendar of events in late August. These calendars clearly state scheduled school closings and early dismissals.

Schools shall distribute information pertaining to student safety, including arrival and dismissal procedures to each student to bring home in the fall of every school year. High schools shall obtain and verify with parents/guardians permission for students to be on an early release schedule.

Schools will distribute or post on the district website a school calendar of scheduled school closings and early dismissals. In addition to the monthly calendar, schools will utilize Black Board, the automated telephone relay system to send notices for scheduled half days and school closings.

The Township of Edison Public Schools has daily access to ESN network, Channel 118 on the local cable station. All emergency information including but not limited to early dismissal, delayed openings, and school closings is posted on Channel 118.

In the case of an emergency early dismissal or closing, the Black Board telephone relay system will be used to contact the parents/guardians of every student to inform them of the need for an emergency early dismissal or school closing and to make sure students will be supervised at the time of the dismissal.



  • Teachers are out on the playground to supervise the children at 8:45 AM.
  • At 8:45, students are dismissed from the buses to the appropriate blacktop area. If you are driving your child to school, please park in the lot adjacent to the school, as crossing between buses is extremely dangerous.
  • All classes will line up on the left side of the building from 8:45 – 8:53, at which time the first bell will ring for entry into the school. Grades 3, 4, 5 will use the first entrance and proceed to their homerooms on the top floor. Grades K, 1, 2 will enter via the main entrance, and do the same.
  • Safety Patrols are assigned to each class to assist the students into the building and to their assigned classrooms.
  • Children not arriving on time must be signed in by an adult in the main office.
  • On days when the weather is inclement, or when the temperature is below freezing, students will be permitted to line up inside the building. Students are to assemble at the place designated by the teacher and await their arrival. This procedure is necessary to ensure that teachers who are on duty may properly supervise the children.

On Delayed Opening days, elementary school classes will begin as follows:

Grades 1-5: 10:30 AM – 3:30 PM

Morning Kindergarten 10:30 AM – 12:30 PM

Afternoon Kindergarten 1:30 PM – 3:30 PM

On delayed opening days, elementary school classes will begin at 10:30 AM. Buses will pick up students at approximately 10:00 AM. PM Kindergarten starts at 1:30. Buses will pick up students at approximately 1:00 PM.

For more bussing information on inclement weather delays, you may contact the transportation department at 732-452-4560.


  • Lunch is scheduled as follows:Grades 1, 2: 12:15-1:00

Grades 3, 4, & 5: 1:02-1:47

  • Teachers will walk their class to the cafeteria, and hand over responsibility for supervision to the assigned lunchaide. If eating during the second half of the lunch period, students will exit outside, weather permitting (this decision is made by the office).
  • Before initiating the lunch procedure, the entire lunch group is lined up as follows: drink only purchasers 1st, cold lunch next, and hot lunch last with choice A first. Anyone who is not buying remains seated at the lunch table.
  • Students walk silently while in the hallways.
  • Students take ONLY what they ordered. NO SUBSTITUTES. Students who forgot to order the day before can get a cold lunch. Kitchen Staff cannot make changes.
  • Students sit appropriately and talk quietly to the children alongside them. They are at all times respectful to the lunch aides and kitchen staff.
  • There will be one call for snacks AFTER lunch students are finished being served.
  • Students are responsible for keeping the floor neat and throwing away garbage.
  • Lunch aides are responsible for wiping down table after seating for their section.
  • Lunch aides will supervise the playground area by circulating among them in order to provide adequate supervision. They must also carry a walkie at all times. Pushing, shoving or any other rowdy behavior is not to be tolerated.
  • Students are not permitted outside the designated playground area.
  • If a student is injured, he/she must be sent to the nurse, accompanied by an aide or another student. If the students cannot be moved, the office will be notified immediately.
  • At the bell, students are to be lined up and walk in an orderly, quiet fashion to the lunchroom, where they will be met by their teacher.


  • All students in grades K - 5will be called to the Gym to await the arrival of their bus.
  • Students are to line up in the designated area for their route. Teachers on duty and safety patrols will assist.
  • When their bus arrives, students will be escorted outside by a safety patrol. Kindergarten students go on first.
  • Students are expected to remain seated, in assigned seats, with seatbelts buckled at all times.
  • Students must go to their designated bus stop for the morning and afternoon rides. You may only ride the bus to which you are assigned.

4th Gr. Field Trip – Sandy Hook


  • On 1:30 dismissals, the elementary school day ends at 1:30PM.
  • Please see the school calendar in our handbook for those days that are scheduled.
  • In the event of an emergency closing, Black Board will be utilized to notify families.
  • If it is a scheduled day, latchkey will take place.
  • If the closing is due to inclement weather or any other emergency situation, latchkey will not be held.
  • In either case, buses will run, and students will be dismissed following the listed procedures.

Attendance Policy/Homework Requests

Parents must phone the school by 10:00 AM on the day their child is absent. Press 1 to report the absence, leaving the name, grade/teacher, and reason. You may also leave your request for any homework. Assignments can be picked up after 2:00 PM. Please call the school first to make sure there is a need to make the trip to school.

As per BOE Policy #5113, when absent, students enrolled in the elementary and middle schools must present a written excuse signed by their parent/guardian on the day they return to school. VACATIONS OR FAMILY TRAVEL WHILE SCHOOL IS IN SESSION SHALL NOT BE CONSIDERED LEGAL OR LEGITIMATE REASONS FOR ABSENCE, GRADE K-12.

The Board recognizes the following as the only legitimate cause for absence from school: personal illness, attendance required in court, or other reasons with prior approval from the principal. In addition, any student who is absent 10 days within any school year may be subjected to administrative review by the principal before the student can be considered for promotion.

Black Board

Edison utilizes a telephone message service called Black Board. The Black Board service has enabled us to personally communicate with parents about emergency situations, school events and important issues impacting your child. Please be sure to update your child’s emergency information and telephone numbers during the school year.


The Genesis Parent Web Access Tool, or “Parent Portal” provides parents with the ability to view real-time information from a safe read-only login. Depending on the school and grade level, access to the Parent Portal gives information through the district website to your child’s records for the current school year. Parents can securely monitor their child’s progress by retrieving grades, assignments and reports. Additionally, all forms usually sent home are now available online.

If you do not already have access and wish to utilize the benefits of the parent portal, please go to the Site Shortcuts on the Edison Township Public Schools Website and complete the Parent Portal Registration Form.

If you have forgotten your username/password, email .