Los Angeles Mission College
Associated Student Organization (ASO)
Monday, September 12, 2011, 1:00pm
Vice President: Meeting called to order at 1:10pm on Monday, September 12, 2011
Senator at Large for Region VII, Neshia Lee is on speaker (conference call)
Roll Call:
President (Daniel Campos): absent (minutes reflect 1:11pm)
Vice President (John Soliman): present
Treasurer (Marcelo Rodriguez): present
Executive Administrator (Evy Trezvant) : present
Quorum met: 3 out of 4
Advisor (Mr. Robert Crossley): present
View of Agenda: Any Adoption and or Addition to Agenda?
Executive Administrator: 2 things (1) typo -Review of Agenda, should be adoption of agenda.
Mr. Crossley: Point of information, we have to go with the one posted, which is the review of agenda. In future we can say adoption. Questions over request to add to agenda, suggestions to move on. We are on limited time.
Vice President: Minutes to reflect agenda is not approved yet move on to next item.
Vice President: John and Evy are working on minutes. Minutes have not been done yet. Asked Mr. Crossley if he received any minutes from Adriana, who had offered to type minutes from summer meetings.
Mr. Crossley: Adriana was not a senator. Oscar sent over audio of minutes, but he hasn't received minutes from John or Evy
Executive Administrator: is not responsible for previous minutes, but offered to give assistance in typing minutes because there are so many that need to be done. Is working on minutes and also make note that the minutes are taking longer because they are being typed verbatim due to issues in ASO. There was someone else who has minutes to type (Adriana O)
Vice President: no minutes prepared for this meeting. Hopefully we will have minutes for next meeting. We will go ahead to: Open Forum at 1:15pm.
Mr. Neshia Lee is recognized by Chair. Mr. Lee is a student and 1 of 3 Region VII Senators through the California Community College Student Senate. Called to encourage students. Constitution is supposed
to help alleviate problems and difficult circumstances. The constitution is supposed to help direct in difficult situations and how to resolve issues as they arise. Constitutions are not persons, so they do not get personal. They state what is to occur in the organization. The Constitution directs the students. He is appreciative of the assistance that advisors provide. He is an older student. And is usually older than the advisors. There are 4 groups in California Community System; They are: Administration, Faculty, Staff and Students.
Mr. Crossley: Time has expired for speaker. We have to move forward for the sake of the meeting. We thank you for your time.
Mr. Neshia Lee: As a learning tool, Mr. Vice President you were suppose to remind me of the time and the person speaking to me was suppose to ask for your permission to speak.
Vice President: Close open forum at 1:20, exactly at 5 minutes. Going back to item 3, which is review of the agenda.
Executive Administrator: Reads Brown Act Fundamentals Government Section Code 54954.2 (b) or 54956.5 says no option or discussion that is not posted unless 2/3 of the Board determine there is a need to take immediate action...... In adding items to the Agenda. Items can be added. Government Code 54956.5 Brown Act gives us a right to change the agenda.
Mr. Crossley: Asked to see agenda. Key word need to take immediate action. The action would be to put something on the agenda. So to add something to it that is an action item. But for the future we need to have an action item. But he has always been told that one an agenda is posted, you cannot add another item to it. But he was told that you cannot make changes to an agenda once an agenda is posted. That is the reason that you much post it 72 hours in advance.
Vice President: Inquires to Mr. Lee, if we can add an item to the agenda according to the Roberts Rule.
Mr. Lee: everyone in the room is correct. Due to review agenda. You can do one of 2 things. We could either continue the business of the day and move forward or we can make the decision (the chair) and stand to be corrected at some future day and recognize the error, strike it and put the correct word on the agenda.
Vice President: Strike review and put adoption. Can I entertain a motion?
Executive Administrator: I motion to strike review and add adoption in its place.
Treasurer: I second that
Vice President: Make note that this is the first time we've used adoption. The last board used review. All in favor?
Treasurer and Executive Administrator: I
Motion carries 2.0.1 to strike review and add adoption to agenda
Executive Administrator: I; Treasurer: I; Vice President: abstained; none opposed
Executive Administrator: Entertain a motion to move certain items up, so that the Treasurer can return to class? Because we won’t meet quorum if the treasurer leaves. Motions to suspend items of the day and move 2 topics: the first, ASO Meeting time and Location & ASO Meeting with Welcome Week Committee.
Marcelo Rodriguez: Seconds motion.
Motion carries 2.0.1 to suspend items of the day and move the 2 items: Executive Administrator: I; Treasurer: I; Vice President: abstained; none opposed
Executive Administrator: Motions to move our regular ASO Meetings from 1pm to 2pm on Mondays. In the ASO Conference Room
Marcelo Rodriguez: Seconds motion
Motion carries: 2.0.1 to move ASO meetings to 2pm on Mondays in the ASO Conference Room: Treasurer: I; Executive Administrator: I; Vice President: abstained; none opposed
Mr. Crossley: Point of Information: Please Note: that John Soliman is present, and his vote is abstained as he is chairing meeting. So vote carries with Treasurer and Executive Administrator.
Vice President: Move to end of meeting with ASO and Welcome Week
Executive Administrator: Point of Information: I had a meeting this morning with Mr. Ramirez and Mr. Crossley. We discussed moving meeting to next Monday, September 19, 2011 instead at the end of the month. Mr. Crossley will be working on the meeting for Monday but not sure of time. Can we make a motion to ensure that this meeting will be set for next Monday.
Vice President: Do you have a time yet or are you still working on it?
Mr. Crossley: Where is the item? We just got out of the meeting at quarter to 12, so I am still working on this meeting, but I am available to meet next Monday, but I cannot yet confirm until I get a chance to see if everyone is available to facilitate this meeting. I must make sure that everyone is available.
Vice President: Can I entertain a motion to set this meeting on Monday
Executive Administrator: would like to put it one record that there will be a meeting next Monday.
Vice President: Can I get a motion to move this meeting to Monday, September 19, 2011
Executive Administrator: Motions to move meeting to Monday, September 19, 2011, time to be determined.
Treasurer: Seconds Motion
Motion carries 2.0.1 to set meeting on Monday, September 19, 2011
Treasurer: I; Executive Administrator: I; Vice President abstained; none opposed.
Meeting called to recess at 1:32pm and to resume again at 2:00pm
Vice President: Meeting called to order at 2:10pm
Minutes to reflect that meeting is being recorded
Back to Officer’s Report:
President’s Report: NONE
(Daniel Campos): is not currently in attendance. No one has heard from Daniel regarding is absence.
Absence is considered unexcused.
Vice President’s Report (John Soliman): Read letter regarding waiver. Congratulated the committee on Welcome Week success.
Treasurer’s Report (Marcelo Rodriguez): All the money had been accounted for regarding Welcome Week. Currently as it stands actually numbers were left in another folder. He believes that $280 dollars from food and $36 dollars made from Raffle tickets. He will have the exact numbers at a later date.
Executive Administrator’s Report (Evy Trezvant): Currently working on previous meetings. Would like to suggest an action during the report.
Vice President: Reads: Roberts Rules page 14. (Officer’s Report). Recommendation can be done during report.
Executive Administrator: stated that I have mixed feelings about this, because this is not where I wanted it to go, but I feel like this is where it needs to go. I really thought things could be worked out, but I have concerns that the ASO President is not making efforts to resolve issues and the ASO President did not show up for an earlier meeting, nor did he show up for today’s ASO meeting. Out of the 5 meetings that have been scheduled the ASO President has only shown up to one. Also upon reading the Preamble from the Constitution, “It is our duty to not lie, cheat , steal or otherwise compromise the integrity of the organization” in which I feel the integrity of the organization has been compromised.
Vice President: Let minutes reflect, Mr. Neshia Lee is on conference. Senator at large Region VII, go ahead Ms. Evy
Executive Administrator: I feel the integrity has been compromised by all the drama going on and all the dishonesty and also it has prevented us from having a cohesive environment and has produced a lot of stress, so with that said, I’d like to request a Bill of Indictment, which I will be working on. A Bill of Indictment for our ASO President, Mr. Daniel Campos. I’m requesting that we bring him up on impeachment.
Vice President: What page is that Ms. Evy
Executive Administrator: it doesn’t say the page
Mr. Crossley: Impeachment is under Article iX, under impeachment of your Consitution Section 2. I’d like to read what is says: Any council member A. The Bill of Indictment must be discussed on the closed section. So in this case we have to wait until one has actually been presented to the council, so we’ll have to wait until one is presented to the Board.
Executive Administrator: May I make note, there was one presented. There was one presented to Mr. Crossley and Mr. Ramirez about 2 weeks ago in a private meeting, which I will print up. It is a 4 page letter in regards to my feelings of why Mr. Campos was incapable of fulfilling his position. And then I offered to try to work things out but its apparent that Mr. Campos is unwilling to fulfill his duties, bottom line. Not only did I give them a 4 page letter, but I also highlighted the Code of Conduct that was violated. (I’m going to print the letter)
Mr. Crossley: There was documentation presented to us in a previous meeting. But it was not a Bill of Indictment. I’d like to express to Ms. Trezvant that the Bill of Indictment will be discussed in a closed session. The Executive Board has 2 weeks to discuss the Bill of Indictment, so if we receive one today, then we have 2 weeks to make a decision. Because it says number 1. See Constitution. If it is not presented by the President, then it can be presented by The Vice President, or Secretary. Then we can move forward. We are on officer’s report and we do have a certain amount of time and we do need to get through this agenda. Are you finished with your officer’s report.
Executive Administrator: no, I have one thing to say, let the records reflect that I will be using the letters and emails as the Bill of Indictment. The Bill Indictment will be dated today, September 12, 2011
Mr. Crossley: I would say everyone needs to get a copy of it, including the President.
Vice President: Can you repeat that Ms. Evy
Executive Administrator: yes, I will be submitting the emails and documents today as the Bill of Indictment
Mr. Crossley: Please make sure that you send it to everyone via email as well as their mailboxes.
Executive Administrator: I prefer to do hard copies because emails can be changed, I will them ad pdfs to ensure that they cannot be altered as well as hardcopies. Let the records show that I will use Mr. Crossley as a witness that I did put the Bill of Indictment under Mr. Campos door.
Vice President: And the mailbox
Executive Administrator: because of the confidential nature, I’d rather not put it in his mailbox. I’d rather put it under his door in a confidential envelope. He doesn’t have a private mail box, so I will slide under his door at the end of this meeting.
Vice President: We’re gonna go head and move on. We do not have appointed Senators. We did do about 4 interviews, we’re going to go head and wait for the deadline to appoint ASO Senators. We’re gonna move on to item 8. Mr. Crossley I’d like to get the Advisor’s Report.
Advisor’s Report: I just want to congratulate everyone on a good job. For the club week. The chair of the club committee, the team and the volunteers did a really good job. I think we have a lot of people that really want to be apart of ASO. So the next thing we need to do is move forward and try appoint Senators and move on. With that in mind the ASO membership has been increasing, currently I know of about 80 students that have come to me receiving ASO club packets for ASO memberships. I’m having one of my student workers compile a list. A spreadsheet for students which he is in the process of doing right now, and we are moving forward. We have a lot of interesting clubs. My main interest right now is adding more space because right now we have 23 clubs. And we don’t have the space to accommodate everybody. Any club that wants to request room space or room availability needs to submit an ASO application and then I need to be in correspondence with the clubs, since I am the ASO Advisor. So I can update the website and the meeting times and locations. And also the Robotecas, this Wednesday they will having an ice cream social in the quad area, so that is the end of my report.