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Review of Tikanga Practices unit standards
Subfield / Domain / IDTikanga / Tikanga Practices / 21433-21437, 23640, 23641
NZQA Māori Qualifications Services (MQS) has completed the review of the unit standards listed above.
Date new versions publishedAugust 2011
Planned review dateDecember 2016
The unit standards listed above have been reviewed as part of the MQS planned review cycle, to ensure they are current, clear, logical, and fit for purpose.
A hui was held with the Whakaruruhau on the 9th and 10th June 2011 and the following were considered:
- accuracy and appropriateness of the content of the unit standards
- currency of unit standards
- whether the levels and credit values correspond to the outcome of the standards
- appropriateness of the classification of the standards.
The Whakaruruhau identified that these standards would be a better fit within the Te Ara Nunumi – Bereavement Pathways Māori subfield, as the outcomes align with the areas of learning covered by this subfield.
The Whakaruruhau also discussed the need for an explanatory note related to tapu and noa. Tapu and noa are critical aspects of Te Ao Māori, and in this particular instance their significance and observance within Te Ara Nunumi – Bereavement Pathways Māori tikanga, is associated with Tangihanga and the Māori worldview of dying and death.
The Whakaruruhau identified the need for tapu and noa to be articulated as a critical component of this kaupapa, in a manner that befits the kawa and tikanga of the whānau, hapū, and iwi concerned.
The Whakaruruhau and consultation networks included representation from all core client groups, marae representatives, tertiary providers and wānanga. Consultation with internal and external stakeholders raised no objections to the outcomes of this review. The review of the unit standards listed below was endorsed by all those consulted.
Main changes
- Standards 21433, 21434, 21436, 23640 and 23641 were reclassified from the subfield Tikanga to the subfield Te Ara Nunumi – Bereavement Pathways Māori; and standards 21435 and 21437 were designated expiring and will not be replaced.
- The following explanatory note was included in the standards:
Tapu and Noa are inextricably interwoven throughout all kaupapa concerning Te AraNunumi – Bereavement Pathways Māori. These elements will be explored in the context of this unit standard according to whānau, hapū, iwi variation in kawa and tikanga.
- Outcomes were rewritten.
- Levels and credits were decreased for standards 21433, 21434, 23640, and 23641.
Category D unit standards will expire at the end of December2013
Impact on existing organisations with consent to assess
Current consent for / Consent extended toNature of consent / Classification or ID / Level / Nature of consent / Classification or ID / Level
Subfield / Tikanga / 2 / Standards / 23640, 23641 / 2
3 / Standards / 23640, 23641 / 2
21433, 21434 / 3
4 / Standards / 23640, 23641 / 2
21433, 21434, / 3
21436 / 4
Domain / Tikanga Practices / 2 / Standards / 23640, 23641 / 2
3 / Standards / 23640, 23641 / 2
21433, 21434 / 3
4 / Standards / 23640, 23641 / 2
21433, 21434, / 3
21436 / 4
Detailed list of unit standards – classification, title, level, and credits
All changes are in bold.
Key to review categoryA / Dates changed, but no other changes are made - the new version of the standard carries the same ID and a new version number
B / Changes made, but the overall outcome remains the same - the new version of the standard carries the same ID and a new version number
C / Major changes that necessitate the registration of a replacement standard with a new ID
D / Standard will expire and not be replaced
Māori > Tikanga > Tikanga Practices
MāoriTe Ara Nunumi – Bereavement Pathways Māori
ID / Domain / Title / Level / Credit / Review Category21433 / Tikanga Practices / Explain kawa and tikanga practices in relation to tangihanga / 4 / 6 / B
Te Ara Nunumi Ā-Kiko / Explain the roles of whānau pani, kirimate and haukāinga in relation to tangihanga in accordance with tikanga / 3 / 4
21434 / Tikanga Practices / Explain kawa and tikanga practices in relation to tūpāpaku / 4 / 6 / B
Te Ara Nunumi Ā-Kiko / Describe the practices associated with the placement of tūpāpaku and taonga on the marae in accordance with tikanga / 3 / 3
21435 / Tikanga Practices / Explain kawa and tikanga practices observed by the whānau pani in relation to kawe (hari) mate / 4 / 6 / D
21436 / Tikanga Practices / Explain kawa and tikanga practices observed by tangata whenua in relation to kawe (hari) mate / 4 / 6 / B
Te Ara Nunumi Ā-Mahara / Describe tikanga observed by haukāinga and whare mate in customary and contemporary contexts, in relation to kawe mate
21437 / Tikanga Practices / Explain kawa and tikanga practices for kawe (hari) mate associated with ngā tohu whakamaumaharatanga / 4 / 4 / D
23640 / Tikanga Practices / Explain tikanga practices observed in relation to hura kōhatu in a contemporary context / 4 / 4 / B
Te Ara Nunumi Ā-Mahara / Explain the tikanga observed by the haukāinga and the whare mate in relation to hura kōhatu in a contemporary context / 2 / 2
23641 / Tikanga Practices / Explain tikanga practices observed in relation to hahunga tūpāpaku in a traditional context / 4 / 4 / B
Te Ara Nunumi Ā-Mahara / Describe tikanga observed in relation to hahunga tūpāpaku in a customary and contemporary context / 2 / 3
S:\FR\eQA Standards\Application Folder\Reports for publishing\U 2011-0232 Te Ara Nunumi Review.docPrinted 09/14/2018