Review Part 2

14. Which statement best evaluates the presidency of George Washington?

A. Washington set the tone and pattern for future presidents by establishing numerous precedents which molds the presidency for future presidents to follow.

B. Washington proved successful in handling internal challenges, but his policy of neutrality is problematic.

C. Washington avoids making any serious blunders, provides stability for the fragile Nation and leaves a legacy of strong leadership and example.

D. Washington, despite his Farewell Address warnings is unable to keep divisions from developing in the new nation.

15. Which statement best captures the meaning of the above political cartoon satirizing the Emargo Act of 1807?

A. The Embargo led to widespread shortages and smuggling of goods.

B. The Embargo was effective and the Federal government was able to control illicit trade.

C. The Embargo had little impact on the nation.

D. The Embargo strengthened the ties between New England and England.

16. Which statement best captures the results of the War of 1812 on the nation.

A. Maintained the status quo, enhanced America’s self-esteem and raised our standing among foreign nations.

B. It accomplished nothing beyond giving us a national anthem.

C. It marks the end of the Federalists as a political power and restored national confidence it the army.

D. It made the nation enamored with military heroes and use of military power.

17. Why is the Missouri Compromise doomed to failure?

A. It fails to deal with the divisive issue of slavery, only “kicking the can” down the road.

B. The potential for newly organized Free states greatly outnumbers the possible slave states, again bringing the slavery question to the forefront.

C. Initial southern support for the Compromise quickly fades.

D. The rise of the abolitionist movement places pressure on the nation to eliminate slavery which antagonizes Southern slaveholders.

18. The Monroe Doctrine declared:

A. Western Hemisphere off limits to European colonization and interference

B. Europe equal partners with the United States in ownership of the Atlantic Ocean

C. Europe and America would share influence over emerging South America

D. Europe was not to interfere in nations north of the equator

19. Which statement best captures the causes of the War of 1812?

A. Ongoing trade issues with the British and French.

B. Interdiction and impressment issues related to the British and pressure from the newly elected War Hawks

C. An expansionist threat posed by Canada.

D. Pressure from New England to deal with British interruption of their trade and impressment of their sailors.

Read the Resolutions of the Hartford Convention before answering question 20.

Report and Resolutions of the Hartford Convention
January 5, 1815

That it be and hereby is recommended to the legislatures of the several states represented in this Convention, to adopt all such measures as may be necessary effectually to protect the citizens of said states from the operation and effects of all acts which have been or may be passed by the Congress of the United States, which shall contain provisions, subjecting the militia or other citizens to forcible drafts, conscriptions, or impressments, not authorised by the constitution of the United States.

Resolved , That it be and hereby is recommended to the said Legislatures, to authorize an immediate and earnest application to be made to the government of the United States, requesting their consent to some arrangement, whereby the said states may, separately or in concert, be empowered to assume upon themselves the defence of their territory against the enemy; and a reasonable portion of the taxes, collected within said states, may be paid into the respective treasuries thereof, and appropriated to the payment of the balance due said states, and to the future defence of the same. The amount so paid into the said treasuries to be credited, and the disbursements made as aforesaid to be charged to the United States.

Resolved , That it be, and hereby is, recommended to the legislatures of the aforesaid states, to pass laws (where it has not already been done) authorizing the governors or commanders-in-chief of their militia to make detachments from the same, or to form voluntary corps, as shall be most convenient and conformable to their constitutions, and to cause the same to be well armed, equipped and disciplined, and held in readiness for service; and upon the request of the governor of either of the other tates to employ the whole of such detachment or corps, as well as the regular forces of the state, or such part thereof as may be required and can be spared consistently with the safety of the state, in assisting the state, making such request to repel any invasion thereof which shall be made or attempted by the public enemy.

Resolved , That the following amendments of the constitution of the United States be recommended to the states represented as aforesaid, to be proposed by them for adoption by the state legislatures, and in such cases as may be deemed expedient by a convention chosen by the people of each state.

First . Representatives and direct taxes shall be apportioned among the several states which may be included within this Union, according to their respective numbers of free persons, including those bound to serve for a term of years, and excluding Indians not taxed, and all other persons.

Second . No new state shall be admitted into the Union by Congress, in virtue of the power granted by the constitution, without the concurrence of two thirds of both houses.

Third . Congress shall not have power to lay any embargo on the ships or vessels of the citizens of the United States, in the ports or harbours thereof, for more than sixty days.

Fourth . Congress shall not have power, without the concurrence of two thirds of both houses, to interdict the commercial intercourse between the United States and any foreign nation or the dependencies thereof.

Fifth . Congress shall not make or declare war, or authorize acts of hostility against any foreign nation, without the concurrence of two thirds of both houses, except such acts of hostility be in defence of the territories of the United States when actually invaded.

Sixth . No person who shall hereafter be naturalized, shall be eligible as a member of the senate or house of representatives of the United States, nor capable of holding any civil office under the authority of the United States.

Seventh . The same person shall not be elected president of the United States a second time; nor shall the President be elected from the same state two terms in succession.

Resolved, That if the application of these states to the government of the United States, recommended in a foregoing resolution, should be unsuccessful and peace should not be concluded, and the defence of these states should be neglected, as it has been since the commencement of the war, it will, in the opinion of this convention, be expedient for the legislatures of the several states to appoint delegates to another convention, to meet at Boston...with such powers and instructions as the exigency of a crisis so momentous may require.

20. Which statement below best captures the danger The Hartford Convention poses to democratic government in America?

A. The loose talk of secession and the possibility of concluding a separate peace with England undermined the national government and divided the nation.

B. The proposed Constitutional changes recommended by the Convention would severely hamper the function of government and limit federal power if enacted.

C. United We Stand, Divided We fall.

D. The Convention and what it advocates strikes a deathblow to the Federalist Party resulting in no serious alternative to Democratic-Republican rule.

21. The Louisiana Purchase solves this lingering problem for Western Settlers.

A. Allowed them access to new land for tobacco and cotton production.

B. Opens the Missouri River to navigation and trade.

C. Provides Western Farmers and others a dependable way to gets their goods to market and opens New Orleans to American control.

D. Solves the problem of Native American Indian attacks on frontier settlements.

22. The Corps of Discovery had this long term impact on Native American life in the Louisiana Territory.

A. It gave them access to new technologies which greatly improved their lives.

B. In the long run the Native Americans benefited from new farming techniques introduced by western settlers.

C. It led to the eventual loss of their land, reduction in numbers and loss of an ancient way of life and culture.

D. They were able to assimilate all the benefits of white culture while retaining their own identity.

23. Which statement best explains why Washington advocates a policy of neutrality.

A. Washington realizes that the nation is deeply divided between pro-British and pro-French constituencies.

B. During the colonial period America was drawn into continental conflicts due to foreign alliances and besides the new nation was very fragile.

C. America’s indebtedness from the Revolutionary War kept us from developing a strong army, navy and therefore foreign alliances.

D. The country was simply war weary, still fragile and Washington did not want us in another conflict until adequately prepared.

24. Which statement best explains the demise of the Federalist Party?

A. If the passage of the Alien and Sedition Acts places the party on “life support” the failure to support the War of 1812 “pulls the plug.”

B. Without the strong leadership of Washington the party is doomed to failure.

C. the Hartford Convention’s veiled threats and resolutions alienate the party from the rest of the nation.

D. The party only had regional support and never attempted to expand beyond the New England Region.

25. Why is the Battle of New Orleans so important?

A. Helps America maintain control of the city and the Mississippi River.

B. Establishes Andrew Jackson as a war hero, a reputation he rides to the presidency.

C. Demonstrates the diversity of the new nation as regular army, militia, pirates, blacks and Native Americans all participate in the defense of the city.

D. It occurs after the Treaty of Ghent is signed.