Heath & Holmewood Parish Council
Minutes of the Parish CouncilMeeting held at The Pavilion, Heath Road,Holmewood on Wednesday 12thApril 2017at 7.00pm
In attendance
Cllrs Cornwell (Vice Chair), Smalley, Parry, Thornhill, Roberts, Oxborough, Wallage (arrived 7.10pm)
Karen Howe – Parish Clerk
Jessica Neill – Assistant
Joanne Taylor – RFO
001/12/04/2017 apologies for absence
Cllrs, Stone (Chair) – Holiday, Hardy- Bereavement, Boulter- Work related
002/12/04/2017 variation of order of Business
003/12/04/2017declaration of interest
Cllr Cornwell declared an interest in matters relating to NEDCC and item 7 – Staffing Issues – Personal
004/12/04/2017public speaking
- Cllr Parry requested that Holmewood and Heath Healthy Futures Group would like to display a banner on the Memorial Garden railings directing people to their youth club and fruit and veg co-op – the clerk advised that this would be acceptable.
- Cllr Oxborough highlight an issue raised by St Albans Church that they have had increased parking in their car park and have requested that the Parish Sign post the carpark across the road – the clerk agreed to send a request to Derbyshire County Council.
- Cllr Parry and Oxborough highlighted a number of issues in and around the five pits trail area. Cllr Parry stated she had contacted the police, to no avail and requested that the parish contact the police to come and speak to the Parish Council - the Clerk would contact Derbyshire Police and request their presence at a future meeting.
- Cllr Cornwell informed the parish that she had received further correspondence from Community Priorities officer Rob Lowe – J Neill to contact the working group consisting of Cllrs, Oxborough, Cornwell, Wallage and Thornhill to arrange a meeting with Rob Lowe.
- Cllr Cornwell brought to the Parish’s attention The Voluntary Sector Awards. It was suggested at Holmewood and Heath Heathy Futures Group to be nominated by the council – The Assistant was asked to complete the nomination form.
- Cllr Cornwell asked members who attended the draft local plan meeting for feedback. Cllr’s Oxborough and Parry both spoke on this issue.
- Cllr Cornwell brought to the council’s attention the leaflet from East Midlands Ambulance Service on the information on how to become a volunteer car driver (Patient Transport Service).
005/12/04/2017To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on the 8th March 2017
Minutes were accepted and approved by the Council.
006/12/04/2017Chairman’s Announcements
007/11/01/2017Staffing Issues
Due to the nature of the discussion that would take place and to observe Data Protection this Item was Resolvedto be moved to confidential items
008/12/04/2017 Accounts – Report from RFO:
a) Budget monitoring/bank reconciliation – The RFO circulated the monthly accounts and the bank reconciliation was presented to the Chair for signing - Resolved to approve bank reconciliation.
b) Cheque/payments requests
The cheque request list for April was read out - Resolvedthat in Cllr L Stone’s absence the RFO J Taylor would sign to approve the payments and a copy of the payment schedule be filed with the minutes. – The RFO advised that that parish must consider additional bank signatories. Resolved that the RFO makes the necessary arrangements with the bank to add Cllr’s Thornhill, Oxborough and Boulter.
c) Annual governance statement section 1 – The RFO circulated and read out the Annual governance section 1 - Resolved all Cllrsagreed on each statement
d) Annual governance statement section 2 – The RFO circulated and read out the Annual governance section 2 - Resolved all Cllrsagreed on each statement
009/12/04/2017 Report of the Clerk
The clerk presented a short report, including actions and items for information. - Resolved to note the actions and items for information.
- All website, postal and email correspondence dealt with
- An assistant clerk email address is now active –
- The assistant clerk will be undertaking website training on 13th April 2017. This will enable the assistant clerk to ensure the website is updated and maintained on a regular basis.
- The Parish hanging Baskets have been finalised and submitted to Plantscape.
- An order has been placed with NEDDC to carry out the necessary repairs to the cable way – Heath Play Area.
- Heath and Holmewood Cricket teams have confirmed their fixtures for 17-18, NEDCC are aware.
- Heath Primary School sent a letter requesting help regarding Parking, Parish are unable to assist but have forwarded to DCC - Resolved J Neill to follow up and contact School
Items for determination
- Parish Bake Sale event -17th June 2017 – Cllr Parry had approached the clerk to propose a bake sale, in aid of Ashgate Hospice. Members would be kindly asked to donate baked goods and permission was sought to use the parish building. As the Great Get Together event was also to be held the same weekend members discussed the possibility of incorporating the two events. Resolved to combine Bake sale with the Great Get Together and make this an annual summer parish event. Cllr C Robertsproposed £500 with proposals for £400 and £300 also tabled, a vote was taken all in favour of £500. Cllr W Smalley to ask FareShare to provide refreshments. The assistant clerk will help coordinate this event.
- Parish best dressed garden competition – Cllr Parryhad approached the clerk to propose a parish best dressed garden competition. Members agreed that the village needed a community spirited project and therefore, Resolved that the Assistant would work alongside Cllr Parry to make further enquires with the local garden centre, with approval given for a total prize fund of £60.00. The judging will take place at the 17th June event.
- Improvements to Heath Park – the clerk had circulated the email from Cllr Parry in relation to applying for funding from the Sports England new Community Asset Fund programme to improve the BMX track and install a full body fitness bundle at Heath Park. The members Resolvedto grant permission for Cllr Parry to submit an application and in principal match fund the project. It was believed that the project would cost within the region of £22,500.
- Parish Newsletter – Spring 2017 –A draft copy of the new parish newsletter was circulated to members for comment. After a short discussion and guidance from the Clerk is was Resolvedto approve the publication and distribution, however, in highlight of the parish councils May meeting the newsletter would be amended and distributed after this meeting. The newsletter should also include information on the grants available from the parish under the S137 legislation.
- Removal of the bowling strip posts – The clerk had been made aware that the bowling strip posts from the old fencing had not been removed by the previous caretaker - Resolved to be removed by North East Derbyshire District Council as a matter of urgency.
- Adoption of the General Power of Competence – The clerk advised members that she had now achieved the General Power of Competence accreditation and therefore circulated the briefing paper on this item. It was Resolved that Councillors take the time to read this paper, the Clerk offered to answer any questions and to move this item to a future agenda for consideration.
Items for information
- Highways England – Opening of the M1 Junction 32 to 35a Smart Motorway - noted
010/12/04/2017 Derbyshire Association of Local Councils
To note circular 04/2017 (already circulated to members) - noted
a)Spring Seminar – 27.04.17 – 9.30am – 4pm – Lumb Farm, Marehay
b)Clerk Essential Training – 04.05.17 – 10am - 12.30pm – Bakewell – J Neill attending
c)Councillors Essential Training - 27.06.17 – 6pm – 8.30pm – Chesterfield Cricket Club- Cllr W Smalley attending
011/12/04/2017 Planning Matters
NED 17/00347/DISCON – Application to discharge various conditions relating to planning approval 16/01060/FL for 10 dwellings at Land West of 20 Masefield Avenue – Mr. Roger Whittaker – Resolved to note – no comments
NED 17/00356/CATPO – Application to prune 1no Sycamore covered by Heath Village conservation area at 6 Heath Common, Heath – Mr. D Broomhead – Resolved to note – no comments
NED 17/00367/TPO – Application to prune 1no Sycamore and 1no Ash tree covered by tree preservation order 105 at Heath Common, Heath – Mr. D Broomhead – Resolved to note – no comments
NED 17/00261/CATPO – Notification of intention to fell 1 fir tree – Beech Cottage, Main Street, Heath – Resolved to note – no comments
NED 17/00307/FL – Application for variation of condition 3 of planning approval 15/00232/FL to remove ‘painted Chatsworth Blue’ at Elm Tree Inn, Mansfield Road, Heath – Mr.Mrs. Gunn – Resolved to note – no comments
Late planning decisions
NED 16/01221/FL – Application to Vary Condition 1 (Approved Plans) – alteration to some boundary treatments of planning approval 14/00888/RM for residential development (Major Development) (Public Footpaths) at Allotments Masefield Avenue Holmewood for Gleeson Developments Ltd - Refused- Resolved to note
NED 17/00261/CATPO – Notification of intention to fell 1 fir tree within the Heath village Conservation Area at Beech Cottage Main Street Heath Chesterfield for Miss S Brailsford – Approved - Resolved to note
Date of next meeting – Wednesday 10th May 2017, 7pm – Heath Village Hall, Main Road, Heath Village, S44 5RX
This meeting date will include the Annual meeting of the parish council and the Parish Council meeting.
Chairman’s signature Date