Assessment System Survey
Please check all assessment tools you currently utilize to determine student learning:
Assessment / Use?“Y” or “N” / Please answer the following questions for each assessment tool you use.
Benchmark Tests
(LBA’s) / Y / Data generated: Baseline and Mid-Year Scores, possibly an EOY score based on standards for current grade level
How often is it administered?: Twice, maybe 3 times a year
How do you use the data?: Complete reports to see progress from BOY to MOY so far
FCAT / Y / Data generated:
How often is it administered?: once per year
How do you use the data?:
FAIR Testing / Y / Data generated: comprehension and vocabulary sores
How often is it administered?: 3 times per year
How do you use the data?: Review scores to determine progress from BOY to MOY so far
FCIM’s / Y / Data generated: Pretest and post-test
How often is it administered?: At least 9 benchmarks (pretests) per quarter (then post test)
How do you use the data?: Use of pretest as a baseline of that particular benchmark then to evaluate progress when post-tested to determine mastery of benchmark
STAR / Y / Data generated: reading level
How often is it administered?: BOY and EOY
How do you use the data?: use of STAR test to determine BOY reading level; post-test at end of year
Please list any other assessments you use, the data generated from it, how often it is administered and how you utilize the data:
Assessment: Timed Essay promptsData generated: Consistent scores and multiple tests to provide a baseline and progress report of consistency or inconsistency from a particular student; in addition, if a whole class, or group of students from one class, needs a particular part of essay writing practice based on reading/reviewing the las essay written
How often is it administered?: School-wide twice per year; LA department BOY, MOY and EOY; and class-wide varies. My class has done at least one per nine weeks in addition to the ones listed above.
How do you use it?: Compare previous scores to last timed essay score to determine progress and specify particular parts of essay writing that may need to be taught to a particular student, small group, or whole class.
Data generated:
How often is it administered?:
How do you use it?:
Please evaluate each assessment that you utilize with respect to reliability, bias free, ability to generate useful information:
Assessment / Rating (1-low to 5-high) / Explanation of rating or CommentsBenchmark Tests / 4 / Some benchmarks are only questioned by 3 (approximately) questions; therefore, it is hard to determine mastery from this test
FAIR Testing / 2 / This uses comprehension, maze, and spelling. However, it does not use spelling in context or in writing, rather just oral prompts. The use of the computer testing can be great, however there are flaws.
FCIM’s / 5 / These tests are benchmark specific, though a few are very short, it provides a sample of whether the student understands or masters each benchmark. By pretesting and post-testing each specific benchmark, we can determine which benchmarks need to be re-taught rather quickly.
STAR / 2 / Star determines a reading level, however I don’t use it for much else other than that at this time
Standard 5.1 Survey