Phase Angle Alarming

Statement of Work

Part A - General

A1. Goals of this Contract

The objective of this contract is to assist WECC JSIS in assessment of phase angle pairs and setting up phase angle alarm limits.

A2. Background

A number of utilities and grid operators have made significant investment in the deployment of a production-grade synchro-phasor measurement infrastructure across the North-America. The investment is expected to provide the benefits in the power system reliability improvement, unlocking transmission capacity, congestion management, and enabling reliable wind integration and operation. Majority of these benefits will be realized through the deployment of real-time situational awareness and control applications.

Wide-Area Situational Awareness (WASA) applications will provide grid operators with actionable information to help them navigate the power system to a secure state and to deal effectively with disturbance events. The applications will address areas of voltage stability, angular stability, oscillation detection and power-frequency controls.

Phase angle alarming is one of the applications to be deployed as a part of WASA. The objective of this work is to help WECC JSIS in setting phase angle limits.

A3. Project Location.

Majority of the project will be performed at the Contractor’s office.

Contractor must be able to attend:

-  Monthly conference calls with WECC JSIS team

-  Participating and reporting at WECC JSIS meeting at least three times a year

-  Technical review meetings

Note that security clearance is required to access the federal facilities.

Non US Citizens must be pre-approved prior to access being authorized to the federal sites, must complete a Foreign National Registration Form at least 45 days in advance of scheduled visit.

A4. WECC-Furnished Property.

BPA will provide the following information as needed for successful project completion:

-  Results of PSLF contingency analysis studies

-  Historic synchrophasor data for system events and historic conditions

A contractor needs to have a Non-Disclosure Agreement with WECC to receive the data. All data must be returned to WECC upon completion of the project.

Part B – Technical Approach/Tasks

B1. General Requirements:

The objective of this contract is to assist WECC RC in setting up phase angle alarm limits.

B2. Methods to be used.

WECC (staff, RC, utilities) will conduct system studies. The studies will be done under:

-  Variety of system loading condition

-  Variety of generation patterns

-  All lines in service as well as planned outages.

The studies will simulate a variety of contingencies used in NERC/WECC TPL standards.

The studies will include:

-  Transient stability simulations

-  Voltage stability results

-  Thermal overload results

A consultant shall propose a method for using the system studies to set the phase angle limits.

A consultant shall advise WECC JSIS whether the phase angles are adequate to indicate the system stress or whether they need to be supplemented with other information, such as path flows, key line or generator status.

A consultant shall advise WECC JSIS on visualization methods for phase angle alarming.

B3. Deliverables.

The project will deliver a report describing the following:

-  details of approaches and algorithms that can be used for baselining and setting phase angle alarm limits.

B4. Time Schedule

Performance time: 12 months from the date the contract is awarded

B5. Contractor Qualifications

Please provide concise responses to a questionnaire bellow.

1.  Describe in detail your technical approach for setting phase angle limits based on power system studies and historic data analysis (70%)

2.  Describe your experience with Western Interconnection system (20%)

3.  Include references to previous publications in the field of power system alarming (10%)

Please limit documented response to no more than five 11” by 8 ½” pages using a minimum size 12 font.

Potential Vendors EMS vendors and consultants

Vendor / Contact / E-mail
Alstom Grid / Manu Parashar /
EPG / Bharat Bhargava /
Quanta Technologies / Damir Novosel /
V&R Energy / Marianna Vaiman /
University of Wisconsin / Chris DeMarco /
RPI / Joe Chow /
University of Iowa / Ian Dobson /
Virginia Tech / James Thorp /
Arizona State University / Vijay Vittal /
Montana Tech / Matt Donnelly /