Sports Conditioning Final

Fitness-Concepts, Principles, and Benefits

Purpose of Activity: Assess the cognitive concepts related to health related Fitness in a "real life based" authentic assessment.

Materials Needed: Paper and either digital or handmade with markers, crayons, etc.

Time Needed to Complete: By May 12th

Points: 130

Description of Project

This is a culminating project that will be used to assess the cognitive concepts covered in the past during units and lectures. Your Assignment is to create a tri-fold fitness pamphlet. Each "panel" of the pamphlet must include specific cognitive aspects covered during this semester in your Physical Education classes (skill related and health related skills, muscles and bones, BMI, target heartrate, velocity, etc).

Prompt: You have just started your own business making $120,000 a year! Your business is a new fitness center located near Wal-Mart. Your job is to design an informative tri-fold fitness pamphlet for your customers. Your pamphlet must include the following:

Panel #1 - A unique business name with a custom business logo, your name, and a map of directions to where your gym will be located

Panel #2 - A persuasive paragraph encouraging exercise, fitness, or an active lifestyle and a healthy recipe that lists the nutrients and benefits

Panel #3 – Three health related & four skill related components with definitions and how your business will help customers who want to improve them

Panel #4 - Panel #5 – A sample class list with descriptions of each class and the components that are targeted

Panel #6 – The benefits of exercise

Make sure to cite photos, quotes, etc. that are not your own.

Your pamphlet is due as your final. The rubrics for each panel are located on the reverse side of this sheet.

Scoring Rubric:


4-unique business name, creative logo, uses a colorful map to describe where the gym is located and full owner name. Formatting is clean and media is used to enhance the pamphlet and is meaningful.

3-somewhat unique title somewhat creative logo includes full owner name, uses colorful map to describe where the gym is located. Formatting is mostly clean and media is used well.

2-unrelated title, a poor logo, and missing one of the components (title, logo, name, map). Formatting is inconsistent and there is minimal use of media.

1- Missing two or more of required components, The formatting is poor and media is not used.

4-three or more clearly defined supporting statements towards the importance of exercise, fitness, and/or an active lifestyle

3-gives two clearly defined supporting statements towards the importance of exercise, fitness, or an active lifestyle

2- One clearly defined supporting statement

1-no supporting statements that are clearly defined

Panel #2-RECIPE- 20 POINTS (make sure source is cited if it is not yours!)

4- Full recipe (ingredients and how to). At least 3 minerals/vitamins/nutrients are listed as well as why they are important.

3- Full recipe (ingredients and how to). At least 2 minerals/vitamins/nutrients are listed as well as why they are important.

2- Partial recipe (ingredients/ how to). At least 1 minerals/vitamins/nutrients are listed as well as why they are important.

1-Partial recipe and no supporting benefits

4-defines at least 4 health and 7 skill-related fitness components with concise definitions and examples for each. Includes information about pros and cons of using BMI for body composition measurement

3- Missing one of the definitions or components with strong definitions and examples

2-Missing two to three definitions or components with some supporting definitions and examples

1- Missing four or more definitions or components
Panel #4 and #5-CLASS LIST- 40 POINTS

4-Contains at least 6 different classes. Descriptions are detailed and talk about what that class targets mentally/physically. Overall at least 10 different components (from health and skills) and 9 muscles identified to support what the classes are targeting.

3- Same as above but 7 components and 5 muscles.

2- 5 classes with good description and 5 components and 4 muscles.

1- 4 classes with bare description and 4 components and 3 muscles.

4- Shows 7 or more benefits of aerobic exercise with at least two cited sources

3- Shows 5 to 6 benefits of aerobic exercise with at least two cited sources

2- Shows 5 to 6 benefits with one cited source

1- Uses four or less aerobic exercise benefits