Altar Server Guidelines from the Bishops' Committee on Liturgy

1. Although institution into the ministry of acolyte is reserved to lay men, the diocesan bishop may permit the liturgical functions of the instituted acolyte to be carried out by altar servers, men and women, boys and girls. Such persons may carry out all the functions listed in nos. 98-100 of the General Instruction of the Roman Missal.

The determination that women and girls may function as servers in the liturgy should be made by the bishop on the diocesan level so that there might be a uniform diocesan policy.

2. No distinction should be made between the functions carried out in the sanctuary by men and boys and those carried out by women and girls. The term "altar boys" should be replaced by "servers". The term "server" should be used for those who carry out the function of the instituted acolyte.

3. Servers should be mature enough to understand their responsibilities and to carry them out well and with appropriate reverence. They should have already received Holy Communion for the first time and normally receive the Eucharist whenever they participate in the liturgy.

4. Servers should receive proper formation before they begin to function. The formation should include instruction on the Mass and its parts and their meaning, the various objects used in the liturgy (their names and use), and the various functions of the server during the Mass and other liturgical celebrations. Servers should also receive appropriate guidance on maintaining proper decorum and attire when serving Mass and other functions.

5. Since the role of server is integral to the normal celebration of Mass, at least one server should assist the priest. On Sundays and other more important occasions, two or more servers should be employed to carry out the various functions normally entrusted to these ministers.

6. Servers should normally be vested. This is within the tradition of the Church and prevents difficulties regarding appropriate dress for these ministers. All servers should wear the same liturgical vesture. (The alb is the preferred vestment for servers [see General Instructions of the Roman Missal, no. 298])

7. Servers carry the cross, the processional candles, hold the book for the priest celebrant when he is not at the altar, carry the incense and censer, present the bread, wine and water to the priest during the preparation of the gifts or assist him when he receives the gifts from the people, wash the hands of the priest, assist the priest celebrant and deacon as necessary.

8. Servers respond to the prayers and dialogues of the priest along with the congregation. They also join in singing the hymns and other chants of the liturgy.

9. Servers should be seated in a place from which they can easily assist the priest celebrant and deacon. The place next to the priest is normally reserved for the deacon.

10. Servers may not distribute holy communion unless they have been mandated for this function by the bishop.

11. The Order for the Blessing of Altar Servers, Sacristans, Musicians and Ushers (Book of Blessings, nos. 1847-1870) may be used before servers first begin to function in this ministry.


  1. Please wear black or brown dress shoes. No flip flops and no flashing lights on shoes! Appropriate brown, black, or white sandals are acceptable as long as they are of proper height so we don’t have the problem of tripping and falling on the altar.
  2. Please wear a dressy, clean, button-up shirt (shirts with a collar) or blouse (for girls). Keep the shirts of good taste, as to not be immodest.Please, no sweatshirts, tank tops, or T-shirts with writing on them.
  3. Please, no blue jeans or shorts. Pants should be dress pants for boys and for girls, dress slacks, skirts or dresses.
  4. The simple question to ask ourselves if we are dressed appropriately for Mass is: If I go to do a normal activity after Mass do I need to change my clothes first? If the answer is “no” than I am not dressed properly for church.
  5. There may be exceptional times when you will be asked to serve unplanned. But, if you are dressing properly for Mass you should be ready to serve as well.

Altar Server Instructions
1. Arrive a minimum of 15 minutes before Mass is scheduled to begin. Check credence table and make sure that the sacristan has placed everything out that is needed for Mass. At 10 minutes before Mass the ministers pray together in the sacristy. The server lights the altar candles. At the instruction of the priest, the Altar Servers leave the sacristy and take their positions in the back of the church.
2. Cross Bearer stands in front followed by the minister carrying the Book of Gospels, followed by servers. /

Standing / 3. When the Cross-bearer reaches the front of the church he/she pauses for a second before entering the sanctuary and proceeds through the door into the sacristy (placing the Cross in its stand). The Servers remain at the front step until priest joins them and all genuflect together.
4. Servers proceed to chairs. Book will either be on stand by servers chair or with the deacon. When seated, please place your hands on your thighs or keep them folded in your lap. You are to use a songbook and sing the opening hymn. If you are unfamiliar with the prayers used during mass please use a missal.
5. A server holds the book for the priest whenever asked or the priest uses the words, "Let us pray." The opening prayer takes place immediately following the Gloria, the server with the book should be by the priest before the Gloria is concluded. The server with book should not walk behind the altar, but around the front of the altar.

Eucharistic Prayer / 6. Following the homily (if there are special blessings this is when they usually are done) all join in praying the Creed. Following the Creed Father introduces the general intercessions, the reader or Deacon reads the intercessions and Father prays the collect. After the collection all are seated while the collection is taken up. When the deacon/priest stands the servers begin to prepare the altar for the Eucharist. One server brings the book from the chairand the other takes the main chalice from the credence table to the priest/deacon at the altar. Then both get a small chalice and purificator from the credence table and bring to the altar.
7. Both servers go with the priest/deacon to the front of the sanctuary to receive the gifts from the people. One will receive the basket with the monetary offering the other the flagon of wine. The basket is placed on the top step by the credence table and the server then takes the water cruet from the credence table and together with the other server with the wine they come to the altar.
8. The altar servers hand the Flagon and cruet to the priest one at a time, wine first followed by the water. The priest/deacon hands the water back first, both wait until he finishes pouring the wine into the chalices, after he hands the wine flagon back, turn in toward each other and proceed back to the Credence Table. Returning to the Credence Table the two begin heading toward the priest for the washing of the hands.
9. For the washing of the hands, one server holds the towel (unfolded) at the corners. The other server holds the water cruet and the bowl. After washing the priests' hands and he is finished with the towel, bow slightly to the priest, turn in toward each other and proceed back to the Credence Table. /
Washing Hands
10. Servers return to places in front of their chairs for the entire Eucharistic Prayer standing when the congregation stands and kneeling when the congregation kneels.
11. After the Sign of Peace the servers bring the extra patens to the altar and take the book back to the stand at their seats. They stand in front of their kneelers when the Eucharistic minister start to approach the Sanctuary, and they receive the body and blood when the Eucharistic ministers receive. While the congregation is receiving Communion the servers are prayerful and attentive to any needs the priest or ministers need.
13. After Communion the priest/deacon will purify the vessels, the servers approach the altar, one having the water cruet. After pouring water into the chalices, the priest/deacon will hand vessels to the servers and together they return them to the credence table. When the last vessels are in hand, bow slightly to the priest,turn in toward each other and proceed back to the Credence Table. They return to their seats awaiting the priest’s invocation, "Let us pray." At which the server with the book walks in front of the altar to the priest. (If there is a special blessing the server will be instructed what to do, otherwise the server returns to his/her chair, again walking in front of the altar.
14. The priest will make any announcements at this time, when the priest is finished he will give the final blessing and he (or the deacon)will say, "The Mass is ended..." (orsomething similar) the cross-bearer will come from the sacristy with the cross and proceed,followed by the servers, to the front of the altar (facing front) and wait for the priest.

Recessional / 19. After the priest and servers genuflect all turn and walk to the back of the church. Cross leads followed by the Servers, Priest/Deacon. Cross proceeds at a slightly faster pace than the beginning of mass.
20. All servers should help clear the sanctuary and altar. (Empty the water bowl, bring the water cruet back to the sacristy.)The altar candles are to be extinguished after mass.