UHL 2870-001
FALL 2010
INSTRUCTOR Conxita Domènech
OFICCE Plaza 118 U
OFFICE HOURS Mondays and Wednesdays from 11:15 to 12:15
TELEPHONE 303-556-4379
CLASS TIME MW 8:30-9:45
DESCRIPTION OF COURSE UHL 2870 continues the development of skills acquired in SPAN 1010 and 1020, together with a review of grammar. Readings deal with Hispanic culture and literature. Development of informal oral and written expression. UHL 2870 satisfies the fourth-semester language requirement at most graduate schools.
PREREQUISITE A grade of “C” (2.0) or better in SPAN 1020 or placement by exam.
REQUIRED TEXTS Album 3th ed. Joy Renjilian-Burgy and Rebecca M. Valette. Houghton Mifflin Company, 2005.
Spanish Grammar 5th ed. Schmitt. McGraw-Hill, Inc., 2008.
OPTIONAL TEXT English-Spanish Dictionary
TEACHING METHOD Classes will be conducted in Spanish. A variety of activities are designed to help students learn the basic structures and how to use them in order to communicate.
ATTENDANCE The class will meet on the assigned days and times. You are expected to attend every meeting and to arrive on time. Should you miss a class session you are responsible for collecting the information disseminated in your absence. A maximum of 3 absences will be allowed, after the third absence the grade will be lowered a grade letter. If more than 7 absences occur, the student will receive a grade of “F”.
It is your responsibility to read, study, and learn the grammar at home before the class meeting, so class time may be devoted to clarification and practice of what you have already studied. In the classroom your active participation is essential, therefore you must prepare for each class.
QUIZZES There will be a 5-minute quiz of the readings in Album almost every week. For the quiz, you need to read the story two or three times in order to understand it well. No make up quizzes, but at the end of the semester I will drop one of them.
EXAMS There will be a midterm and a final.
GRAMMAR BOOK All the exercises from pages 1-108 are due the day of the midterm. Exercises from pages 109 to 156 are due two days before the week of finals.
QUESTIONS IN ALBUM The same day of the quiz, all the questions of the comprensión are due. The questions have to be typed.
PRESENTATION Each student will be required to give a 5-minute oral presentation in class during the semester. You may not use any notes while giving the presentation.
The topic of the presentation is “Show and Tell.” You should bring in an object and explain why it is significant to you. (please no pictures, posters, or Power Points)
Your presentations will be graded on the following four categories, with equal emphasis given to each.
· Preparation includes factors such as adhering to the 5-minute time limit for the presentation; preparing a presentation that would keep the attention of the audience, having prepared difficult or specialized phrases ahead of time, etc.
· Vocabulary deals largely with using the appropriate words for the presentation and avoiding generic terms with little meaning, such as ‘cosa’, ‘bueno’ or 'interesante'.Points are deducted for use of English words or ‘guesses,’ rather than providing the appropriate term.This applies to both specialized words for the presentation as well as overall general vocabulary.
· Comprehensibility is the ability for me, or a native speaker of Spanish, to understand what you are talking about.
· Grammar is based on the correct use of the language structures covered in class (e.g., subject-verb agreement; noun-adjective agreement; past vs. present; subjunctive vs. indicative; etc.).
COMPOSITION Besides the writing activities on midterm and final exams, you will need to write a composition about the movie that we will watch in class.
Midterm exam 20%
Final exam 20%
Questions 15%
Workbook 15%
Presentation 5%
Composition 5%
92-90 A-
89-87 B+
86-83 B
82-80 B-
79-77 C+
76-73 C
72-70 C-
69-67 D+
66-63 D
62-60 D-
CU-Denver is committed to providing reasonable accommodations and access to students with disabilities. If you have any specific physical, psychiatric, or learning disability and require accommodations, please let me know early in the semester so that your learning needs may be appropriately met. In order to be eligible for academic accommodations, students must be officially registered with the UCDHSC Office of Disability Resources and Services (DRS) (Arts Building, Room 177, 303.556.3450, 303.556.4766 TDD). The DRS staff works in an advisory capacity with students and faculty to develop reasonable instructional accommodations at the beginning of the semester to ensure full participation in academic programs.
CLASS INCOMPLETE POLICY Incomplete Grades (IW or IF) are NOT granted for low academic performance. To be eligible for an Incomplete Grade, students MUST meet the following criteria:
(1) The student must successfully complete 75 percent of the course (a minimum of 12 weeks of attendance),
(2) Have special circumstances beyond their control that preclude them from attending class and completing graded assignments, and
(3) Make arrangements to complete missing assignments with the original instructor.
Verification of special circumstances is required. Completion of a CLAS Course Completion Agreement is strongly suggested. The CLAS Course Completion Agreement is available from the CLAS Advising Office, NC 2024.
Grades of “IF” are different from grades of “Incomplete.” At the end of one year, “IF” grades for courses that are not completed or repeated are changed to a grade of “F.” Only an associate or assistant professor in the department can give or approve an “IF.” Grades of “IW” are not given in the Modern Languages Department. For complete policy information, please see our web site at
Students are to submit only their own work for evaluation, to acknowledge the work and conclusions of others, and to do nothing that would provide an unfair advantage in their academic efforts. Students who fail to comply with CU-Denver Academic Ethics are subject to disciplinary action, and the instructor will pursue this action to the extent of her ability.
The members of the CU-Denver community are committed to creating a place of work and study where everyone is treated with respect and courtesy. Inappropriate behavior is classified as disruption of teaching or research, abuse of property, any form of harassment, or failure to adhere to applicable laws and regulations. Individuals who fail to adhere to the CU-Denver Code of Conduct are subject to disciplinary action.
TUTORING The Department of Modern Languages does offer free tutoring for students enrolled in UCD Modern Languages courses. Please call the Department at 303.556.4893, check the Modern Languages web-site at or see me for assistance in this area.
Date / Material covered from Album / Material covered from Spanish grammar /Exams, quizzes, and composition
/ Pages of Album that have to study before class on the following date / Pages of Spanish Grammar that have to study before class on the following date08/23 / Introducción / Chapter I
08/25 / First quiz and quiz Una carta a Dios / 2-7
08/30 / Chapter I / 1-17
09/01 / Preguntas / Quiz Preguntas / 12-21
09/06 / Noy hay clase /
09/08 / Chapter II / / 18-34
09/13 / Emma / /
Quiz Emma
/ 26-3109/15 / Chapter III / 35-55
09/20 / El tiempo borra / Quiz El tiempo borra / 45-50
09/22 / Chapter III / / 56-73
09/27 / El nieto /
Quiz El nieto
/ 61-6809/29 / Chapter III / 74-93
10/04 / La abuelita y el Puente de Oro / /
Quiz La abuelita y el Puente de Oro
/ 73-7910/06 / Chapter III / 94-108
10/11 / Cajas de cartón /
Quiz Cajas de cartón
/ 105-11510/13 / Midterm Exam.
Grammar book is due, all the exercises from pages 1-108
10/18 / Chapter III / 109-11410/20 / El Beso de la Patria / /
Quiz El Beso de la Patria
/ 131-13810/25 / Chapter IV / 115-117
10/27 / Un día de estos / Quiz Un día de estos / 170-176
11/01 / Chapter V / / 118-120
11/03 / Un perro, un niño, la noche / Quiz Un perro, un niño, la noche / 177-185
11/08 /
Chapter VI
/ 121-13811/10 / No oyes ladrar los perros / / Quiz No oyes ladrar los perros / 191-199
11/15 / Película /
11/17 / Película
11/22 / No hay clase /
11/24 / No hay clase /
11/29 /
Chapter VII
/ Composición película / 139-14412/01 / Las medias rojas / Chapter VIII / Quiz Las medias rojas / 200-207 / 145-148
12/06 / Repaso / Chapter IX / Grammar book is due, all the exercises from pages 109-156 / 149-156
12/08 / Repaso / Chapter IX
12/13 / Examen Final
12/15 / Examen Final
Fall 2010 CLAS Academic Policies
The following policies pertain to all students and are strictly adhered to by the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences (CLAS).
· Every student MUST check and verify their schedule prior to the published drop/add deadlines. Failure to verify a schedule is not sufficient reason to justify a late add or drop later in the semester.
· CLAS students must use their email address. Email is the official method of communication for all University of Colorado Denver business. All email correspondence will take place using your UCDHSC email address. Go to to activate your email address.
· Students are NOT automatically added to a course off a wait list after wait lists are dropped. If a student is told by a faculty member that they will be added off the wait list, it is the responsibility of the student to complete the proper paperwork to add a course.
· Students are not automatically notified if they are added to a class from a wait-list. Again, it is the responsibility of the student to verify their schedule prior to any official dates to drop or add courses.
· Students must complete and submit a drop/add form to make any schedule changes. Students are not automatically dropped from a class if they never attended, stopped attending or do not make tuition payments.
· Late adds will be approved only when circumstances surrounding the late add are beyond the student’s control and can be documented independently. This will require a petition and documentation from the student. Please note that the signature of a faculty member on an add form does not guarantee that a late add petition will be approved. Undergraduates should contact the Advising office and Graduate students should contact the Dean’s office to petition for a late add.
· Late drops will be approved only when circumstances surrounding the late drop have arisen after the published drop deadlines, are beyond the student’s control, and can be documented independently. This will require a petition and documentation from the student. Pre-existing circumstances (circumstances that existed prior to the published drop deadlines) regarding illness, work, family, or other confounding issues will not be considered adequate reason to drop or withdraw from courses after the published University and/or College drop deadlines. Please note that the signature of a faculty member does not guarantee that a late drop petition will be approved. Undergraduates should contact the Advising office and Graduate students should contact the Dean’s office to petition for a late drop.
· Undergraduate students wishing to graduate in fall of 2010 must meet with their academic advisor and complete their graduation application and intent to graduate form by 5 PM on September 8, 2010. You can obtain an application ONLY after meeting with your academic advisor so make your appointment early. There are no exceptions to this policy or date.
· Graduate students wishing to graduate in fall semester 2010 must complete their Intent to Graduate form and have a Request for Admissions to Candidacy on file with the CLAS Dean’s office no later than 5 PM, September 8, 2010.
· Students are responsible for completing financial arrangements with financial aid, family, scholarships, etc. to pay their tuition. Students will be responsible for all tuition and fees for courses they do not officially drop using proper drop/add procedures and forms.
Students who drop after the published drop/add period will not be eligible for a refund of the COF hours or tuition.
Important Dates
· August 23, 2010: First day of Class
· August 29, 2010: Last day to add a class or be added to a wait list for a class using the UCDAccess portal. Please note that if your course does not appear as “enrolled” on your schedule you are not enrolled in the class.
· August 30, 2010: Wait Lists are dropped. Any student who was not added to a course automatically from the wait list by this date and time MUST complete a schedule adjustment form to be added to the class. Students are NOT automatically added to the class from the wait list after this date and time. If your name is not on the official student roster, you are not registered for the course.