Coordinator/Business Report,

December 7, 2016

Reports from Windows of Focus

A. Early Years Window of Focus

1) Best Start Network – Meeting November 10

EDI results were reviewed in detail. There was a decision to develop 3 key messages to

share with families, community service partners and community.

Elizabeth Green will facilitate planning around the messages at our December meeting.

A two year plan will be developed that includes awareness of EDI (from overview to

subdomains), planning to support families and community partners and outreach to

communities. Reports on how other communities have responded to EDI data were shared.

The Best Start Resource Centre is offering to provide customized consultations in

communities. Our network will request a consultation on reaching marginalized families in

rural areas.

Two reports related to reaching marginalized families were shared:

·  Engaging Marginalized Families – Social Planning Council of Sudbury

·  Families who miss appointments:

What we think, what they think, and what to do

Ontario Association of Children’s Rehabilitation Services

November 8, 2016

Marilyn Ballantyne, Michelle Phoenix, Peter Rosenbaum

Next Meeting – December 8, 1:30 UCDSB

B. School Age

1) Youth Service Providers – Youth Collective Impact Workgroup (Lois Dewey, Tawnya

Boileau, Sue Poldervaart, Brent Dalgleish, Margaret Fancy)

·  Governance model has been revised as per direction of Lead Table

·  Our small workgroup is preparing the Launch Application. Key activities for the launch will include: hiring a facilitator, recruitment of partners, developing a communication plan.

·  Proposed allocating $20000 for facilitator

·  A meeting with Youth Service Providers for feedback/commitment will be scheduled in January.

·  CDSBEO has offered the support of their already established youth teams to lead and participate in focus groups.

·  Teleconference meeting with our coach on December 5 to finalize launch application

2) Ontario 150 Partnership Program Funding – Civic Engagement Summit

Workgroups have been established to organize the summit (February 3 to 5 Glen House)

The Youth Advisory Council for Leeds and Thousand Islands and United Way Youth to

Youth Board are providing advice on the planning.

The workshop committee met by telephone on November 22nd. Workshop topics include:

Volunteering, Mental Health, Political Involvement/Advocacy, Leadership, Climate Change,

Reducing Tobacco Use, Employment and Entrepreneurship, Youth Friendly Communities,

Civic Engagement through the Arts.

Agencies will be asked to identify youth who might participate. We should hear about

success of grant proposal by end of 2016. The number of agencies/organizations willing to

partner with us for this event is very heartening. Participants will leave with identified “action”

with an adult ally to support their work. (Still no word on grant)

3) C. Intersection

1) Poverty Reduction Alliance – Meeting November 28

Decision to hold consultations on Hugh Segal report (related to basic income) in

Cardinal, Brockville, North Leeds before January 31. Members who have an interest in

helping or who are already holding consultations should contact Alexis Green

(.) Discussion paper can be accessed at

2) Triple P (Cathy Millard) Meeting October 24 was cancelled

Meeting to Plan for 2017 on December 16 at 130.

Please consider sending a representative if you are using Triple P.

3) Meeting Re: 2-1-1 November 7 (Lorena, Melissa Hillier, Margaret F.)

Melissa met with 2-1-1 representative – we need to pull LG data and see what’s there

New website November 15. Melissa will continue to work with 2-1-1.

Texting ability becoming available.

How do we get partners to use and update 2-1-1?

What are the barriers?

What do we need to help us move forward?

4) Refreshing our Priorities – I met with Elizabeth Green who has developed a plan for our

February 1 meeting.

contact with members for some guided reflection on where we’ve been… how we want to

move ahead.

The primary outcome of this process will be renewed energy and focus in the organization,

and a shared understanding of the direction and priorities of EKIOC among all stakeholders.

The second outcome will be a practical working document that can help shape and guide

the activities of network.

Elizabeth will be contacting some of you for interviews prior to the planning day.

I would like to see us identify two priorities that we can collectively work toward over the

next two years.

5) Healthy Communities Partnership Stewardship Meeting November 15 –

A report was delivered on a survey that has been conducted with schools that are rural based

and have Grade 7 and 8, related to participation in recreation from 3 to 6 o’clock time

period. Key findings:

Ø  43% are engaged in screen time

Ø  Females are less likely to be outdoors

Ø  Students reported isolation and transportation as barriers

Ø  Cost for use of schools seen as a barrier (request for Community Use of Schools Policies which I have obtained from both boards)

Ø  What is role of EKIOC in terms of this issue? Can we advocate with school boards?

6) Healthy Kids Community Challenge November 23 –

Ø  Applications for water filling stations have been completed – good geographic and sector representation. Each applicant has also received a toolkit

Ø  Ministry requires Education, Policy and Promotion to be part of plan

Ø  Policy workshop in North Grenville on March 7 (municipal sector daytime, parents/coaches etc. in evening

Ø  A dietician (Danielle Labonte) has been hired to support the promotion, education and policy around the “Water Does Wonders” theme. She will be working with those who received water stations but is also available to work with organizations who want to promote drinking of water with clients/staff.

Ø  Community is invited to like HKCC on Facebook

7) Update on LGBTQ Training for Agencies – Sue P. and met with Lori Taylor (UCDSB) and

John McTavish to plan a full day training for community partners. The morning session would

focus on creating LGBTQ friendly agencies—language, intake, culture etc. In the afternoon

there will be two concurrent sessions; one related to working with LGTBTQ families and the

other on working with LGTBQ youth (will include a youth panel) Stay tuned for dates.

Lori shared a link to an LGBTQ parenting network

8) Transportation Workgroup – November 30

Action Items:

Members will do an inventory of transportation services available in each area.

Sue Watts will look into website/online “ride share” board for individuals interested in sharing a ride.

Michael Stanley and Tom Turner will research best practices in rural areas

Beth Steel will reaffirm/recreate partnerships


December 5 – Brockville Hub Meeting 10 a.m. EEC

December 5 – Teleconference re: Youth CI 3:30

December 8 – Meeting LCPC/EKIOC co-chairs and planners 1:30 Frankville

December 8 – Best Start Meeting 1:30

December 13 – Special Needs Strategy – 9 to 12 UCDSB Brockville

December 14 – Workshop on Opioids Brockville Memorial Centre 9 to 3

December 16 – Triple P Planning 1:30 Health Unit

December 20 – RTEK planning meeting 10-12 Brockville Library

January 11 – Lead Table 9:30 UCDSB

January 12 – Best Start 1:30 to 3:30 UCDSB

January 19 – Healthy Kids Community Challenge 10 to 12 Health Unit

January 23 – Voting Closes RTEK

January 28 – Closing Read to Every Kid 10 a.m. Front of Yonge Library – all invited

Front line service provider training dates for Coordinated Service Planning

Tuesday February 28 OR Thursday March 23

Locations TBA


Shelley Strickland: Phone: 1-800-267-7945 ext. 205

Date / Time / Location
January 11, 2017 / 9am-noon / St Francis Xavier CHS – 1235 Russell Road, Hammond
February 8, 2017 / 5-8pm / Notre Dame CHS – 157 McKenzie Street, Carleton Place
March 1, 2017 / 9am-noon / St Michael CHS – 2755 Highway 43, Kemptville
April 5, 2017 / 5-8pm / St Thomas Aquinas CHS – 1211 South Russell Road, Russell
May 3, 2017 / 9am-noon / St Joseph CSS – 1500A Cumberland Street, Cornwall