Cash Buyer Script

(Ring ring)


YOU: Hi, this (your name). I’m calling about the house you’ve got on Craigslist at (property address/ or property description if no address).

Did I catch you in the middle of something, or do you have a second to talk?

INVESTOR: No, go ahead. What questions do you have?

YOU: This looks like an investment property. I’m actually an investor too and I wanted to reach out to you to and introduce myself.

I mostly wholesale and creative finance (or whatever strategies you use) and I’m always looking to make more connections around town.

Was this a fix and flip house?

You’ll have to use your judgment here. Obviously if it’s a handyman special, don’t ask if it’s a house they just fixed up. You’re basically asking some probing questions to get them to start talking.

INVESTOR: They’ll answer with more details about the house.

The intro is the most important part, because that will dictate whether they want to keep talking to you and be open with you.

Next, we want to move into some more details about how they operate…

YOU: Is it mostly fix and flips that you do, or do you buy and hold too?

INVESTOR: They’ll answer

YOU: Awesome. Do you ever run across wholesale deals that you’re looking to get moved?

INVESTOR: They’ll answer, probably saying yes they do.

YOU: Very cool. I’ve got a pretty active buyers list so I may be able to help you move any of those types of deals you have available.

You need to present yourself as a valuable resource to them vs just asking if you can call them when you have deals.

I also get deals that sometimes I can’t do anything with. If you let me know a little bit more about what you’re looking for, I can give you a buzz when I’ve got something that meets your criteria.

(wait for their response)

INVESTOR: They’ll tell you more info.

YOU: Got it.

And tell me, what’s the easiest way for me to send you potential deals? What info do you need upfront? I want to make sure we’re limiting a lot of unnecessary back and forth.

INVESTOR: They’ll tell you how to send them the info.

YOU: Perfect. Well I don’t want to take up too much of your time. I just wanted to introduce myself. It never hurts to have another friend around town.

My number is ______. If you need anything or have any potential deals, give me a call. Otherwise, I look forward to sending you some deals here in the near future.

You want to leave the conversation with specifics on zip codes they target, $/ sq ft, specs like beds, baths, etc. Plus how frequently they buy, what their price range is, and what their typical exit strategy is.

Mix it up. Give some insight about what you’re looking to do, in between asking them questions. We don’t want it to feel like an interrogation J

Make sure you get their best contact info- preferably 2 forms (phone and email).

**No emails or texts on the first call. It’s really important to establish a personal connection right off the bat. Then you can email or text if that’s the investor’s preferred form of communication.