Central Dauphin East High School

Symphonic Band


Mr. Curtis Glidewell, Instructor

Course Introduction and Syllabus

This is a participation- and performance-based class focused on developing your understanding of musical notation and reading. Symphonic Band is a continuation level course for students with four or more years of previous band experience. Emphasis is on the advancement of instrument technique, the further development of ensemble performance skills, and building on the theoretical framework set in concert band.

Students will develop the skills and knowledge to perform music alone, in small sections, and in large ensembles. This course focuses heavily on the rehearsal and performance of concert band literature. A variety of band literature, written at the appropriate grade level will be practiced, rehearsed, and performed. In addition to performing, students will develop the ability to understand, appreciate, perceive, create, and respond to music through balanced instruction that includes studying works from historical, aesthetic, and critical perspectives

Attendance Policy

You cannot learn if you do not attend class. Unexcused absences and tardiness will not be tolerated. Consequences will be enforced regarding this issue. Playing tests will be frequent, those who tend to miss class will not do well and your success will be minimal. I am interested in your success, not your failure; be in every class on time.

Absence from Performance

A performance is the end result of the ensemble's preparation; therefore, attendance at a performance is mandatory. Every person is equally important in a performance. Only in case's of extreme emergency, extraordinary circumstance, or severe personal illness will a person be excused from a performance. The director must approve excused absences. Any absence that is not brought to the director's attention for approval prior to the performance, will be considered unexcused and will severely effect the final grade.


23 October 2014—Fall Concert—East High Auditorium, 730p

11 December 2014—Winter Concert—East High Auditorium, 730p

24 March 2015—Pops Concert—East High Auditorium, 730p

20 May 2015—Spring Concert—East High Auditorium, 730p

2 June 2015—Graduation—Giant Center, 700p

*Additional performances may be required based on community demand for live, large ensemble wind band music. At least two weeks notice will given in the event of an additional performance. Additional performances will factor into the course grade in the same fashion as the regularly scheduled performances above.

Grading and Testing Policy

Symphonic Band is performance and participation based. You will play every day and we will have playing tests both in front of the class and one on one. These tests should always be expected. Written tests and assignments will be given to cover the material that cannot be addressed in playing tests. In general, written tests and assignments will be given with plenty of time for preparation and completion.

Your class grade will be based largely upon your participation in class activities as well as your preparedness with class assignments and materials. You can expect frequent feedback from me about your progress in class.

Your grade will be determined as follows and is subject to change based on District-wide grading policies:

30% Class Participation/Preparedness

20% Written Assignments

20% Written Tests/Quizzes

30% Performances/SmartMusic


Most of our playing tests in the band program are completed through a relatively new interactive software program called SmartMusic. Students practice with background accompaniment and get visual and audio feedback on each assignment, which makes practice more meaningful and productive. A home subscription costs $36 plus a one time cost for a microphone (if your computer does not have a microphone built in). This expense is refundable through the student accounts program, if you participate in fundraising efforts. For more information on student accounts, please contact the Mr. Glidewell.

Make-Up Work

All assignments not turned in on time will result in a 1 letter grade penalty each day it is late. If it is more than one week late, the assignment will no longer be accepted. If you are excusably absent, you have the responsibility to see me within two days to get any missed assignments. I will not find you. Once you receive the assignment, you will be given one week to complete the assignment and turn it in. Any missed playing or written tests may be made up during your lunch or after school. If you are absent without an absence form from the school excusing you, you may not make up any missed work.

Classroom Behavior

For any organization to run effectively it must have a set of rules and procedures in which all participants agree to follow. Therefore, I have created such a set of rules and procedures for all activities in which the band will participate. All members are expected to follow these rules. I am willing to explain my rationale for the following sets of rules and procedures. These rules, procedures, and policies are not restrictions; they provide a means of running a more efficient program.

The following rules and regulations will apply at all rehearsals:


1)  Respect the rights and property of yourself and others.

2)  Be in your seat ready to play within three minutes of the beginning of class or rehearsal.

3)  Every band member will bring instruments, music, pencil, and any other necessary equipment to every rehearsal or performance.

4)  There is to be no talking or disturbance during rehearsals. Subdued talking is permitted with the director's permission or when the director leaves the podium. Talking should cease when the director stands on the podium or in the absence of the podium in the position that the podium would normally occupy.

5)  Gum chewing or eating of any kind is not permitted during any rehearsal or performance.

6)  Posture is of utmost importance. Students should avoid crossed legs or ankles and slumping when seated in chairs.

7)  Play only when asked to do so. When the director is not working with you, sit quietly and silently practice your music.

8)  The chalkboard should be read when entering the rehearsal room. Music will be placed in the proper order according to the instructions on the board.

9)  Music folders, instruments, and equipment will be kept in their proper storage places when not in use. Music and folders should not be left on the music stand and cases will not be left on the floor.

10)  Books and personal belongings should not be left in the band room or the instruments storage area after rehearsal. All trash should be thrown in the waste container.

11)  Loud talking, shouting, profanity, or horseplay is not allowed in the band department.

12)  Students will remain seated until released.

13)  Personal phone calls, are not permitted except calls made to parents after rehearsals or performance.

14)  Any student whose efforts and performance do not meet the necessary standards of quality will be removed.

When entering the classroom students must:

-Use appropriate language

-Have respect for teacher and other students

-Put away all food and drinks (with the exception of water)

-Participate at all possible times.

The following items are not allowed to be visible (or audible) in the classroom:

-Headphones/CD Players/mp3 Players

-Cell Phones


If any of the above items are seen without permission, they will be confiscated and turned into the front office.


Breaking any of the above-mentioned rules will result in the following:

First Offense-Warning

Second Offense-Detention and Parent Phone Call

Third Offense-Referral to the Office, ISS, IISS


Music provided by the school

Supplies You Will Need to Provide

1.  Instrument in good playing condition

2.  All necessary materials for your instrument—reeds, valve oil, mouthpieces, ligatures, etc.

3.  Pencil—ALWAYS!!!!

4.  SmartMusic subscription for home use.

5.  Stick Pack (Percussion only)

Office Hours

Any student who needs extra help with assignments or parts may meet with me during 5th or 9th periods. You must, however, make an appointment with me in advance. I can be contacted by phone at 717.541.1662 X460, or by email at .

Please return to Mr. Glidewell by Friday, August 29, 2014.

Central Dauphin East High School
Symphonic Band 2014-2015

Syllabus Student/Parent Agreement

I have read and understand the rules and regulations listed in the Symphonic Band syllabus. I agree to support and abide by all of these regulations.

Student Name Date

Student Signature

Parent Signature

Parent Email

Parent Phone

Preferred method of contact (please check one):

q  Email

q  Phone