LaVille Elementary Newsletter November 25, 2013

Dear Parents/Guardians:

We at LaVille Elementary had three major successes on Thursday evening and Friday:

1.  We won the Regional Spell Bowl at North Liberty

2.  We had the Most Successful Market Day Pie Sale ever

3.  Friday’s Benefit Basketball Game and Spaghetti Dinner made over $5,700 to help pay uncovered medical bills of teachers Lisa Head and Paul Davis. That does not include the check for over $1,000 presented by the PTO to Audra Gaines. Audra, a LaVille parent of many children, donated a kidney to Paul Davis. Several of Audra’s children have had Paul as a teacher and she and the children wanted to give something back to Paul.

Basketball Benefit a HUGE success!! All I can say is what a tremendous night it was. I was so proud to be a Lancer on Friday night. And, did you see the coverage on WNDU? They sure said nice things about LaVille and our community, and they are all true! Anyway, here is Lindsay Garrett’s write up on the evening. Check out the picture collage attachments to see many excellent pictures!

If you weren't at the high school this past Friday night, then I'm sure you weren't having near as much fun as we were!! The spaghetti dinner and basketball benefit that was held for our two great teachers, Mr. Paul Davis and Ms. Lisa Head, was a complete success! The evening started off with a delicious spaghetti dinner and ended with 4 quarters of absolute basketball fun with the Staff vs. the 6th grade boys’ basketball team vs. the Lakeville & LaPaz Fire Departments! The game was humorously commentated by our very own, Mr. Farthing and Mr. Cox. Not a dry eye was in the house when we introduced our very special teachers. They were welcomed onto the court with a standingovation of family, friends, and past and present students, who obviously care very deeply for them. Another very special guest of honor was introduced, Audra Gaines. Almost two weeks ago, Audra selflessly donated her kidney to Mr. Davis. PTO presented her with a check from our Grandparent's Week Bake Sale for $1,004.21! All in all, the night was definitely deemed a success. So far, the event has raised...drum roll please...almost $6,000!!! That is AMAZING!!! All money raised goes directly to Mr. Davis and Ms. Head to help them with their medical bills. A huge thank you to all those who attended, donated to, helped with, and organized the event, especially Mr. Zak Tyler, who originally came up with the idea and spent months planning it. It would not have been a success without all of YOU!! Our thoughts and prayers continue to be with Mr. Davis and Ms. Head as they continue on their roads to recovery. - Lindsay Garrett, PTO President

Spirit Wear Sale! Want to show some Lancer spirit and look awesome doing it?? Then be sure to check out the great collection of spirit wear apparel we're offering! These make great Christmas gifts! All orders will arrive before Christmas break. Please be sure to turn in all order forms and payment by Tuesday, December 3rd. Any questions, please contact Lindsay Garrett by phone/text at 250-6154 or email at . You can also check out product sizing sheets on our Facebook page,

Our Spell Bowl Team Captures First Place at North Liberty:

Congratulations to our Championship Team

Coaches Meredith Richer and Sue Cox sure did a good job preparing our kids for the North Liberty Spell Bowl. Hats off to Luke Liggitt, Jordan Keen, Brooke Singleton, Sydney Smous, Carly Gutelius, Bobby Good, Seth Stump, Mason Norton, Hannah Deadmond and Alexandria Collier.

I have many other pictures in the attached collages.

Market Day Pie Sale – very successful. $3480.53 for our Students! Money collected will be used for uniforms, balls, and equipment for all athletics, including gym classes. We will also use the money for student parties for attendance and other rewards. We will use the money for the prizes and treats for our kids at the awards assemblies, for their birthdays, etc. We also will use the money to give the students a big party when we are officially declared an ‘A’ school for the 4th year in a row! It is not official, but I know an ‘A’ school when I see one and we are an ‘A’ school.

We do not know all the classrooms that sold the most pies nor which teacher is going to get clobbered with pies. But, we do know the top individual pie sellers. These students will receive a gift card for their efforts. I will give you more details on the gift card and amount next week. Here are the top students. These students also get to throw pies at a teacher!

Christina Fleck was biggest seller with – 41 – She will receive the largest gift card.

Kaigen Henry - 36

Shayne Monroe - 36

Michael Good-33

Jake Martin-23

Kassi Watts-21

Cadence Biesenbach-19

Jackson Horvath - 15

Now, we have to select the teacher or teachers who get the pies in their face. We will vote for it. Any student or staff member who sold pies received one vote for each pie sold. They vote for the teacher they would like to see get hit by pies. The top 2-3 vote getters will suffer the humiliation of having pies thrown in their face. Oh, by the way, I sold 8 pies this year and I am giving all 8 votes to one teacher! The teachers better be nice to me.

LaVille Elementary Food Drive:

Monday, November 25 – Friday December 6.

The Student Council is once again sponsoring the annual LaVille Food Drive. Our LaVille family always steps up to the plate to help those less fortunate in our community so they can have a bountiful holiday season.Please send in food that is non-perishable. Open and outdated food is perishable, so we cannot accept it. Please check dates on cans and packages.A happy holiday season is wished to all!

The classroom that brings in the most canned goods will receive a pizza party, courtesy of our Lions Club. The 2nd and 3rd place classrooms will receive an ice cream bar party. (I am tired of popcorn.)

GENEROUS PEOPLE NEEDED AT CHRISTMAS: If your family, or organization, or church would like to help out a family this holiday season (through offering to adopt a family for Christmas), please call Kathy Frazier (784-2311 ext. 103), our school counselor, and have the following information handy:

1) Name of your family, organization, or church wanting to help and contact information

2) If you’d like to adopt one or more families for Christmas, and how many

3) If you’d like to make a monetary or gift card donation to help needy families this holiday

4) If you’d like to help in some other way not mentioned

CHRISTMAS HELP AVAILABLE: Every year area churches, clubs, and generous families offer to give to needy families at Christmas time. There are Toys for Tots, Shop with a Cop, Adopt-A-Family, Lion’s Club, and other programs that help families at Christmas. If your family needs help with Christmas this year, please call Kathy Frazier (784-2311 ext. 103), our school counselor, and let her know you’d like an application sent home with your student. Leave a voicemail message that you would like an application and with which child in which class you’d like the application sent home. Applications will also be available in the front office. We will take applications through November 26, but the sooner you can get the application in, the better chance you have at getting help. Applying for help doesn’t guarantee that your family will be helped, but you can’t be helped without the application turned in no later than TODAY, November 26. Families will be notified, should they be chosen, no later than December 13th.

DONATIONS OF GENTLY USED SNOW BOOTS AND SNOW PANTS GREATLY ACCEPTED AT LAVILLE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL!! (Especially for kindergarten, 1st and 2nd grader sizes) Many times there are children who aren’t allowed to play in the snow during winter recesses due to not having snow boots or snow pants. If you would like to donate your child’s out-grown items, we will gladly accept them and find them a new home with a child who needs them.

MATH Bowl is Coming! If you are in 5th or 6th grade and would like to compete in the Math Bowl, listen up! Get a permission slip from the office or from Miss Duerksen. Have your parents sign it and bring it back.Turn it in to Miss Duerksen or Ms. Holderread. Stay after schoolonWednesday, December 4, to show your math skills. If you qualify for the team, practices beginMonday, December 9. Practices will be on Mondays and Wednesdays, and the competition isThursday, February 27. Don't worry - if you are on the girls' basketball team, you can still be inMath Bowl.Join us to make this the best Math Bowl team ever!

Since I am now the old grandpa of the family – Thanksgiving will be at our house. When I see all the grandkids together, having fun, laughing, etc., it makes me wish I had more time to spend with them.

Have a great Thanksgiving with your families! I will do the same.

Sunday 24 / Monday 25 / Tuesday 26 / Wed. 27 / Thursday 28 / Friday 29 / Saturday 30
Happy Birthday
Colin Czarnecki
Kaley Mejer / Happy Birthday
Kennedy Fretz
PTO Meeting 315pm
Boys Basketball 5th at Bremen 6th at LaVille / Happy Birthday
Mentoring Event
St. Paul’s
Boys Basketball
5th @ NL
6th @ LV / Happy Birthday
Mitch Mawhorter
Hunter King
Chay’se Rios
Break –
No School / Happy Birthday
Lori Kiefer
Don Clifford
Break –
No School / Happy Birthday
Joanne Slomski
Amanda Hohulin

December 1-7 2013

Sun / Mon / Tues / Wed / Thu / Fri / Sat
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7
Happy Birthday
Colton Huffman
Alex Mucha
Acuity testing all Week Grades 3-6 / Happy Birthday
Courtney Fuchs
Denver Huffer
Phoenix Six
Boys Basketball 5th at LaVille 6th at Riverside / Happy Birthday
Nevaeh Horton
Boys Basketball 6th only at Culver Elementary / Happy Birthday
Jasmine Heminger
Jake Martin
Austin Mewszel
Mrs. Downs’
4th grade to Baugo Creek 830-230pm / Happy Birthday
Dawson Beam
Boys Basketball 5th at LaVille 6th at Walkerton / Happy Birthday
Padonna Snyder
Nathan McKeand
Braeden Balmer
Michael Lindvall
Victor Lugo
Ross Wagoner / Happy Birthday
Preston Hale
Robbie Kiner
Leah Porter
6th Grade BB Tourney at LaVille
Pearl Harbor Day

Attachments: 2 Collages of the Benefit Basketball Game, 1 Collage of Spell Bowl & December Menu