Division of Milk Control Plan Submittal Guide

Dairy Farms

1360 Marshall Street

Hagerstown, MD21740

Phone: 301-791-4779 Fax: 301-739-8067

*COMAR 10.15.06 Regulations govern the Production, Processing, Transportation, Storage, and Distribution of Milk and milk products. These regulations require the submission of properly prepared applications & plans for review and approval for all milk house, milking barn, and milking parlor construction or renovation. In addition, plans/applications for all bulk tank and milking system installationsmodifications must also be submitted for review and approval. ALL APPLICATIONS AND PLANS MUST BE SUBMITTED FOR REVIEW AND APPROVAL BEFORE WORK BEGINS. Exceptions are made in emergency situations ONLY.

The purpose for the review and approval of plans before work begins is to ensure compliance with sanitary requirements and prevent misunderstandings by the producer as to what is required. This also prevents errors which could later result in additional cost to the producer. During the review process, additional information may be requested for application/plan approval. Please be certain to provide complete and concise information with your submittal.

When applications/plans are received, the initial review is based on the “Plan Submittal Checklist” of information attached to this page. You will also find applications to construct dairy facilities, install a bulk milk storage tank, and to install/modify a milking system attached to this packet.

Below is an example of a drawing of a typical milk house that demonstrates the type of drawing that should accompany your application to construct dairy facilities. The drawing should be to scale or indicate dimensions. For bulk tank and milking system installations, submit a drawing that is to scale or indicate dimensions.

Insert Milk House Drawing Here

Plan Review Checklist

General Information

___Provide producer, installer, and field representative name, address, and phone number on all applications.

___Provide all applicable applications and required information.

___Field representative signature must be on all applications submitted.

New Construction/Remodeling of Dairy Facilities

___Provide site drawing showing milk house & parlor/barn location in relation to manure pit, cow yard, housing areas, well(s), septic system(s), frost free hydrants, ditches, and streams with approximate distances.

___Provide milk house, parlor, barn, and/or housing shed drawing indicating dimensions. Also, show the location of equipment, pre-coolers, floor drains, lighting, hose bibs, washing systems, chemical dispensers, compressors, backflow prevention devices, and toilets.

Pipeline/Milking Systems Installation

___List make, model number, quantity, and specifications of milking equipment including pipeline and milking units.

___List make and model number of all pumps (vacuum, etc.) used in the milking system. Include specifications such as horsepower and cfm’s.

___Provide drawing of the parlor/barn with milking equipment location, pipeline location & size, pipeline distance, wash line location & size, receiver location (if applicable), and pre-cooler location (if applicable). Drawing should also indicate the milk house/bulk tank and cattle housing area location in relation to the parlor/barn.

___Indicate presence of required backflow protection as needed on all plate cooler, chemical pumps, etc. on the drawing.

___Provide type (gas, electric, etc.) and capacity of hot water heating system.

___Provide information on booster/supplemental heating systems (if provided).

Bulk Tank/Milk Cooling Systems Installation

___Provide drawing of milk house with bulk tank location(s), floor drain location(s), and clearance dimensions on both sides, in front, and above manhole of the bulk tank. Specify floor, wall, and ceiling finishes, if part of the new installation.

___List bulk tank specifications, including make, model number, and capacity.

___List cooling system specifications, including make, model number, and capacity.

___List pre-cooler type and btu capability (if present or to be installed).

Revised 05/29/07