Monday, May 9th, 2016 Education Lunch


John RitterEHR

Diego KaminkerEducation WG, HL7 (scribe)

Virginia LorenziEducation (presiding)

Michael BrodyEHR

Chris MilletCQI


Kai HeitmannHL7

Calvin BeebeMayo

J.D. BakerSparx



Mary Ann Boyle (Mab) HL7

Sharon ChaplockHL7

Melva PetersHL7

Heather GrainHL7

Mark ShafarmanHL7





Abdul Malik Shakir (AMS)@hissolutions


Opening remarks (Virginia)

Education is a “Healthiest work group”

Discussed Sharon’s Career Advancement Matrix idea:

Sharon: explained the purpose (to help people navigate through education offerings to advance their career. Many do not know how to start).

Rick : CDA Intro should be entry Level

Heather: Suggested a different category for standards development versus standards implementationn

Kai : extending the matrix to include an implementors and standard developer or constrainer

Sharon: agreed with Kai and Heather.

Melva: please send comments later or we will spend all the time on this.

Virginia: please send your comments during these week and it will be discussed Q1 Thursday.

Rick: you need to use the standard to be able to develop it so standards developers should take implementation classes.

Kai: FHIR connecthathon should be included in the list

Ideas for new tutorials and what to do about cancelations

Mab: noted that numerous tutorials have been canceled at this WGM and the last.

AMS:Ken asked to add a tutoríal to orient facilitators

Melva: we had a Project for this and no one advanced it but vocab

Heather: we will add a section on webinars and remote learning to our class on how to créatetutoríals

AMS: the class will teach the general process of facilitating.

Melva: the class will be "this is what means to be a XXX facilitator". This is what the PSS included and it was not done and it is needed.

AMS: we will créate a tutoríal specification.

Mab: hot topics is a good idea. Was well attended.

Ginny: how hl7 answers to tech advances. Also to get people in.

Heather: people do not know which tutoríals to get- If they think all they need to know is FHIR they are delusional.

Melva: we tried to do a better job making tutoríals specs more sexy.

Mab: Hq is doing this with marketing. What do i need to implement Xxx

Ted: rather than big áreas. Why do not offer them specific Educ for certain needs tasks that need to be achieved. And skills to get that those tasks done.

Heather: a way to realize what they know and what they don’t. (assessment)

New for 2017: CDA on FHIR and CCD on FHIR. Tut spec will be released. (Rick)

Education May 2016 WGM Monday May 9th, 2016Q3 and Q4




Mary Ann





Scribe: Diego Kaminker

Presiding Chair: Virginia Lorenzi

Role Call:

Virginia Lorenzi (Q3/Q4)

Mary Ann Boyle (Q3/Q4)

Sharon Chaplock (Q3/Q4)

Patrick Loyd (Q3/Q4)

Katherine Duteau (Q3)

Diego Kaminker (Q3/Q4)

Fernando Campos (Q3/Q4)

Anita Walden (Q4)

Lori Simon (Q4)


1. Approve agenda.

Miss Duteau makes the motion, Fernando seconds.

Approved unanimously.

2. Approval of minutes from January 2016 WGM

Fernando makes the motion, Patrick seconds.

Approved unanimously.

3. Planning for September and January 2016 WGM tutorials (depending on Mary Ann and Sharon's availability)

a) Wait until Thursday for the hot topics tutorial to see what is people interested in.

Questions are:

Would you attend a webinar about this topic?

Would you attend a face to face class about this topic?

Are you interested in implementing this?

Are you interested in participating in the definition of standard about this?

b) Patrick: maybe create a webinar on what MU3 /2015 certification mandates to see what kind of interest there is from vendores/providers. Patrick will generate a webinar spec. Virginia: maybe contact Gora Data and Keith Boone. Virginia: better now than later. Just a webinar.

c) Virginia: connecthathon-ready track. Patrick: It is included in the connectathon registration fee.

D) For September WGM 2016: Art Decor and Trifolia tutorials.

E) One day local classes idea (draft PSS)

- Bring HL7 to the local communities.

- Study costs and revenues for a pilot (maybe NYC)


F) Decision Making Practice Review (start from EST v4)

We started from EST v4 and edited it for our needs: the chair can vote, staff has voice and vote. Staff Report is a standing item for WGMs and teleconferences.

Motion to approve passes unanimously

New DMP is attached

Education Trends and Statistics, Dashboard : we created a simple model of Excel file we want to be filled each month for the Educ. WG to see the trends on subjects and education means (attached). Mary Ann agreed to fill it out.

New Business:

(Anita) Engage with PCPI (part of AMA). Maybe connecting with their Education commitee to see some way of working together. (Sharon will handle)

Tutorial Review Process (will finish discussion on Thursday)

Had some discussion but no consensus.

WGM HL7 MAY 2016 – MONTREAL Thursday 12th, Q1 and Q2


Q1-Committee Meeting

Diego Kaminker -

Virginia Lorenzi -

Fernando Campos -

Brian Pech

Mike Henderson, Kaiser Permamente

Heather Grain, HL7 Australia

Sharon Chaplock, HL7 Staff

Mary Ann Boyle, HL7 Staff

Katherine Duteau


1. Agenda review

2. Healthiest Work Group Stars - DONE

3. HL7 Career Advancement Matrix

Reviewed matrix that was worked on over the list server during the week by several Education WG members (Virginia, Heather, Diego, and others commented)

(Sharon) We went through this subject earlier in the week. It was in the education week for a month. It's populated with suggested courses.

(Diego) Proposal of completing the table he sent

(Diego) useful to have a register of who actually attended each course

(Mary Ann) Will have that in 'My Participation'. All the courses they registered

(Mike) But those are 'who registered', not 'who attended'

(Sharon) The portal also registers who take the webinars

Motion: To complete the matrix using the four dimensions: Pathway, Course Level, Delivery Method, Audience


(Virginia) I would add a standard constrainer who is not a developer creating something conformant to the standard but is creating a spec for an interface.

[Proposal unanimously passed]

Professional Certification Report

Discussion of the survey report.

Discussion of the risks and advantages of the program

Key findings: 95% wants to know more 92% beneficial to employers 92% beneficials to individuals

85% encourage HL7 to create it

We have the Board focus. It will be a board driven project.

Have to put a lot of infrastructure in place.

Q2-Committee Meeting

A. Tutorial Matrix for September

B. Tutorials Planning / Requests

- New Tutorial Evaluation Requests - Received

1. :Attachments: Overview for Managers, Architects & Implementers

- Lantana

2. :Attachments: Introduction for Architects & Implementers

- Lantana

3. :Introduction to HL7 for Government (Free, Q0 =, Baltimore)

- Julia Skapik

4. :Principles and Application of Conformance

- Rob Snelick

5. :MIPS MU AND ONC 2015

- Virginia Lorenzi

6. : FHIR Terminology

- Rob Hausen

Done. Grid sent, reviewers will oversee the tutorials spec

C. Education Transformation

DK motions discarding the transformation proposal

Fernando Campos second


Mike Henderson: I am afraid that this proposal will shy people that usually participate.


Unanimously approved.

D. Report from headquarters (Mobile Question App)

- Badges

- QStream mobile questions: 10/15 questions for this meeting. We have enough questions for V3 and CDA (DK / Fercam, Calvin also collaborating). V2 being developed (Ted, Virginia), by end of June.

- Webinars: policy (ABC of MACRA), FHIR foundation, Summer School (Intro, V2, CDA, CCDA), FHIR institute, ASCO Case Study.

- E-Learning: HL7 Fundamentals August 2016, FHIR Fundamentals: August, October, November

E. Day/Time/Frequency of Education WG Telec

No change

First meeting will be Wednesday, May 18th, 4 pm EST.

Every other week

F. Project Scope Statement (Lorenzi, One-Day Events)

Pilot: New York HIMSS, on-site teaching partnering with other organizations.

(Mike) Local HIMSS

(Cyr) Local Hospital Associations

Motion by Fernando, Second : Diego

PSS Approved, it will be presented to the steering division in the next call.

G. Education Strategic Plan

Deferred to next call

H. Unfinished or new business

Motion to adjourn: Mary Ann, second: Sharon

Adjourned at 12:23 pm