We highly recommend Deer Scram! Deer Scram is an organic repellant that can be used in all seasons. It is a granular product that is sprinkled on location.

We also recommend Liquid Fence. Liquid Fence simulates the odor of Coyote or Dog urine, which discourages deer from visiting the areas that are sprayed.


Spread human hair


Hot sauce

Tabasco sauce

Irish Spring Soap or other strong smelling soap

Motion sensor lighting

Singing yard décor

Shrimp shells


3 raw eggs
3 tbls. of red hot sauce
3 tbls. of garlic juice or minced
Add enough water to a blender to process and mix well. Add this to a gallon of water and spray on plants. You can make the spray last longer by adding Wilt Proof to it.

FROM: A Minnesota Master Gardener at
Blend 2 eggs and a cup or two or cold water at high speed. Add this mixture to a gallon of water and let it stand for 24 hours. After 24 hours, spray on foliage. The egg mixture does not wash off easily, but re-application 2-3 times a season may be needed. For a larger quantity, blend a dozen eggs into 5 gallons of water. This mix is also said to repel rabbits.

FROM: www.Rutherford
6 eggs
4 hot peppers or enough to make it very hot
6-12 gloves of garlic, enough to make it stink
5 cups of warm water.
Put it all in a blender and liquify it. Put it in an old milk jug. Set it out for a couple of days in the sun to let it cook and get really stinky and hot. Strain it good if you want to use it in a sprayer. You can also pour it on and/or around the plants directly from the jug.

Scare Deer Repellent
1 yard of old sheeting, cotton, or muslin
1/4 cup bloodmeal
1 cup of hair clippings
Cut the fabric into small 4-inch squares. Mix the bloodmeal and hair together and place about a tablespoon onto the center of each square. Bring up the ends and secure with a string or rubber band. Hang these little packets from the branches of the trees and shrubs.

FROM: Kreftmeyer Fine Gardens/Missouri Botanical Gardens
2 eggs
1 cup skim milk
1 cup water
2 Tablespoons liquid dish detergent
Put all in blender and spray.

FROM: Prus Family, Chapel Hill
1 cup sour milk, sour cream, or buttermilk
2 eggs beaten and strained
5 drops liquid dish soap
five drops cooking oil or dormant oil
20 drops of essential oil of cloves
Top off 1 gallon container with water. Shake well. Spray as a light mist. Respray every 2-3 weeks.