Erie Community College
GA 126 Visual Design Basics
Course Outline
A: Unit Code and Suggested Course Title: GA 126– Visual Design Basics
B: Curriculum/Program: Visual Communications — Graphic Arts/Printing
C. Catalog Description:
Introductory course to the principles of graphic design and its relationship to typography and layout for digital and print media. Basic concepts involved in developing packaging designs from concept to presentation, historical trends and effects on design, the role of the art director, customer and production team, paper requirements and the relationship the job must have to the production process. The course objective is to have students develop a variety of visual design projects using computer software, creativity and problem solving for inclusion in a portfolio.
Prerequisites: GA 125
D. Duration of Instructional Period:
200 minutes, 1 meeting per week, 15 weeks
E. Academic Credit Hours: 2.5
Contact Hours: 4.0
(Lecture Hours, Lab Hours, Credit Hours) (1-3-2.5)
F. Suggested Text/Course Materials:
Basics of Design, 2nd edition, by Lisa Graham (required)
G. Course Outcomes:
Upon completion of this course the student will be able to demonstrate the principles of layout and graphic design in a simulated commercial print job environment. Students will create term projects for presentation and inclusion in a portfolio.
Outcomes Include:
(1) Describe the role of the graphic designer, technician, production team and their relationship the with customer
(2) Identify the history of graphic design in the 20th century to the present day trends and recognizing their effect on advertising and print media today
(3) Create 3-dimensional digital mechanical and mockup for client presentation
(4) Create and present ideas visually utilizing vector graphics, demonstrating craftsmanship and communicating effectively through typography
H. Program Competencies:
Upon graduation with an Associate in Applied Science degree in Visual Communication Technology - Graphic Arts / Printing, the graduate will be able to:
Identify basic design principles and the historical influence on graphic design including the fundamentals of typography as they relate to print media for a variety of products and page formats including single/double-sided pages, folds, columns, single, and multiple page layouts, as well as, single and multiple colors. (1, 2, 3, 4)
I. SUNY General Education Knowledge and Skills Areas:
This section applies exclusively to course offerings within the Liberal Arts Division.
J. ECC Learning Outcomes (LO):
1. Communication (1, 4)
2. Critical Analysis and Reasoning (2)
6. Technological Competence (3, 4)
K. Student Learning:
K1. Evaluation of Student Learning:
The final grade is based on an evaluation of performance & ability based on a cumulative average of total points. The points are taken from grades from in-class work, attendance, homework, exams and projects. Breakdown of percentages of the total average is below:
Assigned lab tutorials, in-class assignments and homework - 15%
Mid-Term and Final Exam - 20%
Projects – 50%
Attendance and professionalism – 15%
Total Average for Final Grade – 100%
K2. Assessment of Student Learning:
Final grades will be measured through various performance activities including but not limited to:
1. Daily tutorial lessons and in-class exercises
2. Participation in class discussions and proper supplies
3. Reading & Homework assignments
4. Term project utilizing problem solving, design & computer skills
5. Attendance
L. Library Resources:
Packagedesignworkbook:the art and science of successful packaging, Steven DuPuis and John Silva, Beverly, Mass., Rockport Publishers, 2011. 9781592537082
Really good packaging explained, Bronwen Edwards ... [et al.], Beverly, Mass., Rockport, c2009. 9781592535453
Exploring package design, Chuck Groth, Clifton Park, NY, Thomson Delmar Learning, c2006. 1401872174
Packaging essentials: 100 design principles for creating packages, Sarah Roncarelli and Candace Ellicott, Beverly, Mass., Rockport Publishers, c2010. 9781592536030
Graphic design: a new history, Stephen J. Eskilson, 2nd ed, New Haven, Conn. Yale University Press, c2012. 9780300172607
Meggs’ History of Graphic Design [electronic resource]. 5th ed. Hoboken, John Wiley & Sons, 2011. 9781118017746 85
100 ideas that changed graphic design, Steven Heller and Véronique Vienne, London, Laurence King, 2012. 9781856697941
Graphic design history, edited by Steven Heller and Georgette Balance, New York, Allworth Press, c2001. 1581150946
M. Topical Outline:
1) Introduction: 1 week
- Syllabus, weekly schedule, projects, grades, procedures;
- LAB: Diagnostic Quiz, Illustration Exercise
2) Design Planning 1 week
- Design Basics
- LAB: Project #1 Research
3) Package Design Introduction 2 weeks
4) Typography in Design / Copywriting 1 week
- Design History: Art Nouveau
- LAB: Project #1
5) Emphasis In Design 1 week
- Design History: Jugenstil
- LAB: Project #1
6) Designing with Contrast 1 week
- Design History: Paris Deco/Streamline
- LAB: Finish project #1
7) Capstone Calendar Project #2 1 week
- Mid term
8) Managing Effective Balance 1 week
- Design History: Futurism
- LAB: Project #2
9) Visual Alignment 1 week
- Design History: De Stijl
- LAB: Project #2
10) Repetition 1 week
- Design History: Bauhaus
- LAB: Project #2
11) Flow and Space in Design 1 week
- Design History: Surrealism
- LAB: Project #2
12) Imagery and Color Techniques 1 week
- Design History: Poster Design
- LAB: Project #2 and poster design
N: Proposal Prepared by: Elizabeth Maute
Date Prepared: January 2009
Last Updated: January, 22, 2015