Chapter Executive Council
October 20, 2016Meeting Notes
- Attendees: Sarah Pank, Tony Hullinger, Adrian Perry, Rick Wilson, Alicia Turpin, Michael Gaudet, Jack Schiller, Meg Hart, Liz Comer, Natalie Crowe, Jackie Freeman, Catrina Thompson, Dan Neumann, Andrew Tyler, Jamie Hunt, Jayme Boruff, Andrew Tyler, Tara Crabtree, Mike Leist
- Treasurer Update
- Alana on leave today. Financial documents attached to agenda email, send any questions to her.
- Committee Updates
- Early Careers Breakfast October 26th, 2016 from 8:30 - 9:15 Room 229aa(Clarence in class, Liz provided update)
- Speakers: President - Mr. Hullinger, Membership Committee - Jack Schiller, Social – Alicia Turpin, Community Service – Jackie Freeman
- Corporate Sponsor - Financial Center First Credit Union Representatives attending
- Rick Wilson and Meg Hart offered to fill in/speak for anyone that cannot attend.
- Incentive Points – Jayme Boruff
- Update
- Need list from August luncheon. Jayme will reach out to ticket sellers to see if they still have lists.
- Proposed program change
- Suggested by Shawn McCracken
- Points based on how you participate.
- Current program grants points that are applied to luncheon discounts. Discounts only apply to AGA luncheons, this year only 2-4 luncheons to use the discount.
- Participation earns you points to get AGA merchandise (hats, cups, pens, shirts, etc.)
- Can buy from National, no need to keep stock on hand. $4.25 – 50.00 price range.
- Is there interest in moving to this? Those that are getting the discount are CEC members. Intent of Incentive Points Program is to get more people to events, will the new program increase participation? Should we do a survey monkey to gauge interest? Perception is $2-3 luncheon discount doesn’t entice folks to attend.
- CEC determined a survey would gauge interest in the proposed incentive program. Jayme will develop survey monkey and present at November CEC.
- Social Committee – Alicia Turpin
- October 23 Horseback Ride – sold out
- Distributing tickets this week to Headless Horseman at Conner Prairie – sold out
- November – possible get together at Triton
- Preparing for Christmas at the Zoo ticket sales
- Pushing Go Ape (ziplining) to next year
- Education –Tara Crabtree
- PDC Update
- One speaker spot open. Waiting to hear back from potential speaker, if candidate says no Ms Knight will speak.
- Vote: PDC speaker – need volunteers to taxi speaker to and from the airport or additional funding for taxis or rental car.
- Motion made by Andrew on behalf of Tara’s education committee to fund his taxi $200, motion seconded by Meg. Motion passed.
- Final attendee number attendees, 218 not including contractors, sponsors and committee. Room capacity is 250.
- For future reference, Jack has a contact for speaker on security, personal information.
- Community Service – Jackie Freeman
- Wreaths Across America – there’s a deadline early November, will research to find out date and get it moving. Wreaths on veteran’s graves, $50 each, approximately $500 from Chapter. Jackie will research deadlines, money is in the budget.
- Halloween Costumes for Julian Center ages newborn to 18 years old. Email to membership re needs. Barrels at north and south entrances.
- Will get pics from ASMC from Coats for Kids.
- Cards for Soldiers – tentative October 27. ASMC will set up table in the building. Once details are firm communications will go out.
- Membership – Jack Schiller
- Jack’s talking to people about joining AGA. He asked if Committees need additional members, he can offer Committee Membership to new members as a way to get involved. Let him know if your committee needs additional members. The following asked for committee members:
- Community Service, Jackie Freeman
- Corporate Sponsorship, Andrew Tyler
- Social, Alicia Turpin
- Send Jack 2-3 sentences/bullets re what your committee does and what you need from new members NLT Monday, October 24.
- What materials are available for new members? Chapter may have coffee cups and pens, Alicia will check. Liz has some shirts.
- National may also have items they can send at little to no cost.
- Around the Horn
- Meeting Arrangements, Rick Wilson
- Holiday Party, December 15 – Choir. Typically make donation to school, $400 from AGA and ASMC. Confirm with Alana funds available.
- Camera, Andrew Tyler
- Andrew was Chapter Photographer prior to Bill Reed, Bill had expensive camera and used his own. Andrew still has the camera; it’s old and out of date.
- CEC recommended he donate it to a charitable organization.
- CGFM, Dan Neumann
- Survey going out to members Friday or Monday. Open thru 10/28. Will help CEC determine if should pursue bringing class onsite. Encourage all to fill it out. Will share results at next CEC.
- CCR, Dan Neumann
- Report submitted to National. Chapter will get Certificate of Excellence.
- Will post to website. Should we attach to email or just put on web to drive folks to web??
- Suggested attaching link to email to send folks to website.
- Will also advertise in Daily News so those not in AGA can learn more about the chapter, mission, etc.
- Adjourned
Indianapolis AGA Chapter Events – At-A-Glance
2nd Quarter / Event / CommitteeOctober / Horseback Riding 10/23
Conner Prairie Halloween Headless Horseman
Fall Breakfast Recruiting Event 10/26
Cards for Soldiers 10/27 Tentative / Social
Early Careers
Community Service
November / Angel Tree
Wreaths Across America
Mozell Sanders Thanksgiving Dinner Support
PDC November 3*
? Social Event @ Triton ? / Community Service
Community Service
Community Service
Education/Programs/Meeting Arrangements
December / Holiday Party December 15
Angel Tree
Christmas at the Zoo
Round Table and Ornament Exchange / Meeting Arrangements/Programs
Community Service
Early Careers
3rdQuarter / Event
January / January Luncheon 1/18*
Early Careers Offsite Recruiting Event – Buffalo Wild Wings / Meeting Arrangements/Programs
Early Careers/Social
February / February Luncheon 2/22*
Valentine’s Day Cards / Meeting Arrangements/Programs
Community Service
March / March Luncheon
Service Day for Gleaners
Pacers Game / Meeting Arrangements/Programs
Community Service
Early Careers
4th Quarter / Event
April / April Luncheon
Children’s Bureau Easter Baskets
Round Table “Career Stories” / Meeting Arrangements/Programs
Community Service
Early Careers
May / PDC*
Mutt Strut
Spring Breakfast Recruiting Event / Education/Programs/Meeting Arrangements
Community Service
Early Careers
June / Awards Banquet / Awards
*Joint events with ASMC