Lasagne (S3 Recipe)


½ onionCheese Sauce

½ carrot25g margarine

1 mushroom25g plain flour

1 clove of garlic250ml milk

75g mince50g grated cheese

100ml waterTo Assemble Lasagne

¼ beef stock cube2 lasagne sheets

pinch of salt and pepper

Tomato Sauce

100ml chopped tomatoes

15ml tomato puree

2.5ml mixed herbs


Meat Sauce

  1. Wash vegetables.
  2. Peel, rewash and dice onion finely.
  3. Peel, rewash and dice carrot finely.
  4. Chop mushroom into small pieces.
  5. Peel and chop garlic into tiny pieces.
  6. In a large pot brown mince over a medium heat, stirring all the time. Remove pot from the heat.
  7. Add onion, carrot, mushroom and garlic to the mince. Return to the heat and cook on a medium heat for approximately 2 minutes. Remember to stir the pot all the time so that the mixture does not stick to the bottom of the pot.
  8. Remove pot from the heat and add the tomato sauce, beef stock and seasoning to the mince mixture. Return to the heat and bring mixture to the boil, stirring all the time until the mixture thickens and the vegetables are soft. Cover and simmer for 15 minutes, stirring occasionally.

Cheese Sauce

  1. Set oven to Gas Mark 6 or 200oC.

10.Place margarine, flour and milk into a small pot.

11.Cook on a medium heat, slowly stirring all the time. Once the mixture

comes to the boil count to 60 and the sauce should be thick enough to

cover the back of the wooden spoon.

12.Remove pot from the heat and stir in two thirds of the grated cheese.

To Assemble Lasagne

13.Place half of the meat sauce into a foil dish, then one sheet of lasagne

and then half of the cheese sauce. Repeat.

14.Sprinkle the remaining grated cheese on top of the lasagne.

15.Place foil dish on a baking tray and bake for approximately 20-30

minutes or until lasagne sheets are soft.
