Journal of Animal Ecology


What is Supporting Information?

Supporting Informationis additional relevant appendices, figures, tables or data that will belinked to the online version of your paper on Wiley Online Library, but will not be printed.

Note: Supporting Information should not be used as a repository for miscellaneous source data or metadata that is of little relevance to your publication, or which will be of little use to readers.

Preparation of Supporting Informationis in four stages:

(1) Preparation of main manuscript text

Supporting Informationshould be cited in the main text of your article, just like other Figures and Tables are. On first mention of Supporting Information, please cite in the format of (or similar to):

‘…(see Appendix S1 in Supporting Information)’

(where ‘S’ denotes Supporting). Subsequent references to additional Supporting Information can simply specify the supporting Appendix/Figure/Table number, for example:

‘… (see Appendix S2)’

(2) Preparation of Supporting Information section in main manuscript

The Supporting Information section is inserted at the end of the main paper. It should be in the form of:

Supporting Information

AdditionalSupporting Information may be found in the online version of this article:

Appendix S1.Short title of first supplementary appendix.

Table S1. Short title of first supplementary table.

Fig. S1. Short title of first supplementary figure.

In this section, the title of the Supporting Informationshould be a short title that succinctly describes the content of the file. A full title with further details and definitions, if necessary, should be given in the Supporting Informationfile itself (see below).

(3) Preparation of Supporting Information files

Supporting Informationcan be in any file format, although the more common formats will ensure wider access (e.g. Word, Excel, pdf). Please insert a full title for the Supporting Informationat the head of your file, labelling it, for example, Appendix S1, Figure S1, Table S1, thus:

Appendix S1.Full title of first appendix giving further details of content, if necessary…

IMPORTANT NOTE: Supporting Information is not edited by the Publisher. Great care should therefore be taken by you, the author, in preparing the fileand in following these instructions. In particular, authors should ensure that: (1) all table legends and figure captions are informative, and are labelled correctly (e.g. Appendix S1, Table S1, Fig. S1);(2) the data presented are accurate;(3) text passages are grammatical and punctuated correctly;(4) the journal style is followed throughout, and in particular in lists of references.SUPPORTING INFORMATION IS NOT INCLUDED IN THE PROOF OF YOUR PAPER AND THERE IS NO OPPORTUNITY TO EDIT YOUR FILES ONCE THEY ARE PUBLISHED ONLINE.

(4) Naming the Supporting Information files

Please save your Supporting Informationin separate files, and not embedded in your main manuscript file. Name them JAEsurnameSA1.doc, JAEsurnameST1.xls, JAEsurnameSF3.pdf, etc., where ‘surname’ is the surname of corresponding author, and SA, ST and SF stand for SupportingAppendix,Supporting Table and Supporting Figure, respectively.