


Registration Number: A0094835F ABN: 21 255 186 407


Admin email address:


Swimmer’s Details (Please print in capitals):

First Name: ______Surname: ______

Swimmer’s date of birth: ______

Swimmer’s gender: Male Female

Street Address: ______

Suburb: ______Postcode: ______

Home: Phone: ______Parent’s Mobile: ______

Mothers name: ______Fathers Name: ______

Parent’s Email address:______@______

Emergency Contact Information(This is compulsory and must be someone other than parent):

Surname: ______First Name: ______

Relationship to swimmer: ______

Home Phone: ______Mobile Phone: ______

Other Information (please circle where applicable):

Australian Citizen:Yes No

Asthmatic:Yes No

Do you have any other medical conditions: Yes No Details:______

Are you a swimmer with a disability(SWD): Yes No

Are you transferring from another club: Yes No Previous club: ______

Are you a swimmer from theGESAC Learn to Swim program?______

What Squad are you registering for: ______


MTSC Club Registration Fee (one-off)

$105 (including $55 per swimmer under 18 and $50 per responsible parent)

$55 for each additional swimmer under 18

Training Fees

National Development squad $291 per month

State squad: $270 per month

Development/Competition Squad: $208 per month

Payable at the 1st day of each month

MTSC Club Membership Renewal Fee (annual)

$80 per family per year, payable at first week of July each year. Applicable from the second year of MTSC membership.

Swimming Victoria Registration Fees - Paid directly to Swimming Victoria

All swimmers are required to register with Swimming Victoria. This can be done on the and selection the Join Now button.

No Pay No Swim

All new swimmer are required to make payment of registration fee and first month training fee before the training is commenced.

Monthly training fee is payable at the 1stday of each month. GESAC access and club training would be suspended for any delayed training fee of more than one week (7 calendar days).

All training fees payable each month are not refundable or transferrable.

Club Uniform:

All swimmers are required to wear Club Cap for training and competitions.

All competitive swimmers are required to wear Club Uniform for competitions.

It is also preferable that all swimmers to wear Club Uniform for all club activities including training, competitions, team functions and meetings.

Club Membership Suspension:

MTSC offers up to 4 weeks’membership suspension each year, providing a written ‘Suspension application’ notice is given to both Club President and Head Coach at least two weeks before the suspension start date.

The conditions are:

  1. The minimum suspension period is 14 days.Membership suspension can only take multiples of 7 days, and the maximum suspension for each swimmer is 4 weeks (28 days) per year.
  2. Any extended suspension period above 4 weeks is to be paid as usual to reserve the spot.
  3. Two weeks written notices is required for any suspension, the suspension application notice should be sent to both Club President and Head Coach,and clearly indicate: swimmer’s full name, current squad level, contact number and email, suspension reason, suspension start and end date with signature.
  4. All suspensions should be approved by Club President and/or Head Coach before the suspension start date.
  5. Medical suspension would be approved upon the receiving of valid medical certificate.
  6. Club committee reserves the right to explain to conditions or make decisions for specific circumstance.

Leaving the Club:

Any swimmer who decide to quit would need to provide at least two weeks’ written notice to the MTSC Club President and Treasurer to apply for terminating the membership. The termination would be approved upon the clearance of all club membership payment, training fee payment, Swimming Victoria payment and all other debts to the club.


  1. I agree to abide by the rules, regulations and policies of Melbourne Torpedoes Swimming Club, SwimmingVictoria, Swimming Australia, FINA and Metro District South Swimming Association, including Swimming Australia’s Anti-Doping,Member Protection and Privacy Policies (available at vic.swimming.org.au)
  2. I authorise Melbourne Torpedoes SC and Swimming Victoria to use and disclose to related andrelevant bodies any of my personal information that may be necessary to implement the rules, regulationsandpolicies as outlined above.
  3. I agree to have my name, photograph and results published in official programs, newsletters, websites orany other Melbourne Torpedoes Swimming Club or Swimming Victoria/Swimming Australia-produceddocuments.
  4. I agree to abide by the Swimming Australia Code of Conduct, which states:

Competitor Code of Behaviour

Play by the rules.

Never argue with an official. Always use the appropriate rules and guidelines to resolve a dispute.

Control your temper. Verbal abuse of officials and sledging other players, deliberately distracting or provoking anopponent are not

Acceptable or permitted behaviours in any sport.

Work equally hard for yourself and/or your team.

Be a good sport. Applaud all good performances whether they are made by your team or the opposition.

Treat all participants in your sport as you like to be treated. Do not bully or take unfair advantage of another competitor.

Cooperate with your coach, team mates and opponents.

Participate for your own enjoyment and benefit, not just to please parents and coaches.

Respect the rights, dignity and worth of all participants regardless of their gender, ability, cultural background or religion.

Parent / Guardian Code of Behaviour

Remember that children participate in sport for their enjoyment, not yours.

Encourage children to participate, do not force them.

Focus on the child’s efforts and performance rather than winning or losing.

Encourage children always to play according to the rules and to settle disagreements without resorting to hostility orviolence.

Never ridicule or yell at a child for making a mistake or losing a competition.

Remember that children learn best by example. Appreciate good performances and skilful plays by all participants.

Support all efforts to remove verbal and physical abuse from sporting activities.

Respect officials’ decisions and teach children to do likewise.

Show appreciation for coaches, officials and administrators. Without them, your child could not participate.

Respect the rights, dignity and worth of every young person regardless of their gender, ability, cultural background or religion.


In the event of an accident, injury or illness involving this/these member/s, I hereby authoriseMelbourne Torpedoes Swimming Club & its officers, servants or agents to engage anynecessary medical, ambulance or nursing assistance or treatment as deemednecessary, and I agree to pay all feesand expenses related to any assistance or treatment.

Please advise the club in writing if a member suffers from any condition or illnesswhich may require special treatment.


Member or Parent/Guardian (if under 18):



If under 18, Name of Parent/ Guardian:
