Reading Starter 3/New Edition

Reading Starter 3/2e Final Test

Name: ______

Score: ______

Book 1 Unit 11-20

A. Fill in the blanks with the words below.

trot / close / backpack / cartoon / sneeze
discover / grate / interest / half / plant
1. He also has a fever, and he is coughing and ______ing.
2. Tadpoles swim around in the water and eat ______(e)s in the pond.
3. At the end of the first ______, the game was tied at 42.
4. I put my ______and my hat in my locker at school.
5. Pete’s favorite programs are ______(e)s and comedy shows.
6. Pete and his father have different ______(e)s, so they sometimes disagree about what to watch.
7. Terry's family were very ______and laughed a lot together.
8. ______half a pound of cheese and chop up a head of lettuce.
9. A horse started to walk quickly, and then he began to ______.
10. No life has been ______(e)d on Mars yet, but the robots keep looking.

B. Connect the parts of the sentences.

1. Mars is about half
2. Pete’s favorite programs are
3. If my family sticks together,
4. He measures his own height
5. Not many people may / a. things will soon change for the better!
b. the size of our planet, Earth.
c. cartoons and comedy shows.
d. know of Stephen Hillenburg.
e. and writes it down.

C. Read the passage and answer the questions.

1. When he got a cold, ______.

a. he was out.
c. his nose was runny. / b. he didn’t put his raincoat.
d. he was right.

2. Why did he get a bad cold?


3. Billy now learned that his mother is ______.

a. sick
c. scaring. / b. right
d. beautiful

D. Choose True or False.

A Pink Birthday.

Monday, June 24th

Yesterday was my friend Beth’s birthday. I went over to her house for the birthday party.

There were some other boys and girls from our school. Beth was dressed in pink from head to toe. She was wearing a pink dress, pink shoes, and a pink party hat. Her mother made a cake with pink frosting. There was pink lemonade and pink ice cream. Even the cups and plates were pink! Beth opened some of her birthday presents.

She got a pink teddy bear and a pink backpack. She was also given pink sunglasses. I felt sad because my gift was so small. It was just a notebook. But when Beth opened it, she said, “Thank you so much, Sally!” She said it was the best gift because it was yellow!

1. Beth’s birthday is June 23rd. / True / False
2. Everything in the party was pink. / True / False
3. I was wearing a pink dress. / True / False
4. Beth got a pink toy and a pink backpack. / True / False
5. I went over to school for the birthday party. / True / False

Reading Starter 3/2e Final Test

Reading Starter 3/New Edition


1- sneeze

2- plant

3- half

4- backpack

5- cartoon

6- interest

7- close

8- grate

9- trot

10- discover


1- b

2- c

3- a

4- e

5- d


1. c

2. He didn’t put on his raincoat.

3. b





