This contract of employment (hereinafter called the "Contract") is entered into on the date(s) set forth below by and between the Whitefish Township Community School Board of Education (hereinafter called the "Employer") and Terry Clark (hereinafter called the "Employee"). The parties agree as follow:

1. Employment. Employer employs Employee in the position of Administrative Secretary/Office Manager and Employee hereby accepts such employment upon all the terms and conditions set forth in this Contract. Employer and Employee agree that the aforementioned position is a non-administrative position. Employee is subject to reassignment and transfer during the term of this Contract in the discretion of Employer.

2. Term of Employment Relationship. The employment relationship is for a fixed duration, which may be extended or terminated as provided in this Contract. The initial term of this Contract shall be from July 1, 2013 to June 30, 2014.

3. Duties. The duties and responsibilities of Employee shall include those designated in the job description for the Employee's position, as amended from time to time, as well as those assigned from time to time by the Employer through its Superintendent of Schools or Employee's supervisor. Employee agrees and promises to perform the assigned duties and responsibilities as directed and in accordance with the policies of the Employer.

4. Work Year. Subject to paragraph 5 of this Contract, Employee shall work fifty-two (52) weeks a year.

5. Compensation. During the term of this Contract, the Employee shall receive the following compensation:

(a) Salary: Employee's annual salary shall be $28,976.73 which shall be payable in such installments as shall be consistent with the Employer's regular payroll practices and procedures. Employer and Employee hereby acknowledge that Employer and Employee have agreed that the aforementioned salary shall be paid in 26 bi-weekly payments.

(b) Salary Reduction During Term: Employee's salary is subject to decrease during the term of this Contract in connection with an economic business necessity as determined in the discretion of Employer, if Employee exceeds the leave of absence or vacation benefits to which Employee is entitled, Employee is suspended without pay, or as provided by law.

(c) Fringe Benefits: The Employee will be provided with the following fringe benefits:


1)  The Employer shall provide the Employee and his/her eligible dependents the following insurance:

·  MESSA ABC Plan 1 with a $1250/$2500 In-Network Deductible or comparable coverage.

·  LTD 66 2/3%, $2500 Max, 30 CDSW

·  $10000 Life Insurance

·  $10000 AD&D Coverage

·  MESSA VSP-2 Silver Vision or comparable coverage

·  100/80/80 w/ $1200 annual max (Class I, II, III), 80 w/ $1300 lifetime max (Class IV) Dental Coverage

2)  The employer shall fund, on January 1st of each year, 100% of the cost of the plan deductible into an eligible Health Savings Account.

3)  The employer shall pay $15,000 towards a hard cap for premium and deductible benefit plan coverage.

4)  The employee’s premium contribution will be payroll deducted through a qualified Section 125 plan spread out in equal amounts across the applicable pay year.

5)  The employee may contribute, through regular payroll deduction and electronic transfer, additional money towards their Heath Savings Account up to the maximum amounts allowed by Federal Law.

6)  It is understood by the parties that in the event federal requirements for deductible amounts required for a Health Savings Account change, the current deductible attached to the MESSA ABC Plan 1 will be adjusted to remain compliant with federal requirements.

7)  By executing this Contract, Employee agrees that the insurance contribution(s) Employee is obligated to pay shall be payroll deducted.

(d) Sick Leave/Personal Days/Holidays/Vacation Days:

During the regular school year the Employee shall be entitled to all scheduled breaks according to the school calendar during which no service to the school district will be required. Additionally, during the summer the Employee shall be granted July 4th as a holiday during which no service to the school district will be required. If July 4th falls on Sunday, the Monday following shall be granted as a holiday.

If the Employee is absent from duty on account of personal illness or disability, he/she shall be allowed full pay for a total of ten (10) sick days and three (3) personal days per contract year. Unused sick time may accumulate to a maximum of (90) days. The Employee shall not receive any additional compensation in lieu of use of sick days without express agreement of the Employer.

The Employee shall be eligible for leave pursuant to the Family Medical Leave Act and its regulations promulgated thereunder and in accordance with Board of Education policy.

The Employee shall be entitled to five (5) days of vacation time during the summer months which shall carry over from year to year and accumulate not to exceed ten (10) days of vacation. The use of vacation time requires prior approval by the superintendent.

Additional vacation/leave time may be granted during the summer months by mutual agreement with the Superintendent by making use of a flexible schedule to work the required number of hours.

(e) Travel and Training:

The Employee shall be eligible to be reimbursed for travel, meals, and lodging in accordance with per diem expense and reimbursement procedures established by the Employer. Any expenses to be incurred by the Employee for out-of-district travel must be submitted for review and approval by the Superintendent. The Employee shall be required to present an itemized account of reasonable and necessary expenses in accordance with the direction of the Employer. Mileage shall be at the IRS rate and shall be paid only when the district owned vehicle is not available.

(f) Professional Dues:

The Employer shall pay the dues of the Employee for membership in State and National professional organizations, for up to two (2) membership's dues in any one (1) year.

6. Layoff. Employee is subject to layoff, furlough and reduction in hours for economic reasons as determined in the discretion of Employer. In the event Employee is laid off, Employer's obligations to Employee under this Contract shall terminate on the effective date of the layoff. If Employee is furloughed or reduced in hours, Employee's compensation, including salary and fringe benefits, shall be adjusted and reduced accordingly.

7. Terms and Conditions of Employment. Employee is employed on an at-will basis with the understanding that the Employee's employment and this Contract may be terminated by the Employer in the event Employer or the Superintendent of Schools determines that Employee's performance is not satisfactory or that Employee's employment should be terminated for other reasons.

8. Assignment. This Contract is personal to each of the parties and neither party may assign or delegate any of its rights or obligations under this Contract without first obtaining the written consent of the other.

9. Waiver of Breach. Any waiver by the Employee or the Employer of a breach of any provision of this Contract by the other party shall not operate or be construed as a waiver of any subsequent breach by the other party.

10. Governing Law. This Contract will be governed, construed and enforced in accordance with the laws of the State of Michigan.

11. Severability. The invalidity of all or a part of any paragraph or section of this Contract shall not invalidate the remainder of this Contract or the remainder of any paragraph or section not invalidated, unless the elimination of such section or paragraph shall substantially defeat the intent and purposes of the parties under this Contract.

12. Entire Agreement. This Contract contains all of the understandings between the parties and no promises or representations not contained herein have been made by either party or induced either party to enter into this Contract.

13. Amendment. This Contract may only be amended in writing through a written document formally approved by Employer and executed by an authorized representative of Employer.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have duly executed this Contract on the date set opposite their respective signatures.


Dated: ______, 2013 By:______

Its President, Board of Education

Dated: ______, 2013 By:______

Its Secretary, Board of Education


Dated: ______, 2013 ______

M:\Human Resources\Union and Contracts\Non-Union Support Staff\2013-2014\Office Manager 13-14 Proposal.doc

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