Name .
Floor-Bronze / Backward Roll to Handstand / Forward/Backward Roll to straddle Stand / Two Cartwheels side to side / Cartwheel ¼ turn / Backward Walk Over / Handstand forward roll with straight arms / Handspring from raised platform / Round off / Half turn / Scissor Jump
Silver / Backward roll to momentary handstand / One armed Cartwheel (Second arm makes contact) / Dive Cartwheel / Forward Walkover / Standing Flic with support / Arabesque or Y balance / Handspring to flat back landing / Donkey Kick / Full Turn / Split Leg Jump
Gold / Standing Flic / Handspring / Fly Spring / From standing elephant or A lift / Round off flic / Handstand for 3 seconds / 2 Cartwheels (2nd with one hand) / Handstand Pirhouette / Free Cartwheel / Full Spin
Bronze / Squat on, stretch jump off / Straddle Over / Squat Through / Forward roll along box to feet / Springboard jump onto raised platform / Springboard jump over raised platform / From platform rebound to landing mat / Squat on, half turn off / Run and jump on springboard to land / Run jump on springboard, tuck jump
Silver / Straddle over long box / Catspring / Handsrping from box / From low box, handstand flatback / From box top, jump onto trampette and land / From run, use trampette to handspring over box long ways / From Run use trampette to jump to handstand and fall back to soft platform / From a run use trampette to ¾ front salto to land on back on raised platf’ / Run along bench, rebound on springboard to land / Run along bench, rebound on springboard, tuck jump
Gold / Handspring over long box / Squat though over long box / Yamashita on cross or long box / Handspring ½ turn to face cross or long box / Run and jump to inclined trampette and tuck or straight back / Run and jump to inclined trampette and straddle back / From run jump on trampette to a lower platform / From a run jump on trampette and ¾ salto / Jump on springboard to land flatback / From a run, jump on inclined trampette and front salto with support
Note: To achieve Badges 8 elements must be passed.
Bold writing – Must pass before moving to next badge
South Western Gym Club - Gymnast Progress Sheet